26 April 2014

About Giving Out Other People's PERSONAL Cell Phone Number (and a video)

Last week, I published a small video about giving out other people's personal cell phone number.

I know it is all about NETWORKING and making new long lasting contacts and connections. I get that. I also don't get that there are still plenty of individuals that refuse to use a little common courtesy and common sense when it comes to sharing phone numbers, personal phone numbers.

If you are entrusted with someone's phone number then do NOT do anything that will compromise that trust.

How do you not compromise that trust?
You ask for permission to give out the number. If you cannot get an immediate answer then ask the person you are giving the number to for their number. Ask them if you can give their number to the person you want them to talk to. Then leave a message with the name, phone number, and why you think they will make a good connection.

Is that all?
No. You follow up to ensure that the person with the phone number, that was entrusted to you, got the message and makes the contact. However, do not cram it down their throat. One follow-up is enough. Remember, they are adults (provided you are dealing with adults) and you cannot make anyone dial the phone. All you can do is initiate the contact.

The next time, you are tempted to share a phone number ask for permission, first!

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

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