28 April 2015

The Leadership Minute #24: Seek Responsibility and Take Responsibility for your Actions

The Leadership Minute #24
Leadership Principle: Seek Responsibility and Take Responsibility for your Actions

It is quite simple. This leadership principle is strictly on you. As a leader it is your duty and responsibility to seek out responsibility.

You want to lead? You lead from the from front.
You want to manage people? Well, you can manage from anywhere but I recommend doing that from the front.

If you want to be a leader that’s a GREAT Leader, well you have to seek out responsibility and then you take responsibility for your actions. Something goes right, well obviously you get the credit.

When something goes wrong with you, something you did or something that someone you are responsible for did, guess what? You step up, get out in front of it and take care of it. You say, “this is my responsibility, I instructed this individual to do these tasks, I was responsible for their training and I am responsible their failure (just like you are responsible for their success).” That’s what a true leader does.

Of course, there are managers that will pass the buck and say, “Well, it’s his fault he should have known better.”

NO SIR OR MA’AM, IT IS YOU AS THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE THAT SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER. You want to be the leader, so start acting like one and take responsibility 100% of the time.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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