By now you know, every Tuesday evening from 8pm to 9pm EST, I participate in a
Tweetchat with consultant, coach, speaker, founder of Lead From Within™ a global coaching and consultant company,
and author of "Thoughts Spoken From The Heart" Lolly Daskal.
#LeadFromWithin tweetchats are insightful, thought provoking, and
generate genuine conversation. Hundreds, if not thousands, of Twitter
members join the conversation every Tuesday night. You should join us
and if you are already following the #LeadFromWithin tweetchats then you
week, it is a different topic. Over the course
of the hour our host, Lolly Daskal, will post 10 questions related to the topic. Every question
ends with the hashtag #LeadFromWithin.
Every tweetchat participant is encouraged
to respond to each of the questions. The responses are DISTINCTIVE, DISCERNING, and INTRIGUING! You have to read them (well, as many as you can) as they go flying by on your Twitter feed.
I invite you to join us every Tuesday evening for the tweetchat and throughout the week be on the lookout for the Twitter hashtag
On the evening of Tuesday, April 22, 2014, the topic was “Setting Our Priorities”
Here are the Questions and my Answers. Enjoy!
Q1. How do we decide what is a priority in life and work? #Leadfromwithin
A1. We decide on our priorities because of plenty of trial and error! #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: We have to work through our adult life by the mistakes we make and the success we achieve. It is through this that we learn to do what works and to stay away from what does not work. That is how I see we decide what to prioritize. For example, if we like spending time with the family and we like what happens when we do then we will seek out how to make it happen more often.
Q2. What are personal motivators for setting priorities? #leadfromwithin
A2. Completing something we started. Today, my son completed the million-word challenge at school. He is on top of the world tonight #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: Completing any objective is the greatest motivator for setting priorities. By meeting our goals and objectives we feel good. We feel good and to continue feeling good we do what we have to to ensure that achieve the new goals and objectives.
Q3. What are some differences between the priorities we espouse and those we actually do? #leadfromwithin
A3. There should be no difference. We must always walk the talk. We can deviate (that’s called life) but never stray too far #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: The moment we stop espousing about what we actually do and take on the the do as I say not as I do mentality your credibility is shot. Yes, it is that simple.
Q4. How can we improve our focus and concentration? #leadfromwithin
A4. Provide an environment that is conducive to actively listening to ourselves (i.e. quiet place, time, etc.) #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: Any place that you can set aside as your place is enough. Once there, you start working on actively listening to yourself. Work past the clutter and start to focus your mind on thing at a time them things will start to fall in place.
Q5 How can we beat procrastination? #leadfromwithin
A5. Procrastination is always nipping at your heels. Try to stay one-step ahead and you’ll be good to go. #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: Keep moving. Now don't move for the sake of moving and staying active. Keep moving because you have something to do and it needs to get done.
Q6. What are some ways we can take back control of our day? #leadfromwithin
A6. We can take back control by ensuring others understand you need to not be at the mercy of their whims, wants, excuses #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: People are finicky and it is their finickiness that will drain you. That is if you allow their finickiness to happen. Start by setting the rules, standards, and expectations can you begin to maintain control of your day.
Q7. What happens when leaders don’t align with our priorities? #leadfromwithin
A7. Time to get re-aligned or time to find a leader that is aligned. It’s OK to seek out those who are like us #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: When you are not aligned with others that OK. We are all different and rightly so. There are times and places when we should align with others such as at work. At work, the priorities of keeping the mission and vision in focus is critical, no, it is mission critical. However, when the leaders don't align with our priorities it is perfectly acceptable to seek out other leaders within the organization that are aligned with us. There will be times that we will have to look beyond the organization to find those with the priorities that are focused on the mission and vision that we like.
Q8. What are the best ways leaders can organize their life? #leadfromwithin
A8. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate (Yes. it is that simple) A good two-way conversation is the ticket #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: What more can I say about this? Really, I could say more but then again isn't that the point?
Q9. What obstacles block our priorities? #leadfromwithin
A9. We're our own greatest obstacle. When we overcome our insecurities & self-doubts nothing can block our path to greatness #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: We truly are our own worst enemy. For whatever, fear or insecurity many of us stop just short of fulfilling our greatness. We sabotage our success by any number of ways. However, with a little practice and self-determination we can stop the sabotage and overcome those self-imposed obstacles.
Q10. When was the last time you accomplished a personal dream? #leadfromwithin
A10. Worked with my son to help him accomplish the Million-word reading challenge this school year. #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: My 8 year old son, my wife, daughter and I all worked together to make his goal a reality. It became a personal dream faster than you can imagine. Then since September we have been reading and reading to help motivate him and now on April 22 he read over 1 million words. He met his goal because he understood what the priorities were and what they will be to repeat it again next year. As you can tell I am a proud Dad.
Thank you,
Dave Guerra
P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.
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