26 August 2015

Twitter #DareToBe Tweet Chat: Making Mistakes (Tuesday, August 25, 2015)

Every Tuesday evening at 8pm eastern, the #DareToBe tweetchat takes place on Twitter. The #DareToBe tweetchat is hosted by Andrea Sanchez (@asanchez16), an Editor, Writer, and Communications Executive.

Every week a different topic. On the evening of August 25, 2015, the topic was MAKING MISTAKES. I could not capture all the twitter based answers to the 10 questions asked by @ASanchez16. However, I present the questions and  my answers (with a bit of amplification). Please enjoy and if you can, please joins us. Look for the #DareToBe hashtag every Tuesday evening.

Making Mistakes

Q1: Define “mistake.” #DareToBe
My Answer: Mistake is the unintentional outcome of a decision.
No matter how careful people can be there will be times when what they planned to happen does not. There will be times that the outcome will be purely unintentional and that is expected. There should be a mistake clause in everything we do. The clause should simply read: Mistakes will happen.

Q2: How do you feel when you make a mistake? #DareToBe
My Answer: I used to feel terrible. Now I feel: I'm glad that's out of the way.
As mistakes are most unavoidable, making them should be expected. Once out of the way, the business of getting to the expected outcome can properly begin.

Q3: Why do mistakes generally make us feel bad despite knowing we're all human? #DareToBe
My Answer: The ego drives us to try and to do it. When it does not turn out then we are reminded we are human.
Emotions are part of who we are as humans. Emotions will be present when we reach the desired outcome or when we don’t.

Q4: What would happen if nobody ever made mistakes? #DareToBe
My Answer:
Life would be boring. Remember the melted cheese sandwich by the radar led to Microwave oven.
When no one makes mistakes, there is no growth. Everything is stagnant and that is not a good thing. We need mistakes because correcting those mistakes is what makes us want to do better and to be better.

Q5: Share a time you made a mistake and how you dealt with it. #DareToBe
My Answer: I make so many mistakes, all the time, I have learned to admit to them, move on and try my hardest not to repeat them.
Now I do not purposely go out to make mistakes. I try to do the right thing. I try to make right decisions as best that I can, however, there are times when things do not work out.

Q6: You need _______________ to be able to learn from mistakes. #DareToBe
My Answer:
You need mature enough to accept that mistakes will happen to be able to learn from mistakes.
Maturity is necessary when it comes to accept the things we cannot change. Once a mistake is made it cannot be changed. However, we can change the future by accepting the mistake and learning from it.

Q7: The kind of mistakes you make define you. Agree/Disagree? Explain. #DareToBe
My Answer:
Agree. They define you whether you learn from them or repeat them.
As everything we have ever done and are currently do defines who we are and what we will be. For those that keep making mistake but never learn from them then they get what they deserve. Then again, when one learns from their mistake they get what they deserve. It’s a double edged sword.

Q8: All mistakes are not created equal. What mistakes are unacceptable? #DareToBe
My Answer:
Unacceptable mistakes are the ones that cost lives. Egos heal. Property can be replaced.
When a mistake takes a life this is beyond unacceptable. A simple accounting error will more than likely not cause a loss of life however, there are those mistakes that can and do take a life or lives. When that happens, well as I said above, they get what they deserved.

Q9: When you make a mistake, the best thing to do is _______________. #DareToBe
My Answer:
The best thing it to own up to it and work extra hard to not repeat that same mistake.
Nothing more to say here.

Q10: Tomorrow, I will dare to make a mistake/embrace imperfection by ____________________. #DareToBe
My Answer:
Tomorrow, I will dare to make a mistake/embrace imperfection by sharing my mistakes and the lessons learned from those mistakes.
Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

Here are some Tags: • The Walking Leader • Great To Follow • Andrea Sanchez • DareToBe • Comfort Zone • Leadership • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it ain't broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero

19 August 2015

Twitter #DareToBe Tweet Chat: Dare To Step Outside Your Comfort Zone (Tuesday, August 18, 2015)

Every Tuesday evening at 8pm eastern, the #DareToBe tweetchat takes place on Twitter. The #DareToBe tweetchat is hosted by Andrea Sanchez (@asanchez16), an Editor, Writer, and Communications Executive.

