17 November 2012

100 Days, 100 Ways: Day 78: About The Rubber Band Method

Another method? Yep, this time it's the "Rubber Band Method" and it's gonna STING!

The "Rubber Band Method" is as simple as the Burning Method however...

There's always a HOWEVER.

However, the Rubber Band Method involves wearing a rubber band around your wrist. Here's the STING: Whenever you get ANY negative thoughts you snap that band against your skin.

Do this EVERYTIME and before you know it you will be conditioned to associate pain with the negative thoughts so you start weening yourself of those thoughts in order to avoid the pain.

It may be rough, at first, but when you are no longer snapping that band against your skin you will Thank Yourself  and so will your wrist :)

Till next time,
Dave Guerra

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