What's this two posts in todays??? I told you I was under the weather. Seriously, I have a question but before I ask let me set the stage.
Setting the stage:
I have been on Twitter and Pownce for the past several months and there have been a great number of posts that I have read over that time. Some have been about nothing in general and others have stirred the emotions and some have made me a bit more curious than I otherwise would normally have been. It's all good that is until today. Well, this afternoon to be specific. Someone actually wrote "Who do you follow on Digg? Top 3 users I watch for the most are"
The question:
This is NOT a shot at Digg but at the people that believe that if you are not one of the top tier Digg peeps then why bother.
Now the question:
Do you really believe that this is what Digg is all about?
I completely understand what Digg and the other services like it stand for, it should however, not be anyone's be all or end all.
FYI, If and when I follow someone that happens to be listed on Digg it is because I choose to and not because someone's popularity list told me I must.
It certainly is nice that I am starting to feel better.
tags here: Dave Guerra, Digg, Pownce, Twitter, Be Cool or be cast out
US Army Veteran, MBA, Author "The Walking Leader" "Great To Follow" and the OCCUPIED BERLIN series (historical fiction). This blog contains my Thoughts, Words, Tips, and Lessons about Personal and Professional Leadership. Count on everything being delivered without pulling a single punch (NEVER!)
31 January 2008
I have a question (or two)
conform or be caste out,
Dave Guerra,
30 January 2008
Running Like A Fox to Keep Up with Me
Yes, another Duran Duran reference (the blog title that is). It is also another attempt to mask the fact that this post is an overdue New Year's resolution update. So with full disclosure out of the way, thanks for stopping by and taking a few minutes of your day, to see how things are going here.
So as to not take more time away from you than need be here it is....
1. Went to Austin & San Antonio for some meetings and interviews and came home with a terrible sinus infection that, naturally, turned into a bad two week cold...long story short: lots of water, little exercise, little wanting to eat, lots of sleep=no reading.
2. Finally got some strength to write my long overdue review of a book that I will be posting here. (hopefully this weekend and hopefully before the end of the 10th Budweiser commercial during "name withheld for some crazy reason, that we would have been saying this time last year")
3. First class towards M.B.A. is well underway.
That's it. Talk to you soon, but before I go I do have one question for you to talk amongst yourselves with: Does the Writers Strike really affect original programming on TV? What I mean is TV stopped being original so long ago, so what if anything is affected?
Dave Guerra, update, New Years, travel, cold, MBA, book review
So as to not take more time away from you than need be here it is....
1. Went to Austin & San Antonio for some meetings and interviews and came home with a terrible sinus infection that, naturally, turned into a bad two week cold...long story short: lots of water, little exercise, little wanting to eat, lots of sleep=no reading.
2. Finally got some strength to write my long overdue review of a book that I will be posting here. (hopefully this weekend and hopefully before the end of the 10th Budweiser commercial during "name withheld for some crazy reason, that we would have been saying this time last year")
3. First class towards M.B.A. is well underway.
That's it. Talk to you soon, but before I go I do have one question for you to talk amongst yourselves with: Does the Writers Strike really affect original programming on TV? What I mean is TV stopped being original so long ago, so what if anything is affected?
Dave Guerra, update, New Years, travel, cold, MBA, book review
book review,
Dave Guerra,
Happy New Year,
26 January 2008
A word or two about Revenge
In my last post, Trump Traits, I included a list of traits as defined by CNBC on their series The Millionaire Inside about Donald Trump's Traits to Success. One of the traits listed, REVENGE, seems to be one that needs a little more defining.
In the TMI episode, Donald Trump said this of Revenge:
"There are a lot of bad people out there..if you have a problem with someone you have to go after them. And it's not necessarily to teach that person a lesson, it's to teach all of the people that are watching a lesson, that you don't take crap. And if you take crap you're just not gonna do well. So Be sharp, Be Smart. It's all about this (points to his head/brain) you have to have this to start off with. But you can't take a lot of nonsense from people. You have to go after them. I have always believed it."
My definition of Revenge goes a little like this:
There will always be people that will say you can't do it. That you don't have the pedigree, education, or the connections to do what others have done. I say that it is up to you to reach deep down inside and say to yourself that you are better than what others say about you. Always remember that every morning you wake up with yourself and the only person you have to impress is yourself. You be a better person today than you were yesterday and everything is good. By being better than yesterday you will soon find yourself doing much better than anyone expected or believed.
After all, isn't doing it your own way and humbling people along the way the best revenge?
tags: Dave Guerra, Donald Trump, Revenge , Trump Traits, CNBC, Millionaire Inside
In the TMI episode, Donald Trump said this of Revenge:
"There are a lot of bad people out there..if you have a problem with someone you have to go after them. And it's not necessarily to teach that person a lesson, it's to teach all of the people that are watching a lesson, that you don't take crap. And if you take crap you're just not gonna do well. So Be sharp, Be Smart. It's all about this (points to his head/brain) you have to have this to start off with. But you can't take a lot of nonsense from people. You have to go after them. I have always believed it."
