31 January 2008

I have a question (or two)

What's this two posts in todays??? I told you I was under the weather. Seriously, I have a question but before I ask let me set the stage.

Setting the stage:
I have been on Twitter and Pownce for the past several months and there have been a great number of posts that I have read over that time. Some have been about nothing in general and others have stirred the emotions and some have made me a bit more curious than I otherwise would normally have been. It's all good that is until today. Well, this afternoon to be specific. Someone actually wrote "Who do you follow on Digg? Top 3 users I watch for the most are"

The question:
This is NOT a shot at Digg but at the people that believe that if you are not one of the top tier Digg peeps then why bother.

Now the question:
Do you really believe that this is what Digg is all about?

I completely understand what Digg and the other services like it stand for, it should however, not be anyone's be all or end all.

FYI, If and when I follow someone that happens to be listed on Digg it is because I choose to and not because someone's popularity list told me I must.

It certainly is nice that I am starting to feel better.

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