Right now, how far are you from your cellphone? If you are more than arm's length away from your phone you are in the minority. Most of us, have some sort of smartphone that is within quick reach. The same probably goes for your iPad, Android Tablet, Laptop, and PC or any combination thereof.
We give those devices a lot of power over our lives. We check-in, we pin, we like, we post, and we upload and download sometimes numerous times over the course of a couple of minutes. Then again, that small device at the end of our arm is our gateway to the world. Within a few swipes across the screen and almost instantly our Facebook Friends will know what we are doing, where we are, and who we are with. The ability to let people, half-way around the planet, know that we are taking a Pumpkin Spice Latte break is a miracle of modern society. When those friends like the coffee break our ego is fed so we look for the next thing to post so that they can like it and so on.
Now, when that ego feeding gets to the point that it consumes and diverts the individual from what he must do then it is time to change things up before they really get out of control. It may be time to start cutting the cord that attaches us to our PC, Laptop, iPhone, Android tablet, etc., etc.
Many of us, yours truly included, find it difficult to cut the digital umbilical cords or power cords. Talking some small steps, at first, will make the tech addiction a little easier to handle. However, by leaving your phone at home or the office the next time you go out to lunch or dinner may not seem like a big thing but as I found out, it was as if I was out in public without any clothes.
After doing this a few more times, I lost that feeling of being naked in public and now can leave the phone alone for day, on the weekend, without checking it. Of course, I set the ringer to the loudest setting so that I can hear it. Now, I have no problem being more than arm's length away without feeling any anxiety.
Try it, you'll feel better knowing that your "addiction" to technology can be overcome. So once you finish reading this post, go ahead and turn off your device and go interface with others IRL (in real life).
Thank you,
Dave Guerra
I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you think about any of the postings so far.
As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com
Here are some Technorati Tags: • 100 Days, 100 Ways
• Nip Your Tech Addiction • Take A Break From Technology • Leave Your Phone At Home • Cut Your Digital Cord • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it ain't broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
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