My definition of Revenge goes a little like this:
There will always be people that will say you can't do it. That you don't have the pedigree, education, or the connections to do what others have done. I say that it is up to you to reach deep down inside and say to yourself that you are better than what others say about you. Always remember that every morning you wake up with yourself and the only person you have to impress is yourself. You be a better person today than you were yesterday and everything is good. By being better than yesterday you will soon find yourself doing much better than anyone expected or believed.
After all, isn't doing it your own way and humbling people along the way the best revenge?
tags: Dave Guerra, Donald Trump, Revenge , Trump Traits, CNBC, Millionaire Inside
Dave Guerra,
Donald Trump,
Millionaire Inside,
Trump Traits
20 January 2008
Trump Traits
A couple of months ago a blog post titled "Rhythm is the Power" was about what Joseph Jaffe, Duran Duran and Donald Trump have in common. This week I was cleaning out the TIVO and ran across an episode of the CNBC's The Millionaire Inside with Donald Trump as the only guest. In the episode he mentioned key points that were critical to what he saw as success.
Now we can all sit here and say "Well, he can afford to follow the traits because he has millions to fall back on should something go wrong." While that may be true, you and I cannot let that kind of thinking hold us back. If we cannot totally wrap ourselves around these "Trump Traits" then we are doomed to "working for the man" until we retire believing that spending more hours in office will define our legacy. I personally do not see my legacy as a plaque on a desk that reads "Dave sat here for 20 years, did his job, and never asked for a new chair."
I see my legacy as one that my children and their children will pass on to their kids. So as I watched that episode of Millionaire Inside nee Billionaire Inside, the things that he talked about were concepts and ideas that are rooted in common sense. Just like Tom Peters, Dr. Stephen Covey, and others like them, teach the use of common sense is the prime factor for success. No need to get fancy and paint a pretty "touchy, feely" picture of success because they don't work unless of course, the picture is painted on a canvas based on common sense. So as the show progressed it was interesting to see that as The Donald got into talking about the path to his success he kept underscoring (albeit covertly) the role common sense played in his success. While I am not saying anything new, I am saying what others, to include Trump, have said over and over again.
Therefore, for many of us, we now have to ask; How long will it take to ensure that these "Trump Traits" sink into our thick noggins? How often do we have to be told these things? Then how long before we make that change? The answer my friends is real simple: AS LONG AND AS OFTEN AS IT TAKES.
Here are the Trump Traits as mentioned in the CNBC series: The Millionaire Inside
Dave Guerra, Donald Trump, Leadership, Legacy, Success, Entrepreneurship, Common Sense, Trump, CNBC
Now we can all sit here and say "Well, he can afford to follow the traits because he has millions to fall back on should something go wrong." While that may be true, you and I cannot let that kind of thinking hold us back. If we cannot totally wrap ourselves around these "Trump Traits" then we are doomed to "working for the man" until we retire believing that spending more hours in office will define our legacy. I personally do not see my legacy as a plaque on a desk that reads "Dave sat here for 20 years, did his job, and never asked for a new chair."
I see my legacy as one that my children and their children will pass on to their kids. So as I watched that episode of Millionaire Inside nee Billionaire Inside, the things that he talked about were concepts and ideas that are rooted in common sense. Just like Tom Peters, Dr. Stephen Covey, and others like them, teach the use of common sense is the prime factor for success. No need to get fancy and paint a pretty "touchy, feely" picture of success because they don't work unless of course, the picture is painted on a canvas based on common sense. So as the show progressed it was interesting to see that as The Donald got into talking about the path to his success he kept underscoring (albeit covertly) the role common sense played in his success. While I am not saying anything new, I am saying what others, to include Trump, have said over and over again.
Therefore, for many of us, we now have to ask; How long will it take to ensure that these "Trump Traits" sink into our thick noggins? How often do we have to be told these things? Then how long before we make that change? The answer my friends is real simple: AS LONG AND AS OFTEN AS IT TAKES.
Here are the Trump Traits as mentioned in the CNBC series: The Millionaire Inside
- Find Your Passion
- Be Tenacious
- Don't Fear Risk
- Revenge Can Be Good (don't take crap from people)
- Know Your Subject
- Negotiate Face to Face
- Build Your Brand (by being persistent)
- Get in the game (Real Estate...hmmmm)
- Think Globally (the world is truly flat)
- Negotiate a new deal
- Have a killer idea
- Implement your idea well
- Have Confidence
- Never Lose Focus
Dave Guerra, Donald Trump, Leadership, Legacy, Success, Entrepreneurship, Common Sense, Trump, CNBC
Common Sense,
Dave Guerra,
Donald Trump,
10 January 2008
A Word Or Two
This post is a follow-up to the last post (Does Everyone Really Get A Vote?). The follow-up is more for those that did not get it.
