20 June 2011

Summer of Change: Simplify

Hello, again. Time for another post. Continuing with the Summer of Change, this time I am talking about Simplicity. Simplicity, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is the state of being simple, uncomplicated, or uncompounded. Really, life being simple, uncomplicated, uncompounded? Yeah right, easier said than done. But it can be done.

From almost birth, we have been conditioned to accept that change usually means things are going to get real complicated, real intense, real fast. Very seldom does change mean the opposite. Very seldom does change mean streamlining in the truest sense. Change comes in all shapes and sizes, in all forms or in all fashions. Change can be good and change can be bad (oh so very bad). Above all, Change is constant, fluid, and ever changing.

That being the case, change can be molded to fit any situation and any purpose. When it comes simplifying life, change is what you make it. We control how simple we want things to be. For example, if we are in a relationship that is not beneficial to BOTH parties then the simple thing to do is to change the situation. Change the relationship. Simply put make things less stressful, less difficult, less complicated and simpler.

Just like the squeaky wheel that gets the grease, instead of getting torn apart and rebuilt only to have the squeak return, taking the simplest approach is usually the most effective, most efficient, and ultimately, the most lasting change.

Now how does this apply to simplifying life and sustaining that simplicity? Simple, make that conscious effort to make simplicity and simplification part of your world. Seek out those things in your life that is “over-stuffed.” The stuff that is bursting at the seams with complexities and start slimming them down. A sort of “spring cleaning” if you will. Of course, as humans it is in our nature to break things down and build them up again (hopefully building back up with a different set of complexities), then only to recognize that we have to simplify that which has become complicated, yet again. That’s OK, there is no need for concern because it is expected. The concern should be taken if what is rebuilt starts to look exactly like what was just recently removed. Then you have the “moth to the flame” syndrome kicks in and that is just crazy. Silly people thinking that the same conditions will yield different results.

Remember, that every time you work towards simplification you are also working towards making your life less cumbersome. In the end, who needs to be lugging around all that complicated baggage? Seriously? Really! Who needs it?

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Daisy Photo Credit: KKIMPEL on FLICKR (http://www.flickr.com/photos/kkimpel/2877860110/)

08 June 2011

Summer of Change: A New Perspective

With the frequency (or lack thereof) posting that I have been doing (thank the book for that one) I have decided to try something a little different. And because things are constantly changing and because I wouldn't want it any other way, I dedicated 2011 as the Year of Change and so far it has not let me down. However, I want to break it down even further and keep change moving and staying fluid, therefore let it be known that I am hereby declaring the summer of 2011 as the Summer of Change.

So to get things started I want to share with you the first of ten things that I believe are key to Change and embracing all it has to offer (and not just for the summer but for always).

Therefore, the first thing to consider is to adopt and adapt to A NEW Perspective. A New Perspective is at the top of the list or better yet the foundation for accepting change.

Walking through life with blinders on leaves little room for a seeing life through a new perspective let alone recognizing when a new opportunity is walking beside you. Casting those blinders off, you can see the world for what it is: wide and varied. You instantly start seeing a new perspective, as you have no choice.

It is at that point that we can see the blessing of family and friends. The little things in life that are no longer cloud by a self-imposed haze or short-sided or one-sided. Not only do we start seeing more of the world but also we start hearing more of the sounds of life. Instantly, we start experiencing new life and new experiences. At that moment, change has established a foothold and we are off and running.

Of course, there will be that moment when things change so fast that we want to put the blinders back on just as fast. Don’t do it, You can’t do it…like Pandora’s box once the spirits are out you can’t put them back in the box. Any attempt to fight it will be a moot point. So, don’t do it! Just roll with it! Start living in the now and less in the then.

A word of warning…
Living in the now does NOT mean replacing the blinders with rose-colored glasses. It means knowing to be aware of the dark side of things, the negative stuff. It is also what we are made of. People want to only see the good side of life and ignore the bad and there are others that only see the bad side and refuse to accept that there is good in everything. When it comes to accepting change it means, whether we like it or not, accepting the good AND the bad, the Light and the Dark, the Yin and the Yang. You get the picture: See the world for what it is (from all sides).

Once you start growing and cultivating your new perspective, it will become easier to weed out the bad and only let in the good. Deciding what can be removed and what can be added will become easier because you are seeing life in a whole new way. You are seeing that life is all around you and in the end, isn’t that what being happy with your life is all about?

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