I invite you to join us every Tuesday evening.
On the evening of TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 the topic was "KNOWING YOURSELF, LEADING OTHERS"
Here are Lolly's question and my answers.
Q1. How are you preparing to know yourself so you can lead others? #leadfromwithin
A1. Knowing yourself is a lifelong process. Always be honest with yourself #Leadfromwithin
COMMENTS: You should always be working to know what you do, what you know, what you need to know, and what you need to do to be a better person. Do this everyday!
Q2. How does a leader convey their vision? #leadfromwithin
A2. Leaders convey their vision by living their vision (without fail) #Leadfromwithin
COMMENTS: Another one that you cannot do sometimes. You have to be living your vision ALL the time. The moment you stop is the moment you will be discovered.
Q3. Why is it so important for leaders to have core values? #leadfromwithin
A3. Core Values are like magnets that attract the people that want to be near you, led by you, & followed by you #Leadfromwithin
COMMENTS: It is those core values that will make you a success or a complete failure.
Q4. What are the talents, qualities that you possess that most enable you to lead? #leadfromwithin
A4. Expect honesty and no pulled punches from anyone because I am honest, pull no punches, and not afraid to get in the trenches #Leadfromwithin
COMMENTS: You have to set the standard early on as a leader and people will respect that.
Q5. What is one thing you should do more of or one thing you should do less of? #leadfromwithin
A5. MORE: Openness LESS: Shy (yes I am shy until you get to know me) #Leadfromwithin
COMMENT: -nothing to add-
Q6. Why should anyone be led by you? #leadfromwithin
A6. They should feel & know that I won’t intentionally lead them down wrong path. If I do they should also know we’ll get back on right one #Leadfromwithin
COMMENTS: Life happens and when what we think is the right path turns out to be the wrong one, it is a leader's responsibility to get everyone back on track.
Q7. What is some of the key leadership lessons you would want to pass along to others? #leadfromwithin
A7. Embrace Fear (it makes you stronger) Accept Change (it makes you flexible) Keep Moving (Movement is Life) #Leadfromwithin
COMMENTS: There are plenty of leadership lessons to be taught but these make my top three.
Q8. What would you like to ask other leaders when you get the chance? #leadfromwithin
A8. How often do you go to the your org’s frontlines (ALL FRONTLINES not just your of section/dept/team) #Leadfromwithin
COMMENTS: Walking around the organization (the entire organization) is the best way to grow as a leader. You get to be around people you lead and those that want to be led by you. Turn them all into allies.
Q9. If you could ask for help from the leaders in this group what would it be? #leadfromwithin
A9. I would ask for help in mentoring. We always need mentors #Leadfromwithin
COMMENTS: Mentors, people who help us on our journey is always a good thing. The sad reality is that there are not enough mentors in the world.
Q10. How will you measure your life? #leadfromwithin
A10. Knowing others benefit from what I taught them is a measure in itself. That is why I will teach until my last breath #Leadfromwithin
COMMENTS: We will never be able to measure our lives. We can say what things are like now but not when we are gone. Thus, the only true measure is just how much of our knowledge and insight is passed along to others. If we pass it along and it sticks then we have created a legacy. If we pass it along and it is caste to the wayside that means we must try harder before it is too late.
_____Thank you,
Dave Guerra
P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.
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