Every week a different topic. On the evening of August 18, 2015, the topic was DARE TO STEP OUTSIDE YOUR COMFORT ZONE. I could not capture all the twitter based answers to the 10 questions asked by @ASanchez16. However, I present the questions and  my answers (with a bit of amplification). Please enjoy and if you can, please joins us. Look for the #DareToBe hashtag every Tuesday evening.

Dare To Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

Q1: Define “comfort zone.” #DareToBe
My Answer:
It is that place where we feel we are in control.
Everyone has a comfort zone. That special and unique place that all of us have, that place where we are in control, even if it is just for a little while. It may be real or virtual but it is ours.

Q2: Describe your comfort zone. What does it look/feel like? #DareToBe
My Answer:
My comfort zone is early Saturday morning (before the Sun comes up). I'm the only one awake. It's just me and a cup of coffee.
This is the best time. The rest of the day is taken but this time is all mine.

Q3: What word comes to mind when you imagine stepping out of your comfort zone? Explain. #DareToBe
My Answer:
Adventure. As in, here comes the next adventure.
Oh, do not get me wrong I used to dread stepping out of my comfort zone or being forced out of my comfort zone. However, as I have grown older and wiser (I hope) I now believe that it has to be treated as an adventure, otherwise it will bring you down.

Q4: ____________ is scarce in comfort zones. #DareToBe
My Answer:
Adventure is scarce in comfort zones.
Comfort zones are called comfort zones for a reason. There is NO adventure or anything close to resembling adventure in any comfort zone.

Q5: Tell us about a time you stepped out of your comfort zone. #DareToBe
My Answer:
Left a 17-year comfy job with the State of Texas and dove right in to the private sector. Greatest Adventure to date.
While I gave the state job everything I had eventually the bureaucracy, politics, and lack of agency leadership was just too much. When my own manager did not remember I finished Grad School a year earlier, I knew it was time to go.

Q6: Why was stepping out of your comfort zone good for you? #DareToBe
My Answer:
I was starting to exhibit the physical signs of stress. NOT GOOD. It was time for a change.
My right eye was constantly twitching, my hair was starting to turn grey. It was getting to be too much. I was exercising to release some stress but that wasn’t working. Finally, it was time to go. I left the cushy state job and ventured into uncharted waters. A couple of months later, my eye stopped twitching, the grey hairs went away (well not completely but it was not as bad as it was) and I lost weight. I feel so much better. 

Q7: Give an example of negative self-talk that often prevents one from trying something new. #DareToBeMy Answer: "What will others think?"
The worst negative self-talk deals with what other people will think. If I worried about what other would think NONE of my books would have been written. I never would have left a state job after 17 years. I never would have been the father to the two wonderful children I have now. I never would have bought the home I live in now. I never would have married the beautiful woman I was lucky enough to marry. I never would have left the Army. I never would have joined the Army. I never would have left my parent's home, wait a second yes I would have! You get the idea.

Q8: Why is it just as important to return to your comfort zone from time to time? #DareToBe
My Answer:
You need a place to just be. A place to recharge. Heck, even Superman had his Fortress of Solitude.
Every one of us need a break. A break from what we have to deal with on a daily basis. We need our Fortress of Solitude. Remember, Superman live in Metropolis and visited the Fortress of Solitude. That is why we need to VISIT our comfort zone. Stay there too long and complacency starts to creep in and before you know it you become MEDIOCRE.

Q9: What motivates people to push themselves outside of their comfort zones? #DareToBe   
My Answer:
If a rolling stone gathers no moss that means it is well outside its comfort zone. People are the same way they avoid being still.
There are those that are restless and must keep moving and doing something. Then there are those that are perfectly happy collecting moss. To each his or her own.

Q10: Learn to be comfortable with the uncomfortable by ______________. #DareToBe
My Answer:
Spending more time with the uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable. Then you start all over again.
The more we do the uncomfortable the more we will get used to it. Then we see the next uncomfortable thing and we pursue it until it becomes comfortable and the cycle repeats itself. This wanderlust is what happens when people yearn to be comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Q11: Tomorrow, I will #DareTo step outside my comfort zone by ____________________. #DareToBe
My Answer:
Doing something that I have dreaded doing. As soon as I remember what I will post it. 

