04 November 2012

100 Days, 100 Ways: Day 65: Write MORE!!!

Back on Day 1, I introduced you to starting a daily journal and if you had been keeping up with that journal you would have a new habit up and running.

So, if you have ever thought about writing a book or a collection of short stories you are well on your way. Continue your daily journal entries and when you are ready the author in you will come shining out.

If you are not writing at least twice a week and you want to be an author well then it's time to kick it up a notch or two. The only way to improve your writing skills is to write MORE and OFTEN.

The only way to write more and often is to MAKE TIME to do it!
Remember to dedicate your first book to me,
Dave Guerra

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

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