The post was about YOU. It was about you going out and getting informed about ALL the candidates and what they stand for.
It was NOT about who I will be voting for or the party they belong to.
Like I wrote, the last post was about YOU doing your own HOMEWORK. Please note that I did not steer you in any specific direction except in one that leads you to self-acquired knowledge.
SIDEBAR: I truly believe there are 3 things not to talk about: Politics, Medicine, and Religion. The moment people start talking about specific politicians or political issues consider me closing the door on those people. Why? Because I guarantee you in my opinion those people are WRONG. So by me voluntarily closing the door, I would rather lose a friend than to create a new enemy.
The post was about YOU. It was about you going out and getting informed about ALL the candidates and what they stand for.
It was NOT about who I will be voting for or the party they belong to.
Like I wrote, the last post was about YOU doing your own HOMEWORK. Please note that I did not steer you in any specific direction except in one that leads you to self-acquired knowledge.
SIDEBAR: I truly believe there are 3 things not to talk about: Politics, Medicine, and Religion. The moment people start talking about specific politicians or political issues consider me closing the door on those people. Why? Because I guarantee you in my opinion those people are WRONG. So by me voluntarily closing the door, I would rather lose a friend than to create a new enemy.
09 January 2008
Does Everyone Really Get A Vote?
As of this writing, the first Tuesday of November 2008 is a mere 319 days away. You can't tell that from the way the media is handling the Caucuses (isn't that a mountain range in the former Soviet Union) and the Primaries. One would think that with all this coverage the deal is done. So what are we as the voting public to do?
The media are so influencing our decisions that the candidates need not spend a single dollar more on advertising. The media has taken the lead by spinning the candidates the way they want to spin them. The candidates have done their job and now the media has taken it upon themselves to tell us who the cool kids are and who should be crowned Prom King or Queen.
This being the case, the media has for all intents and purposes has given us the final four to the big dance. This push from the media will continue with such fervor as we start getting closer and closer to the Conventions (Republicans September 1-4 & Democrats August 25-28), they will do what they can to continue to dictate as to who the party nominees will be. So what are we as the voting public to do?
Very simple...with 227 days to go before the first convention, you...no...WE have plenty of time to DO YOUR/OUR HOMEWORK. Know the issues (ALL OF THEM). Know the candidates (ALL OF THEM). Above all KNOW YOURSELF and WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU.
Doing this will guarantee one thing, when it comes time to cast your vote; YOU WILL VOTE FOR THE CANDIDATE YOU DECIDED TO VOTE FOR!!! not someone the media thinks you should vote for.
you bet I used tags here: Dave Guerra, 2008 Elections, Presidency, Candidates, Republicans, Democrats, Do your homework, Be Informed
The media are so influencing our decisions that the candidates need not spend a single dollar more on advertising. The media has taken the lead by spinning the candidates the way they want to spin them. The candidates have done their job and now the media has taken it upon themselves to tell us who the cool kids are and who should be crowned Prom King or Queen.
This being the case, the media has for all intents and purposes has given us the final four to the big dance. This push from the media will continue with such fervor as we start getting closer and closer to the Conventions (Republicans September 1-4 & Democrats August 25-28), they will do what they can to continue to dictate as to who the party nominees will be. So what are we as the voting public to do?
Very simple...with 227 days to go before the first convention, you...no...WE have plenty of time to DO YOUR/OUR HOMEWORK. Know the issues (ALL OF THEM). Know the candidates (ALL OF THEM). Above all KNOW YOURSELF and WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU.
Doing this will guarantee one thing, when it comes time to cast your vote; YOU WILL VOTE FOR THE CANDIDATE YOU DECIDED TO VOTE FOR!!! not someone the media thinks you should vote for.
you bet I used tags here: Dave Guerra, 2008 Elections, Presidency, Candidates, Republicans, Democrats, Do your homework, Be Informed
2008 Election,
Dave Guerra,
06 January 2008
Resolution Update #01-01
Here it is the first update to the resolutions of 2008. Here is how I am proposing to update on the progress of my resolutions. I will list the resolutions and I will make notes where something has happened with regards to achieving that goal.
Since 01/04/08:
tags:Dave Guerra, running, Microtrend, coffee, water, FM 22-100, Leadership, US Army
Since 01/04/08:
- Run in a 10K race: Ran 2 miles
- Lower BP without the need for medicine: Ran 2 miles, 3 of the six meals since Friday were healthy oriented eating. Nobody said this was going to be easy.
