22 November 2012

100 Days, 100 Ways: Day 83: Be Frugal? (OK, be a little frugal)

Be Frugal?

OK, maybe not too frugal. Learn to be frugal enough in that you are actually saving money. With the increasing cost of food, fuel, and home it can be a little difficult to be frugal. However, with a little work and knowing how and where to look you can find savings in just about anyplace you look or shop.

Now, don't let the economy dictate what you buy and how much you spend for what you buy. There are plenty of fantastic resources out on the internet that are there to help you. I personally could not live without GASBUDDY.COM and all its participants to provide up to date gasoline pricing information, then again I drive a little more often than the regular and the need to find the lowest prices is greater for me. Then again I couldn't tell you if $1.39 for a pound of cucumbers is a good deal.

Also, don't consider yourself as "cheap" or a "cheapskate" remember in these modern times the person who can make the dollar go the farthest is truly the real winner!

Now Go Out There and Save Some Money,

Dave Guerra

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

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