Every Tuesday evening from 8pm to 9pm EST, I participate in a
Tweetchat with Consultant, Coach, Speaker, Founder of #LeadFromWithin,
and Author of "Thoughts Spoken From The Heart" Lolly Daskal.
#LeadFromWithin Tweetchats are insightful, thought provoking, and
generate genuine conversation. Hundreds, if not thousands, of Twitter
members join the conversation every Tuesday night. You should join us and if you are already following the #LeadFromWithin tweetchats then you know.
week, it is a different topic. Over the course
of the hour our host, Lolly Daskal, will post 10 questions related to the topic. Every question
ends with the hashtag #LeadFromWithin.
Every tweetchat participant is encouraged
to respond to each of the questions. The responses are UNIQUE,
INSIGHTFUL, and INSPIRING! You have to read them (well, as many
as you can) as they go flying by on your Twitter feed.
invite you to join us every Tuesday evening for the tweetchat and
throughout the week be on the lookout for the Twitter hashtag
On the evening of Tuesday, March 25, 2014, the topic was “Finding Balance and Living Life”
Here are the Questions and my Answers. Enjoy!
Q1. What is does it mean FIND YOUR BALANCE: LIVE YOUR LIFE? #leadfromwithin
A1. It means that we can all achieve a better place in living our lives through achieving balance with everything we do (HARMONY) #LeadFromWithin
Comment: By finding harmony among and with everything we do we can achieve a better life.
Q2. What are the warning signs you are out of balance? #leadfromwithin
A2. Behaving in a manner that has everyone asking “WHAT???” #LeadFromWithin
Comment: When your behavior has affected others around you to the point that they are questioning what is going or what happened to you then life is out of balance.
Q3. How does fear play into balancing our lives? #leadfromwithin
A3. We need fear to help keep us from floating up too high and not paying attention to what matters most remaining grounded #LeadFromWithin
Comment: Fear is the great equalizer. Most people don't recognize that we need fear in our lives because they spend so much time trying to avoid it. They play it safe. Fear is like steam being release from the steam valve on a pressure cooker. Fear is an early warning system. Fear is there to remind us that we are human and that things can hurt us. However, there are plenty of people that would rather turn tail and run at the hint of fear. Use fear to your advantage always.
Q4. What kind of small changes we can implement to recharge? #leadfromwithin
A4. To recharge we can disconnecting for as little as 15 minutes a day, every day. (Step away from all that causes imbalance) #LeadFromWithin
Comment: Stepping away from everything that is making life become unbalanced even if it is just 15 minutes will most certainly work to keep you balanced throughout the day. Taking longer breaks during the weekend helps recharge you and gets you ready to face the next work week.
Q5. How can we tell if we are dedicated or addicted to work? #leadfromwithin
A5. If you cannot step away, especially when you must (i.e. family time) then you are an addict. #LeadFromWithin
Comment: It is that simple. If you catch yourself giving up those time that matter most for those that matter less then you are addicted. Plain and Simple you are an addict.
Q6. How does knowing your values play into finding your balance in life? #leadfromwithin
A6. Your values are the road signs on the highway of life. They give you guidance, it is up to you to take the proper route #LeadFromWithin
Comment: This highway metaphor is a great example about finding your balance. We know what we have to do and all we have to do is do it. However, for most of us this is easier said than done.
Q7. What are some vital tips for creating life balance? #leadfromwithin
A7. Recognize that life is a constant struggle to remain balanced. Be aware of that concept and you will achieve balance constantly #LeadFromWithin
Comment: When we must create life balance we have to know what is happening all around us. We have to see that 360 degree perspective in order to know what we have to do to get better.
Q8. What two or three actions could you take right now that would create the most impact on your wellbeing? #leadfromwithin
A8. Make a date with yourself to spend quality alone time. Then a date with a loved one for some real one-on-one time #LeadFromWithin
Comment: Spending time yourself allows you to re-connect with yourself. Then spending time with someone you love adds quality to your life. When you both on consistent basis your well being will be greatly and positively impacted.
Q9. In life can you have it all? If yes, how? If no! Why not? #leadfromwithin
A9. Yes, you can. If you are happy with yourself and happy with the world around you then you have it all! #LeadFromWithin
Comment: Yes, you can have it all. You can have it all without it costing you a fortune. It is all about perspective and attitude. If you can attribute happiness and success to anything other than money then you can have it all. See, when you have money sure it can buy you many things but you will be constantly be worried of losing all your money or never making more. Then are you truly happy? Be happy with yourself and be happy with the world that you live and you will have it all.
Q10. In the bigger picture, how can you get what you want long term for yourself? #leadfromwithin
A10. Staying focused in the now, remembering the past is unchangeable, and tomorrow never comes, it’s always tomorrow #LeadFromWithin
Comment: There are three things to know when it comes to working towards the long term balance: Past, Present, Future. The past can not be changed. The future is undetermined. Today, the present, is all that matters. Just work on today and the rest will take care of itself.
Look forward to have you join us next Tuesday.
Thank you,
Dave Guerra
P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.
As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com
I invite you to
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visit my website: www.daveguerra.com
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