02 January 2008

It's 2008 & a new opportunity for something fresh

By now, January 2, you have probably been inundated with talk about the new year being an opportunity for change. Change your image, change your appearance, change your attitude, change you.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. This time of the year we all tend to fall into that trap (those hot, tight, ripped bods are all over our television screens) because we see something that appeals to us and we want a piece of that action. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look like them, however there is a point where reality sets in.

What does that last sentence mean? It means that if you don't already look like those hot bods, then rest assured that after one workout you won't as well. So no matter what you are wanting to do whether its getting a raise, start your own company, get published, or lose a few pounds from all that holiday partying, you are going to have to take a common sense approach. So here are few things to keep in mind.
  1. Know what you want to accomplish
  2. Set a realistic goals
  3. Develop a plan to meet your goals
  4. Collect your resources
  5. Refine your plan
  6. Solicit support from others
  7. Refine your plan
  8. Put your plan into Action
  9. Make adjustments to you plan
See a trend in this list...it is important to keep your plan fluid, dynamic, always changing. This is the dose of reality that I mentioned. Say for instance, in my case I like to jog in the mornings. However, I do not run in the rain nor do I run when temp is below 45F so on those days I have alternate, I don't like doing it but it does keep the body moving. So if you goal is to start a new business but you don't have the revenue to open a storefront, this should not derail your plan but build into a plan a way to generate that revenue.

So take some time today and get the ball rolling, just remember that it may take sometime to get to full speed. Just remember it will take some time, remember the farmer can't grow a crop of wheat overnight, he has to be patient and keep at it until the wheat is ready to be cut.

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