08 April 2015

Your Dreams vs. Their Dreams

When it comes to going out on your own to make your own dreams come true there is really no one to turn to. Sure you can seek the advice of your elders but what if they never achieved their goals or made their dreams come true, what then?

Seriously, what good will it do to seek the advice from people that never moved in a direction that took them in a direction that would make their dreams come true faster.

Now you can seek the advice of people who made their dreams come true. However, just realize one thing, why would they want you as their competition? They will give you just enough information to get you going but they will never reveal their secret as to how they made it.

Now for the kicker, those that made it will see you as competition or as a resource. Am untapped resource to further their dreams. Thus by giving you just enough rope to either climb up to the next level or to hang yourself you have to decide what it will be. They can't make you decide. Choose wisely.

It is when you decide to climb to the next level that you have to make certain that the next level is YOUR LEVEL and not of the person that handed you the rope. See if you make it to their next level then they know they got you. They will have you right where they need you. It is at that moment that their dreams just became your dreams. What then?


Thank you,
David Guerra

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