23 December 2023

Journal - Saturday - December 23, 2023 - HAPPY HOLIDAYS

image by Trixie Liko from Pixabay


By being happy during the holiday season I mean for YOU to be HAPPY.

You must take care of yourself first and will make others happy.

YOU must consider your health (both physical and mental) FIRST.

If those around feel they are entitled to be addressed before you address (take care of) yourself first then those individuals might not be on board with taking care of themselves first.

Those individuals may have something going on a bit more than you need to worry about. There issue is not your issue so DO NOT let them make it your issue.

You have better things to do and better things to worry about.

No where is it written that the HOLIDAYS and the JOY and HAPPINESS that comes with it is exclusively directed by others. 

It may be difficult to cut loose the lines that tie you to the negativity and the negative people.

But if that is what must be done in order for you to be happy then make it happen.


Take care of yourself and HAPPY HOLIDAYS

David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

15 December 2023

Journal - Friday - December 15, 2023 - ACHIEVEMENT

image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay


Leaders become leaders by the achievements they have made with others. 

Sure, there are times when people become leaders by their solo achievements but even then working, collaborating will get you to where you want to go.

Success comes from ACHIEVEMENTS that occur on the way to the place you want to be.

On the flip side, there are individuals that will belittle and invalidate your ACHIEVEMENTS all because you are getting things done and they have never started anything.

Some may call it Jealousy but I call in INEPTITUDE because they lack the skill or ability to do things for themselves. As they are inept and others see them for who they are, they would rather lash out instead of working to get themselves in a position to create their own ACHIEVEMENTS.

ACHIEVEMENTS are good for you as they are the benchmarks used to denote you can do things. You can accomplish them. Most of all, that you deliver on your word.

- David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

14 December 2023

Journal - Thursday - December 14, 2023 - PRIVACY

image by Wolfgang Eckert from Pixabay


 Leaders respect the PRIVACY of those they lead.

Leaders have absolutely NO need to be meddling in the private lives of those they are supposed to be leading.

Leaders, do not for one second believe it is your duty to know the inner workings of the people you are managing. 


Leaders, know that sharing private information is not an open invitation to be used against others.

Yet, so many used that PRIVATE information for nefarious means. 

Leaders, your job is to lead. 

Just like you want your PRIVACY maintained and respected, they EXPECT you to do the same.

There, I said it.

-David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

13 December 2023

Journal - Wednesday - December 13, 2023 - LIBERTY

image by Tumisu from Pixabay


"The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views" is the definition of LIBERTY.

Leaders have a level of liberty that allows them to get to where they want to go and where they want to be.

Those, hell bent, on keeping people down because they do not agree with the life lived and behaviors of others are NOT leaders in any sense of the word.

LIBERTY is key to growing and pushing yourself and others towards success.

Keeping people down is good for no one. However, if you like to be miserable and making others miserable then do NOT be surprised when you find yourself by yourself. No one to lead because you refuse to accept that giving people their LIBERTY is what keeps people around and coming back.

Leaders push the concept, ideals, and premise of LIBERTY unto all those you are responsible for and most of all keep pushing yourself.

-David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

12 December 2023

Journal - Tuesday - December 12, 2023 - OPENNESS


 Defining OPENNESS is two fold. One is "lack of restriction; accessibility" and the other "lack of secrecy or concealment; frankness"

Both definitions are exactly what leaders need to have to succeed. 

However, not all leaders are afforded the opportunity to be OPEN.

There are individuals that will go out of their way to curtail the openness of others.

Be on guard when it comes to dealing with such individual. 

Whatever their agenda may be, their reasoning for their nonsense is all their own.

Let them be BUT never let them take control over you. 

Remember, you are ONLY responsible and accountable to yourself. 

Stay Focused, Stay on Task, and most of all, be yourself with your OPENNESS!

-David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

11 December 2023

Journal - Monday - December 11, 2023 - Mindfulness

image by Hans from Pixabay


The definition of MINDFULNESS is "the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something."

Mindfulness is a tool to show empathy and helps you go forward in relationships, both personal and professional.

Being MINDFUL about yourself, others, and your surroundings is KEY to self-leadership, leading others, and ultimately, becoming a success.

It is not easy but it can be done.

It can be done so long as you are willing to put in the work, 100%.

-David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

08 December 2023

Journal - Friday - December 8, 2023 - PASSION

image by Hans from Pixabay


Clearly defined as "strong and barely controllable emotion" PASSION brings various connotations when the word is mentioned. 

Some see the word as something bad.

Others see the word as something that will illicit misunderstanding

And some will see PASSION as a building block of success.

I prefer the last, but far too many refuse to see PASSION as a guiding force towards to success and will do what they can to shoot it down, to stop it dead in its tracks.