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

Here are some Tags: • The Walking Leader • Great To Follow • Andrea Sanchez • DareToBe • Comfort Zone • Leadership • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it ain't broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero

18 August 2015

Twitter #LeadWithGiants Tweet Chat: Leading Difficult People (Monday, August 17, 2015)

At 7PM Eastern every Monday evening the #LeadWithGiants tweetchat occurs on Twitter.

Every week a different topic. On the evening of August 17, 2015, the topic was Leading Difficult People.

I present the questions and  my answers and a little bit more. Please enjoy.
If you can, please joins us next week. Look for the #LeadWithGiants hashtag every Monday evening (and throughout the week) or follow @LeadWithGiants on twitter to get the questions..

Leading Difficult People

Q1. How would you describe a difficult person? #LeadWithGiants
My Answer:
I would describe a difficult person as someone that is not 100% aligned with what is going on in the organization or personal life.
To be a bit clearer, a difficult person is someone that either does not want to be a positive participant in what the group, section, team, department or organization is doing as part of doing business.

Q2 What is your greatest challenge in leading difficult people? #LeadWithGiants
My Answer:
Greatest challenge is maintaining dialogue while avoid the trap that is their monologue.
When it comes to leading difficult people the trick is to keep them and everyone else on the team focused. Keeping everyone focused is made even more difficult when difficult individuals want their story to be the only story to be told. A leader’s work is hard enough without having to deal with the negativity. However, a great leader will work through the problems and do everything she can do to keep everyone focused.

Q3. Describe a time where you successfully/unsuccessfully dealt with a difficult person. #LeadWithGiants
My Answer:
First time leading soldiers in the Army. It is like a rite of passage for them to be difficult.
Yes, all first time leaders will be tested. They must be tested all the time. Testing is how leaders become good and how good leaders become great! The sooner a leader deals with a difficult person (or people) the sooner he can begin down the path to leadership greatness.

Q4 How have you seen a difficult person disrupt a team or group? #LeadWithGiants
My Answer:
When the elements are not cooperating, the situation is SNAFU, one bad apple can morale hit rock bottom very fast.
When the situation is less than favorable and the team is already, teetering on the brink of complete shut down all it takes is one negative comment from the most difficult/negative person on the team to bring morale down. That’s why as a leader it behooves you to constantly maintain a level of professionalism and consistently apply morale boosting techniques to avoid any undermining by those difficult individuals.

Q5. How do you get a difficult person to change? #LeadWithGiants
My Answer:
Training to fill in knowledge gaps, Make individual responsible for part of the results, work with them or cut them loose.
As a leader there is only so much you can do to motivate anyone. Difficult people typically feel underappreciated and may just need a little boost or opportunity to have them show their stuff. However, when they don’t have what it takes or flat out refuse to become active, positive members of the group well of course it may be time to cut the line and set them adrift (hopefully, into the sea of their own misery).

Q6. Can a difficult person actually be good for the team? #LeadWithGiants
My Answer:
Yes, they can motivate in reverse. Do good just to put the difficult person in his place.
By having the team work together and complete the assigned task the difficult person gets what he or she was NOT expecting. The team used the negativity against that individual to not only motivate themselves but to drive the difficult person back to his/her dark place (until the next project comes along).

Q7. Why are some people difficult to work with? Where does it originate? #LeadWithGiants
My Answer:
Some feel that based on tenure, education, or their own ego that they can do better than who is actually in charge and resentment begins.
Many individuals believe because they have the education they deserve to be leaders. When they do not get their way they start to resent the leaders that are deserving of the title of leader. See, going to school or staying with an organization for a long time does NOT automatically make anyone a leader. It is what those individuals do with their education or tenure that makes them the real leaders. There is NOTHING automatically given for getting a Bachelor’s Degree or outlasting your co-workers, it has to be earned, especially the title of Leader.

Q8 Why is “avoidance” a poor choice in dealing with a difficult person? #LeadWithGiants
My Answer:
The problem person will only be encouraged because others will avoid the problem. Nip it in the bud! Nip it!
When problems are set aside or ignored, outright that is when the real trouble begins. Therefore, the sooner a problem is addressed, the sooner it can go away and never be dealt with again. It is better for the future of the leader, the difficult person, and the team when problems are handled effectively and expediently.

