26 April 2015

#DareToBe Tweet Chat: Creativity (Tuesday, April 21, 2015)

At 8PM Eastern, every Tuesday, the #DareToBe tweetchat takes place and hosted by Andrea Sanchez (@asanchez16), an Editor, Writer & Communications Executive and according to her Twitter profile, from Houston, Texas.

Every week is a different topic. On the evening of April 21, 2015, the topic was CREATIVITY. Starting with the first question all the way to the last, every answer submitted by the participants of the tweetchat were awesome. I could not capture all the answers to the 10 questions asked by @ASanchez16. However, I present the questions and  my answers. Please enjoy and if you can, please joins us. Look for the #DareToBe hashtag every Tuesday evening.


What is creativity?
Creativity is the act of making something new or making something better. Creativity is also what a Leader must be doing all the time.A Leader must be creative when it comes to the organization and its stakeholders. Leaders must be constant looking to bring in new ideas and re-work old ones in

Fill in the blank: _________________________ is a prerequisite to creativity.
The want to make change must be greater than just "going with the flow" is a prerequisite to creativity. Being creative means you see something and wonder if you can make it better or something new to fill a niche. Above all, share that creative experience with everyone in the organization no matter what position they hold. Heck, share it with the guy who fills the soda machine or the supply delivering person, all stakeholders.

Fill in the blank: I am most creative when _______________.
I am most creative when I stop and reflect on something that catches my attention and holds it. Then it's on! If something has caught my attention and then piques my curiosity that means something. Something is either so SPOT ON that is oozes excellence or something is seriously so screwed up that for it to continue would be insanity.  Therefore, something has to be done about it and the thinking cap comes on or because of its sheer excellence it has to be shared and rejoiced!

Only the artsy and free spirited are creative. True/False? Explain.
FALSE! Everyone is creative. Of course, the level of creativity varies by individual action. You act more you get more. Act less, well you get the idea. Everyone is creative. Every day they get up and make decisions that will impact them for the rest of their lives. Everyday, people decide to left instead of right. They drink a glass of water instead of soda pop. In it's basic rudimentary foundation is creativity. They stop to see the world from a different angle/perspective. That is a very good thing.

If you could have lunch with a creative person (past or present), who would that be? Explain.
My grandfather. My grandfather served in World War II as an Infantryman, that meant he was walked across the European countryside. He saw the death, destruction, mayhem and madness from a very unique perspective. After the war, he came home and picked up where life left off however he was scarred (physically and mentally) but that never stopped him. Matter of fact, he inspired me through my childhood and early adulthood to think outside the box, to look at things from other angles. It would be nice to hear his words of encouragement one more time.

Tips on how someone can find their creative side?
TIP: Just ask someone what they think and you will more than likely get plenty of input on creativity. Start a dialogue. This is to say the only way that I know to for anyone to find their creative side is communication and collaborate. This helps in determining what needs to be created or what needs to be improved upon.

If you lived in a black and white world, what is one thing you would color?
The first thing I would could would be the clothes. We need everyone different and NOT all be the same and NOT look the same. When we are different then change happens. Change is core of creativity.

What are some barriers to creativity?
The biggest barrier to creativity is giving power to the people that say "who do you think you are" or "You can't do that". Keep Your Power. You need it more than they do.

There will always be individuals that will question your motives, intentions, plans, and actions. They will question it because it threatens them on some level. Whatever, the reason is for that threat it should NEVER stop you from moving forward.

If anything those questions should inspire you to MOVE FORWARD. Move forward harder, further, faster, stronger, and with great aspirations of success than when you started.

How can one incorporate creativity into their daily routine?
Question everything! No matter how big or how small question it! The answers will amaze you.

Never stop questioning everything around you. When you think there is nothing more to question then start all over again.

How can leaders build a culture of creativity?
Leaders must expect and demand that quality go into everything the organization does. Once that is firmly planted into the corporate culture you will see the creativity ooze out all over the company floor.

People will want to take that quality to the next level and by using creativity they will elevate the quality to a level higher than anticipated. That is a GREAT thing for the organization and all its stakeholders.

Fill in the blank: Tomorrow, I will dare to be creative by ____________________.
Tomorrow, I will dare to be creative by stepping into the uncomfortable zone, often.

Until next week, I Thank you.
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

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