Those individuals that are hell bent on stopping your passion are the ones that, as I have previously mentioned, are either jealous of you or over-compensating for their own inadequacies or just cannot accept the fact that they are lost because they chose what they believed to be the easy way and found out that easy leads to struggle.


-David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

07 December 2023

Journal - Thursday - December 7, 2023 - UNDERSTANDING

image by Ricarda Mölck from Pixabay


When it comes to UNDERSTANDING it has to be HONEST, OPEN, and RECIPROCATING

If you feel that you do NOT have to understand anything/anyone or that YOU should be the only one to be understood, then why bother?

You are NOT prepared to be understanding of others then you are NOT prepare to lead, heck you are NOT prepared to MANAGE others. Go back to square one and start from scratch. Seriously.


When it comes to hones understanding, that means you are prepared to look at the views, perspectives and perceptions of others. Great Leaders value honesty in any relationship (personal, professional, or both). It is because they value honesty and expect honesty from others, the process of understanding become easier as everyone is on the same page.


Being open as a leader means you are willing to accept things at face value. Challenging the norm is part of being open but not exclusive to that. Being open, as a leader, means  you are expecting just about anything to be presented, shared, and/or revealed. In that expectation, once conveyed to others then can a proper dialogue begin. Once dialogue begins then can understanding begin, as well.


When it comes to reciprocating understanding the notion of MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY must go out the door. Whether you truly believe you are entitled to be the only one to be understood is NONSENSE and CHILDISH. It is as simple as this: If you want to be understood then you have to make certain you are understanding others FIRST! Oh, and if it matters to you, You Must Start To Understand Others FIRST no matter what title, degree, role, or position you have. YOU must actually try to understand others and not just paying lip service. 

Remember, paying lip service is for cretins and those that expect it to be their way or the highway. 

You gotta give FIRST before you can get. 

True Leaders Always Give, FIRST!


David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

06 December 2023

Journal - Wednesday - December 6, 2023 - BOLDNESS

image by Gabriele M. Reinhardt from Pixabay


BOLDNESS is defined as "willingness to take risks and act innovatively; confidence or courage." 

Now, let's take a moment to reflect on the definition especially, when lay people believe that BOLDNESS is a trait best left to a bully or aggressive personality. That is not the case, so be careful when you think you know better.

To the weak willed, weak minded individuals, anyone that believes that to be bold is to be bully or aggressive or any other negative connotation then you are wrong. 

Everyone should strive for BOLDNESS

Everyone should be BOLD when it comes to doing what they want or need. BOLDNESS plays a big factor in doing what you are PASSIONATE about. There will be many that will criticize you, look down upon you, talk bad about you and that is OK. Remember, those are the individuals that bring negativity, with them, wherever they go. 

You do not need THEIR NEGATIVITY. Hell, you do not even need their support. 

Remember, they criticize and bad mouth to make up for their inadequacies. They do so to compensate for their own inability to do what needs to be done. They are a negative force in your life because they might actually want to be you and are to ashamed of themselves to admit it.


Continue doing what you are doing. 

BOLDNESS is what got you to where you are now and BOLDNESS will be what takes you to where you want to be.

And Yes, I said this!
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

05 December 2023

Journal - Tuesday - December 5, 2023 - EFFECTIVENESS


When comes to doing what must be done, do so without pulling punches or half-assing whatever it is that you want to accomplish.

Be Effective in what you are doing. EFFECTIVENESS is what will separate you from the average.

A constant state of EFFECTIVENESS is what you should always strive for.

If you fail to reach that level of EFFECTIVENESS, then you damn well better be pretty close.

You want RESULTS then do what it takes to achieve a state of EFFECTIVENESS before trying to move on.

Moving on, to the next thing, before being effective will be the fast track to becoming INEFFECTIVE.

Change my mind.

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

04 December 2023

Journal - Monday - December 4, 2023 - INTEGRITY

image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


"The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness"  is the definition of INTEGRITY.

FOLKS: Either you got it or you don't!

There is no such thing as part-time integrity. 

True, Authentic, Genuine Leaders become that way because of the INTEGRITY they possess and project.

Now, be careful who go around calling themselves full of INTEGRITY and should be followed because of the "INTEGRITY" they project.

True, Authentic, Genuine Leaders do NOT and NEVER have to go around telling people how much INTEGRITY they possess. 

Watch out for those that do. Those loudly proclaiming they have "high and strong moral principles" are usually the ones to look out for. Seriously, proceed with caution with these individuals. The louder they are the more apt they are to use it against you in order to achieve their ulterior motives.