Q9 When the Leader is the difficult person, what then? #LeadWithGiants
My Answer:
That is when other leaders MUST step in and handle the situation or risk complete leadership failure.
All the leaders in the organization are there for each other. That’s what being a leader is all about; to make things better for everyone. When one has a problem, it is the duty of all the other leaders to step in and help correct the situation. When they don’t step up and step in is when bigger problems occur and that is not a good thing for anyone.

Q10. If the entire team is difficult to work with, what might be the problem? #LeadWithGiants
My Answer:
Lack of top-down communication, which did not create a buy-in by the stakeholders. Communication is king! 
The leader must ensure that communication is flowing in both directions to ensure that everyone understands what the situation is, what it isn’t, what must happen, and most importantly, who is going to do what. I understand it sounds that simple but it is harder than it looks. However, that should not discourage anyone from trying especially any leader worth his weight in salt.

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

Here are some Tags: Tags: • The Walking Leader • Great To Follow • ###### • ##### • ##### • ##### • Leadership • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it ain't broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero

17 August 2015


In case you missed it this weekend, here are ETIQUETTE WEEKEND links I shared.

ETIQUETTE WEEKEND is a Twitter (@daveguerra), Facebook (facebook.com/thedavidguerra), Google+ (plus.google.com/+DaveGuerra) project where I post and share links to websites and online articles that are all about Etiquette (Business, Interpersonal, Professional and Personal).

1. 'Teacher leaders' becoming common in U.S. school systems, education website reports

2. The 10 Rules Of Coffee Shop Etiquette Your Barista Wishes You'd Follow — For Everyone's Sake

3. Etiquette column: Is it OK to put news of a death on Facebook?

4. [satire] The Onion’s Guide To Gym Etiquette

5. Etiquette Tip of the Week: Wine presentation

6. Etiquette keeps relationships working

7. Texting etiquette: 6 rules to follow when texting at work

8. Tips on office courtesy during cold and flu season

9. Missed on the Guestlist : Inviting People from the Workplace

10. Basic etiquette while working in computer labs

11. Lesson I Learned From Business Etiquette

12. Business Etiquette or Swag for days?

13. Driving Etiquette......Cause Your Not A Professional Driver


14. Changing Early Pregnancy Etiquette: Share Good News, and Bad

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

Here are some Technorati Tags: • Great To Follow • The Walking Leader • Etiquette • Etiquette Weekend • Personal Etiquette • Professional Etiquette • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it ain't broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero

12 August 2015

Twitter #DareToBe Tweet Chat: Innovation (Tuesday, August 11, 2015)

Every Tuesday evening at 8pm eastern, the #DareToBe tweetchat takes place on Twitter. The #DareToBe tweetchat is hosted by Andrea Sanchez (@asanchez16), an Editor, Writer, Communications Executive.

Every week a different topic. On the evening of August 11, 2015, the topic was Innovation. I could not capture all the twitter based answers to the 10 questions asked by @ASanchez16. However, I present the questions and  my answers (with a bit of amplification). Please enjoy and if you can, please joins us. Look for the #DareToBe hashtag every Tuesday evening.


Q1: Innovation is _______________. #DareToBe
My Answer: Innovation is process of bringing something new and exciting into light of day. Make the intangible tangible.
Innovation is CHANGE! Innovation is one aspect of change. Change comes in many forms but where innovation is concerned that form of change is welcomed as it is anticipated (or expected).

Q2: What is the goal of innovation? #DareToBe
My Answer: The goal of innovation should be to make life better than it was yesterday for everyone!

Innovation must serve a purpose and if that purpose is to make life better then innovation is good. However, innovation for the sake of innovation is by far one of the worst things anybody can do.

Q3: Give a characteristic of an innovator. #DareToBe
My Answer: An innovator does not take "NO" for an answer. There is always a work around.
An innovator is an innovator for a reason. That individual cannot stop because someone doesn't like it or it's too scratchy or it's too whatever. A true innovator fights through the dislikes until he an emerge with something so innovative that even more people will criticize or dislike. Then can he/she put his head down and continue to work the problem.

