12 April 2014

GROW AND DEVELOP IN YOUR LEADERSHIP CHALLENGES | A Tuesday night with Lolly Daskal (April 8, 2014)

Every Tuesday evening from 8pm to 9pm EST, I participate in a Tweetchat with Consultant, Coach, Speaker, Founder of #LeadFromWithin, and Author of  "Thoughts Spoken From The Heart" Lolly Daskal.

The #LeadFromWithin Tweetchats are insightful, thought provoking, and generate genuine conversation. Hundreds, if not thousands, of Twitter members join the conversation every Tuesday night. You should join us and if you are already following the #LeadFromWithin tweetchats then you know.

Each week, it is a different topic. Over the course of the hour our host, Lolly Daskal, will post 10 questions related to the topic. Every question ends with the hashtag #LeadFromWithin.

Every tweetchat participant is encouraged to respond to each of the questions. The responses are UNIQUE, INSIGHTFUL, and INSPIRING!  You have to read them (well, as many as you can) as they go flying by on your Twitter feed.

I invite you to join us every Tuesday evening for the tweetchat and throughout the week be on the lookout for the Twitter hashtag #LeadFromWithin

On the evening of Tuesday, April 8, 2014, the topic was “Grow and Develop in your Leadership Challenges”

Here are the Questions and my Answers. Enjoy!

Q1. DEFINE challenges? #leadfromwithin
A1. Challenges are those things we see as obstacles that must be overcome. #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: Life is a challenge. Everything in life is here to challenge us. We have to either accept those challenges head on or we can roll over and let life pass us by. You can only take that step in the positive direction. You can only accept your challenge or deny it.

Q2. What is the connection between challenges and development? #leadfromwithin
A2. Like the saying goes “what doesn’t kill us only serves to make us stronger” overcoming or trying to overcome challenges makes us better #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: You can only learn from what life hands you. You cannot give up because things have become difficult or the situation seems hopeless. You have to take all that live gives you and you process it and learn from it. Good or Bad it does not matter. What does matter is that you learn and grow from all that has happened to you and what will happen.

Q3: How do you know when its time to let go or to continue holding on? #leadfromwithin
A3. We can let go when we stop expecting a different outcome after trying the same thing numerous times. #LeadFromWithin

COMMENTS: Like a moth to light bulb, you will eventually get burned. As humans we know better and eventually give up trying not to get burned and move on to a different situation. All through our lives we will keep trying to change the outcome of almost impossible situations. That's OK, so long as we don't get hung up on changing what cannot be changed or refuses to change.

Q4. If we learn from mistakes why are we so afraid of making mistakes #leadfromwithin
A4. It is the fear of the unknown that makes us afraid of making mistakes. It is when we make them that we determine they weren’t so bad #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: Mistakes are part of growing up. By growing up, I mean we never truly stop growing up. So we will always make mistakes. So keep making mistakes but do your darnedest to not make the same mistake twice.

Q5. What does one need in time of challenge? #leadfromwithin
A5. Permission to execute and attempt to overcome the challenge. Permission can come from others but most importantly from self. #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: You have to let yourself know that you expect yourself to step up and face the challenge. You have to tell yourself that running away or putting your head in the sand is not the way to go.

Q6. What kind of support should we seek in times of challenge? #leadfromwithin
A6. Support should come from as many that can provide 360 degree coverage of the support (cover all bases) #LeadFromWithin

COMMENTS: If we can set up a cohesive and well-rounded support network of people you know and trust then there is no challenge that can stop you. Yes, it is that simple.

Q7. Based on your current daily actions and routines where do you expect to be in five years?
A7. Having created so many more leaders than followers. #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: I expect to have been either fully or partially responsible for creating more leaders than I will have made followers. That is a tall order but if everything that I have written, said, and did helps to create just one leader then it was all worth it.

Q8. How does one keep balance in times of challenge? #leadfromwithin
A8. We find those that matter most and seek their ear, heart, mind and guidance. #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: Keeping and staying in balance is something that we must constantly work on. By having a supportive network of individuals that matter the most to us we can not only stay balanced but can get back in balance should we ever appear to be leaning to the left or right.

Q9 Life is too short to tolerate _______?
A9. Life is too short to tolerate those situations, people, and things that make us uncomfortable #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: Seriously, if you are uncomfortable you cannot fully commit to the what you are dealing with or have to deal with: LIFE. State your case and move on. You do not have tolerate something (or anything) that is uncomfortable. Sure we have to deal with some discomfort in life but we do NOT have to tolerate it in the long term.

Q10. What big lesson could people learn from your life? #leadfromwithin
A10. The biggest lesson I could offer is to be accepting and tolerant of others #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: I know it sounds a little contradictory but when it comes to dealing with people (especially new contacts) you have to go into the new relationship with openness and tolerance. However, when others show you different it is at that point that you must decide what is the best course of action to take. You can try to continue taking their nonsense or you could put  a stop your acceptance of their behavior and move on.


Thank you,
Dave Guerra

P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

I invite you to
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visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

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