29 October 2012

100 Days, 100 Ways Day 59: Grow from Your Mistakes

We all mistakes. We are made of mistakes. Our lives are full of mistakes and will contain many, many more mistakes.

Our future will be determined by our mistakes. There are ONLY two paths that we can take when it comes to the future. 1) We can continue to make mistakes we have made in the past or 2) we can learn and grow from the mistakes and do what it takes to avoid them from happening again.

Really! Only two paths to take.

It is that simple: Let the mistake happen, Admit to the mistake, Recognize and Understand what happened and why.

Then when you find yourself in that situation again you can act in way that will not yield the same return/response thus making the mistake is avoided. That's how you grow as an individual from your mistakes.

Dave Guerra

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

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