Q4: What are some self-limiting inhibitions that block innovation? #DareToBe
My Answer: Waiting for feedback, especially when we wait to hear from those that do NOT like change (waiting and waiting and waiting).
 Those that use the tools created by innovation the most are more than likely the ones that do not like change. They will resist the change almost to the point of sabotage by not providing adequate and suitable feedback to those that need it the most. This lack of information will contribute to the lack of any future development. The innovator will cease proceeding because a mindset of "no new is good news" will take root and thus inhibit any future growth.

Q5: If given the opportunity to disrupt current thinking anywhere, what would you say? How would you do it? #DareToB
My Answer: My old workplace. 5 years out and they still have great problems (same problems). Time for complete restructuring from TOP down not other way around as has been their history.
For 17 years, I worked for an agency for the State of Texas. In the last three years that I worked there the agency got into some trouble for failure to adequately train its staff, mismanagement by the leadership, and  improper activities by certain individuals throughout the agency. The agency never truly recovered from those problems. However, in an effort to restructure, reorganize, and realigned itself it did one thing wrong. It  never got rid of the top tier individuals that ultimately were responsible for ALL the problems. Now, five years after I left, the leadership and management problems continue. It may be time for all members of that agency to re-apply for their jobs not just the line staff.

Q6: What may an innovator do to increase his/her odds of success? #DareToBe
My Answer: Recruit early adopters, solicit feedback from all ranks of the organization, and give them what they want (not what you think they need).
The innovator, unfortunately, must play politician when it comes to selling his wares. This does not mean they have to assume the role of a slimy used car salesman. By no means at all. What it does mean is that for an innovator to be a success, he/she must win people over to his side. They must believe that what is being done is for the better. By engaging the public, the innovator gets a first hand view of what is needed and what is wanted.

Q7: You do not need ________________ to innovate. #DareToBe
My Answer: You do NOT need to be the BOSS to innovate. You just have to have the desire to make change happen!
Anyone, at any level of the organization can be an innovator. They see a problem unique to their place and situation in the organization and at some point they decide enough is enough. They begin working at solving that problem. They do it because change is necessary to make a bad situation better or improve a mediocre one. They become innovators because that is how change (good or bad) happens.

Q8: Tips on how to have an innovative mindset with a culture/person that fears change? #DareToBe
My Answer: Be Braver than the sum of all the fear around you. Someone has to take the first step.
Someone has to be the one to say "enough is enough". Someone must be tired enough, cold enough, and care so much that doing what others won't do or are afraid to do is the only thing to do.

Q9: How can a leader make innovation part of his/her staff’s jobs rather than an incentivized gimmick? #daretobe
My Answer: Demand that when they bring problem they also bring a solution to that problem. It keeps them thinking.
By keeping your staff constantly thinking about solving the problems that they confront will not only make their lives better but it will make the workplace better. It will go towards building autonomy among the departments/sections/team while maintaining itself as a strong cohesive member of the organization. Solving problems becomes second nature and not left for one individual to decide.

Q10: What is the one innovative change you can make in the 10 minutes after #DareToBe chat? (Courtesy of @DaveGuerra)
My Answer: Get rid of bad rules in my organization and send staff email asking for new rules or revisions to outdated rules.
I chose this question because it helps move the conversation from the Twitter and into the real world now. It helps continue conversation and isn't that the premise of the tweetchat?

My answer involved my position within the organization. As I am in a position to enact immediate change with the way we do business, it might be time to review the way we've been doing business and see what we can do to bring the business operations to 2015 standards and not 2012. By encouraging others to provide feedback, I am asking for help to make their organization a better place.

Until next week, I Thank you.
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

Tags: • The Walking Leader • Great To Follow • Innovation • Change • Success • Andrea Sanchez • Leadership • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it ain't broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero

10 August 2015

Twitter #LeadWithGiants Tweet Chat: Leading Change (Monday, August 10, 2015)

At 7PM Eastern every Monday evening the #LeadWithGiants tweetchat occurs on Twitter.

Every week a different topic. On the evening of August 10, 2015, the topic was Leading Change.

I present the questions and  my answers and a little bit more. Please enjoy.
If you can, please joins us next week. Look for the #LeadWithGiants hashtag every Monday evening (and throughout the week) or follow @LeadWithGiants on twitter to get the questions..

