10 October 2012

100 Days, 100 Ways Day 40: Control Your Mind

Did you know, that just as we can control our emotions we can control our mind? Yes, only you can steer your train of thought into one that makes your wishes, hopes, and dreams a REALITY! Then again only you can steer your thoughts and actions down a spiral staircase into the 7 levels of hell. You, and you alone, control the direction you take in this life.

Many people believe that our lives are pre-determined, that our path in life has been laid out and set on auto-pilot and we are merely passengers on the ride from the cradle to the casket. Still many more believe that our destiny is controlled by us, the individual. There is no pre-set path. There is NO FREE RIDE!

That means that consciously and sub-consciously we must decide, ourselves, to go left or right, to zip or zag, to go up or down, to come in or go out! Obviously, all the while maintain inner harmony and peace by purging ourselves of the negative.

How to make this happen?

Back in the 60's the Beatles would have answered, "See Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and he will explain how." that is until they had a falling out but the secret was no secret. It was MEDITATION.

The trick is that there is nothing formal about clearing your mind, clearing your thoughts, and focus on you and living in the moment, this moment. Being present with the NOW and nothing else. Not to be present with your past (a.k.a. re-living your past). Not to be present with your future (the future is unwritten). To be centered and focused on the HERE and NOW.

Noted British Master of Transcendental Meditation Jonathan Rowson said, about  meditation, it offers "a feeling of serenity, energy and balance", but does not provide "any powerful insight into your own mind". Rowson's statement is true in that by creating the balance you can then proceed with moving your mind forward without clutter and with pure intent.

The negative thoughts and actions are what create the clutter in that your good thoughts and deeds are in a daily struggle against the negative. It is up to you to do what you must do to grow as an individual. Give daily meditation a shot, it will help in learning to control your mind.

Dave Guerra

P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you think about any of the postings so far.

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

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