- Finish 2nd Draft of New Book by end of March: nothing
- Drink less coffee: Drank only 5 cups in two days
- Drink more H20: Drank 64 ounces a day for the past two days
- Volunteer: Starting the search for ONLINE VOLUNTEER Programs.
- Read one new book a month: Be Know Do: Leadership the Army Way, Adapted from the Official Army Leadership Manual to be delivered on 01/07/08.
ON DECK: Microtrends: The Small Forces Behind Tomorrow's Big Changes by Mark Penn, E. Kinney Zalesne, E. Kinney Zalesne
tags:Dave Guerra, running, Microtrend, coffee, water, FM 22-100, Leadership, US Army
Army Leadership,
Dave Guerra,
FM 22-100,
04 January 2008
Update to the Resolutions
A couple of days ago I posted my resolutions for 2008 and discovered that there were two things seriously missing from my resolutions:
6. Volunteer (any suggestions would be appreciated)
7. Read one book a month
There we go, seven resolutions sounds like a lot but it can be done. So if I can do it, we all can do it. All it takes is one step.
At first, that is until the ball is really rolling I will post one update a week on how the resolutions are going. Then I will drop it down to once every other week.
So here they are in order:
tags: Dave Guerra, Resolutions, Plan, Change, 10K race, blood pressure, book writing, coffee, water, Volunteer,
Read a Book
6. Volunteer (any suggestions would be appreciated)
7. Read one book a month
There we go, seven resolutions sounds like a lot but it can be done. So if I can do it, we all can do it. All it takes is one step.
At first, that is until the ball is really rolling I will post one update a week on how the resolutions are going. Then I will drop it down to once every other week.
So here they are in order:
- Run in a 10K race
- Lower BP without the need for medicine
- Finish 2nd Draft of New Book by end of March
- Drink less coffee (I know it's blasphemy but I gotta do what I gotta do)
- Drink more H20
- Volunteer
- Read one new book a month
tags: Dave Guerra, Resolutions, Plan, Change, 10K race, blood pressure, book writing, coffee, water, Volunteer,
Read a Book
10k Race,
blood pressure,
book writing,
Dave Guerra,
read a book,
03 January 2008
Now for something completely fresh
Earlier I wrote a few lines of advice on how to set a goal and what it takes to get to achieving it. So now I will take a dose of my own medicine. I present you my goals for the first half of 2008:
On that note, I leave you with my first 5 goals for the first part of 2008. What are your goals?
Tags: Dave Guerra, Plan, Change, Goals
- Run in a 10K race
- Lower BP without the need for medicine
- Finish 2nd Draft of New Book by end of March
- Drink less coffee (I know it's blasphemy but I gotta do what I gotta do)
- Drink more H20
On that note, I leave you with my first 5 goals for the first part of 2008. What are your goals?
Tags: Dave Guerra, Plan, Change, Goals
02 January 2008
It's 2008 & a new opportunity for something fresh
By now, January 2, you have probably been inundated with talk about the new year being an opportunity for change. Change your image, change your appearance, change your attitude, change you.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. This time of the year we all tend to fall into that trap (those hot, tight, ripped bods are all over our television screens) because we see something that appeals to us and we want a piece of that action. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look like them, however there is a point where reality sets in.
What does that last sentence mean? It means that if you don't already look like those hot bods, then rest assured that after one workout you won't as well. So no matter what you are wanting to do whether its getting a raise, start your own company, get published, or lose a few pounds from all that holiday partying, you are going to have to take a common sense approach. So here are few things to keep in mind.
So take some time today and get the ball rolling, just remember that it may take sometime to get to full speed. Just remember it will take some time, remember the farmer can't grow a crop of wheat overnight, he has to be patient and keep at it until the wheat is ready to be cut.
Dave Guerra, Happy New Year, Plan, change
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. This time of the year we all tend to fall into that trap (those hot, tight, ripped bods are all over our television screens) because we see something that appeals to us and we want a piece of that action. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look like them, however there is a point where reality sets in.
What does that last sentence mean? It means that if you don't already look like those hot bods, then rest assured that after one workout you won't as well. So no matter what you are wanting to do whether its getting a raise, start your own company, get published, or lose a few pounds from all that holiday partying, you are going to have to take a common sense approach. So here are few things to keep in mind.
- Know what you want to accomplish
- Set a realistic goals
- Develop a plan to meet your goals
- Collect your resources
- Refine your plan
- Solicit support from others
- Refine your plan
- Put your plan into Action
- Make adjustments to you plan
So take some time today and get the ball rolling, just remember that it may take sometime to get to full speed. Just remember it will take some time, remember the farmer can't grow a crop of wheat overnight, he has to be patient and keep at it until the wheat is ready to be cut.
Dave Guerra, Happy New Year, Plan, change
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