Leading Change

Q1: What is the difference between innovation, adaptation, transformation and CHANGE? #LeadWithGiants  
My Answer: They all are forms of change. They, however, have different origins either, internal, external or a combination of both.

This means that the reason words like innovation, adaptation and transformation exists is to show us the various angles of origin of CHANGE. They say necessity is the mother of invention. Thus, innovation is born. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Thus, adaptation is born.  Evolution comes from survival of the fittest. Thus transformation is born.

At its core, all of that is CHANGE! Nothing more and definitely nothing less.

Q2: What’s the most important benefit of any change, if any? #LeadWithGiants

My Answer: The most important benefit of change is that new or renewed attention is given to the problem, the solution, and all those involved.

Something has happened and change is the only way to move past what has happened. That’s usually the case. However, by giving the issue/problem the attention it so richly deserves change can be complete and successful.

Q3: Can we change the person, who somebody is? Explain. #LeadWithGiants

My Answer: We are always changing. The ability to sustain that change to make more change is different for all. All at own pace.

So much waste can occur when everyone is treated the same, especially when it comes to organizational change. However, by ensuring those that are charged with leading the change are aware that everyone is different and should be treated accordingly.

Q4: What’s the best way to initiate change in organizations? #LeadWithGiants 

My Answer: When all recognize the problem and all are encouraged to be part of the solution.
I was once member of an organization that crammed change down our throats. The organization’s leadership management was in survival mode. They wanted to keep their jobs and threw change so fast at the rest us that either you accepted the change (no questions asked) or you found yourself being shown the door.

In a previous organization, you were told change was coming months before it arrived. Everyone, was given time to buy into the coming change. Whether individuals bought into it or not at least they knew they had a voice in how it going to impact them and everyone.

Q5: Who’s responsible for leading the change in an organization? #LeadWithGiants

My Answer: Everyone that believes in the mission and vision of the organization is responsible for making change happen.

You are part of a team. You wanted to work with the organization. You stepped up and volunteered to be part of the organization. I guarantee no one walked to you, put a gun to your head, and said “You will work here or else!”

You are part of a team of individuals that have one goal. To succeed. Success comes with a price. That price is you must accept, embrace, and live change. There is nothing gained by remaining stagnant. Change or reap the rewards that stagnant pond water offers.

Q6: What’s the best way to deal with people’s fear of change? #LeadWithGiants

My Answer: Fear of change can only be conquered by diving into the deep end. Go all in or why bother?
While others may get “touchy-feely” about the deep psychological impacts of fear on the psyche of the individual. I respect that! Really, I do. However, what I respect more is an adult that has committed to the organization enough to take that leap forward and join the organization in making progress towards a better future.

As organizations now move at near light speed there is no time to stutter step or shuffle into the future because of one or two that want to play by own rules. When it comes to doing what is best for the organization, the need of the many OUTWEIGHS the needs of the few or the one.

Q7: How can we ensure that change attempts don’t fail?

My Answer: No one can ensure a no fail situation. I would expect failure in order to make the change better.

So long as the company/organization continues to accept and embrace change, it can never truly fail. Still, you need failures to know whether the organization, department, section or group are on the right track or wrong track when it comes to implementing change.

Embrace ALL the failures; they will make you, your employees, your organizational stakeholders, and your organization better. BETTER is GOOD!

Q8: How do we measure change and its results? #LeadWithGiants

My Answer: Change is measured by how fast the next change happens (either needed or wanted).
The moment change has been implemented others will start to see what else they can change. They will say to themselves if we can make this good, then we can make that better. Making things better is a sign that change was needed but also, that organizational change works.

On the other side, when change has been implemented and no one want to do anything that resembles change then something bad has happened. When more change is not wanted then as a whole the changes that were previously implemented are going to start to fail. Guaranteed!

Q9: What (or where) is the biggest change we will witness in next 5-10 years? #LeadWithGiants

My Answer: Our lives will change. Everything we do, say, watch, eat, listen, and so on will change count on it!

The only constant that we can be certain of is change. Change is happening whether we like it or not. Change is what made white bread become wheat bread then honey wheat bread then oat and wheat bread and then organic wheat bread and then become organic whole oat wheat bread.

