04 December 2005


Ignore the critic and EMBRACE the criticism

2005: In 2005, I was witness to some audacious criticism. Maybe audacious is too nice of a
word. It would be better served to be criticism from a cowardly critic. Please don't get me wrong, I like criticism, it serves to keep me on top of my game. It motivates me, it makes me want to do better, some of my best ideas come from criticism. However, what I detest more than anything else is people who would rather take cheap shots at the person. To me, that is a cry for help.

The passive aggressive ones are the worst. They just reinforce that they really need help and as I am not a licensed therapist, I cannot help them. I just as soon shoot myself in the face with a flamethrower than to deal with people like that. Then again, there are people worse than them...The Boss. If a boss, tolerates that kind of behaviour from their staff well that is just not good.

What causes this? Any number of reasons, to me it is that the passive aggressive person was once the boss' strong arm that now the person has gotten so out of control that even the boss can no longer effectively control that person. What is a boss to do???

I cannot speak for that boss, I can only speak for myself...I WOULD FIRE THAT INDIVIDUAL AS SOON AS IT IS HUMANLY AND HUMANELY AS POSSIBLE. I would do it to not only remind the passive aggressive who the true boss is, but as an attempt to regain control of the other staff members before they become out of control.

2006: In 2006, I vow to make a hasty exit when an organization not only allows their staff to behave in that manner but encourages it. To me, this is an organization that lacks focus, control, and most of all it lacks integrity, at ALL LEVELS. I promise you dear readers, you do not want to be anywhere near any organization that does business that way. When the bottom falls out of the company (as it always does), the sucking sound you will hear is the sound of that company trying to take you down with them. All I can say is RUN and RUN FAST AND FAR.

Also in 2006, I will continue to embrace criticism and IGNORE the critics.

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