The amount of change happening all around us is staggering. There is so much change that we cannot see it, feel it, smell it, taste it, or hear it. It is there. Change has always been there and it will continue long after we are gone. Just think about it.

Q10: The more things change, the more they stay the same, has what implications?? #LeadWithGiants

My Answer: You can't fight change but that does not mean you can't make it comfortable.

Who said all changes have to be uncomfortable? Pull up a lawn chair, pour yourself a tall glass of iced tea and watch change happen. You can’t stop the bum rush. Obviously, you will have to get in there when you have to and help. 
For the most, enjoy the ride.

--Until Next Week--

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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In case you missed it this weekend, here are ETIQUETTE WEEKEND links I shared.

ETIQUETTE WEEKEND is a Twitter (@daveguerra), Facebook (facebook.com/thedavidguerra), Google+ (plus.google.com/+DaveGuerra) project where I post and share links to websites and online articles that are all about Etiquette (Business, Interpersonal, Professional and Personal).

1. The Etiquette of Promoting Your Brand on Holidays

2. The 9 Worst Mistakes People Make In Email Subject Lines

3. Party Etiquette: Who Pays When a Guest Doesn't Show Up?

4. 10 rules of etiquette for children's parties

5. R.S.V.P. Etiquette: Is it a dying art?

6. Sincerity Is the Center of the Etiquette Universe

7. Etiquette Tip of the Week: Sip this quietly

8. [video] Prankster Takes Social Media Etiquette into Real Life

9. 10 Overused Buzzwords You Should Cut From Your LinkedIn Profile Immediately

10. [video] Simple etiquette rules to remember the next time you fly

11. Cubicle Etiquette Matters! How to Avoid Making the Top Four Blunders

12. Making it Work: Trade Show Etiquette for Creative Professionals

13. Collaboration: six mistakes to avoid

14. Colleges Serve Up Pre-Professional Tips

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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04 August 2015

Twitter #DareToBe Tweet Chat: How to Stop Excuses (Tuesday, August 4, 2015)

Every Tuesday evening at 8pm eastern, the #DareToBe tweetchat takes place on Twitter. The #DareToBe tweetchat is hosted by Andrea Sanchez (@asanchez16), an Editor, Writer, Communications Executive.

Every week a different topic. On the evening of August 4, 2015, the topic was How to Stop Excuses. I could not capture all the twitter based answers to the 10 questions asked by @ASanchez16. However, I present the questions and  my answers (with a bit of amplification). Please enjoy and if you can, please joins us. Look for the #DareToBe hashtag every Tuesday evening.

How to Stop Excuses
Q1: Excuses: What are they? #DareToBe
My answer: Excuses are those things we tell ourselves to make ourselves feel better.
Over the years, I have learned excuses serve no purpose for anyone and if it makes the author of these excuses feel better then more power to them. Otherwise, why even bother with the excuses.

Q2: ____________ causes people to make excuses. #DareToBe
My answer:
Lack of self-confidence causes people to make excuses.
Seriously, why would anyone with even an ounce of self-confidence need to make an excuse? That is why it is important to develop self-confidence (the sooner, the better). Not only will you stop making excuses but others will stop having to deal with those excuses.

Q3: Give an example of a unique excuse you have heard. #DareToBe
My answer:
Not wanting to work, a co-worker said he lost the key to his office. Let's say he didn't last very long.
I have heard so many excuses in my adult working life and just when I think I have heard them all, a new one comes rolling along. Don't get me started about the employee who used their gender specific situations to not come to work. I am NOT an OB-GYN nor do I play one on TV, the use of such excuse baffles me. For one, it is TMI plain and simple. How can anyone argue against the use of that excuse without coming across like a complete cad or chauvinist? If someone can help me with this please let me know.

Q4: “Excuses are for people who don’t want it bad enough.” Agree/Disagree? Explain. #DareToBe
My answer:
Disagree. Those that don't want it bad enough usually show they don't want it. No amount of excuses will ever hide that fact.
There is nothing that can hide the fact that when someone does not want to do anything they don't want to do it will show on their face, their attitude, their words, their motions. Try as hard as they want, the excuses they give will not cover what they are already showing the world.

Q5: Why do excuses generally have a negative connotation? #DareToBe
My answer:
Excuses are the epitome of negativity. They signify the lengths people will go to to not do something.
The use of excuses comes naturally to some individuals. Those individuals are the ones that would rather sit and complain as opposed to getting up off their backside and make something good happen. They enjoy making others feel miserable but are also the first ones to get offended when they are called on the negativity they exude and the excuses they make.

Q6: Is there such thing as a good excuse? Explain. #DareToBe
My Answer:
Good excuses are BIRTH, DEATH, SUDDEN ILLNESS. However, I would be suspect if all happen at same time (i.e., Klinger on MASH)

In the modern workplace (just like in the combat zone that MASH was set in) there is absolutely no time for excuses. Things move pretty fast and if you keep up, maybe you don't belong in the organization. However, there were times when things happen and there are only three acceptable forms of excuse. Anything else is pure nonsense and should be avoided if for no other reason than for the shame you are creating for yourself. Seriously, you are an adult and the time to start acting like one was yesterday.

Q7: How are the excuses we make harmful to ourselves and/or others? #DareToBe
My Answer:
They tend to let people down and that hurts relationships. Relationships are always fragile especially when excuses are made.
Relationships in personal or business life are essential to our very existence. Everything we are is because of a relationship. Think about it, our parents had a relationship and here we are. The organization we work for has a relationship with its stakeholders and here we work. Making excuses in any relationship is not a good way to sustain a relationship. What would have happened if Mom made and excuse, thus we would not be here. What if the company made excuses to the customer? We would not be working here. Think about it.

Q8: Give an example of an overused excuse in the workplace. How does it make you feel? #DareToBe
My Answer:
The old "Sorry I was late..." excuse is like fingernails on the blackboard.
I have been guilty of running late and in my younger days I have been guilty of saying this with some lame reason behind it. Usually, it was just me making myself late. Now, I don't deliver any excuse but if I am pressed I say the truth like I made myself late by watching an additional news segment on TV. As I have been there I tell my staff to tell me the truth but I still get the traffic was terrible or there as an accident that backed up traffic and the worse one is "my mom took my car." Really? Your mother took your car!

Q9: When tempted to make an excuse, what is one question to ask yourself to avoid the excuses trap? #DareToBe
My Answer:
Why bother with the excuse? Step Up!
Now as I have matured and grown up I find myself tempted less and less to make an excuse. It seems that people have come to expect me to tell the truth. Even when they find my truth a little difficult to swallow, my response is, "What have I got to gain by lying to you?" Should I lie, I gain nothing but lose everything I have spent all my time and effort building.

Q10: By refusing to make excuses and embracing responsibility we ________________. #DareToBe
My Answer:
By refusing to make excuses and embracing responsibility we become a better person. That's a very good thing.
Becoming a better person is what everyone should strive for. If not us, then who?

Q11: Tomorrow, I will dare to stop making excuses by ____________________. #daretobe
My Answer: Tomorrow, I will dare to stop making excuses by just stop making excuses.
Just stop and that means you, too!

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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In case you missed it this past weekend, here are ETIQUETTE WEEKEND links I shared.

ETIQUETTE WEEKEND is a Twitter (@daveguerra), Facebook (facebook.com/thedavidguerra), Google+ (plus.google.com/+DaveGuerra) project where I post and share links to websites and online articles that are all about Etiquette (Business, Interpersonal, Professional and Personal).

1. Observe technology etiquette in your office

2. Get Ready: "Cold and Flu Season Etiquette 2015"

3. Casual Friday: Smartphone etiquette for advisors and teams

4. Where the Heck is Steve? Telecommuting Etiquette

5. Stop Putting Your Email Address in Your Email Signature

6. 10 Best Practices to Improve Your Business Etiquette

7. Etiquette column: Is it OK to politely decline a request to remove shoes when visiting?

8. Gift etiquette: The ethics of on-selling

9. Travel Etiquette: How to Use a Flight Delay to Your Advantage

10. Keep restrooms phone free

11. Social Media Etiquette: Posting with a Purpose

12. Business Protocol: Don’t wed business with personal events

13. Monday Memo: What are body language cues giving away about you?

14. Have You Considered Your Workplace Etiquette?

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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