A word to the wise, look for the quiet ones, the ones who do things that are in-line and aligned with what our perception or definition of INTEGRITY and MORALISTIC is. 

Those are the people that are DOING. They are the ones taking ACTION. They are doing what they say. They are saying what they are doing. These are the Leaders that are WALKING THEIR TALK.

The loud-mouths are usually ALL SHOW and NO GO! Posers! Fake! Frauds! Lacking Substance.

There I said it.

-David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

01 December 2023

Journal - Friday - December 1, 2023 - FAITH

image by Ruth Lindsay from Pixabay



Faith in what? Faith in Religion? Faith in Politics? Faith in Medicine? Faith in those we are "supposed" to follow?


Folks, as always and with just about anything and everything, FAITH IN OURSELVES is ALWAYS at the top of the list.

If you do not believe in yourself or you do not have FAITH in yourself then what do you have?

YOU GOT NOTHING! When you do not believe in yourself then religion, politics, or medicine will NOT help you.

Seriously, if you are not prepared to believe in yourself and what you can do, then all that external MUMBO-JUMBO (yeah, I said that) is MOOT

In case you missed it before, MOOT is defined as "having little or no practical relevance, typically because the subject is too uncertain to allow a decision."

Only sheep follow without any regard to themselves. Trusting the shepherd and that is all fine and dandy for the sheep. Remember their brains weight "around 140 grams, or about one-tenth of the weight of an adult human brain." (1)

Folks, you are NOT sheep. You have free will that can follow anyone or anything you choose. 

However, for best results have FAITH IN YOURSELF, FIRST!

Anyone that tells you otherwise, is a RED FLAG. They either have ulterior motive or they themselves find themselves not having FAITH IN THEMSELVES. Either way, that is a recipe for failure.

Lead Yourself, Trust Yourself, Have Faith in Yourself!

-David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble


links mentioned:
1. https://animals.mom.com/differences-between-human-and-sheep-brains-3500869.html

29 November 2023

Journal - Wednesday - November 29, 2023 - AMBITION


Before I define AMBITION, I should say this may trigger some of you. The definition cuts to the heart of the matter at hand. There will be some that will get offended because the definition has a certain four letter word that some find deplorable, disgusting, and down right dirty well too bad. It has got be said before I can continue:

AMBITION is defined as "a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work.

There it is and there is actually another four letter word in front of it: HARD WORK!

Yikes, here come the disgruntled comments. I can almost hear them now; "Who does he think he is?" "What does he know about hard work?" and other such nonsense from the ill-informed.

I have AMBITION and I act on it.

If you have AMBITION then you know you have to act on it. 

Nothing is handed to you for free. You want something you work for it. 

Change my mind.

-David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

28 November 2023

Journal - Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - WISDOM

image by Georgi Dyulgerov from Pixabay


For those not too sure what WISDOM is let's break it down is "the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise."

 Thus, let's create the following formula:

WISDOM = Experience + Knowledge + Common Sense + Good Judgment

Please know there is NO preset amount of any of these variables. Thus making it subjective solely to you and your life. Even then, there is no expectation of WISDOM. For example, you make bad decisions and do not learn from that experience and ignore the knowledge that should have been learned then that individual lacks the wisdom that is needed to prevent bad decisions from re-occurring then they get what they most richly deserve, time and time again.

Learning from Life Experiences and the Knowledge gained then coupled with Common Sense and Good Judgment should lead to WISDOM.

Sadly, far too many do not follow this formula and wonder why they continually find themselves in the situation they get themselves into. It does not matter what situation (personal relationships, vocational, financial, medical) they just cannot help themselves because they REFUSE to know better. They REFUSE to wise up. 

Whether by arrogance or ignorance or both, the individual that REJECTS wisdom is one that is rejecting themselves and any shot at happiness.

It is quite simple, almost perfectly clear, to succeed in life (all aspects of life) use the WISDOM you have earned & learned. If you think you do not have WISDOM well change that, flip it and become WISE and Level Up.

Change my mind.

David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

24 November 2023

Journal - Friday - November 24, 2023 - CHARITY

image by Htc Erl from Pixabay


They say CHARITY begins at home. Sound familiar?

Charity begins with you.

Charity begins with giving and ends with MAYBE receiving.

Charity is not a person.
Charity is NOT a business.
Charity is NOT an concept.
Charity is NOT a social construct.


CHARITY is NOT about getting a hand-out, it is about GIVING without any expectation of a return on the investment. Sound familiar?

When it comes to CHARITY only you can decide what it is and what it is not.

Remember, someone's misaligned and misunderstanding of what CHARITY is or is not, is not how you should define it. If it feels wrong then go with your gut and do what makes you feel right.

And if they don't like it, well, that is on them!

-David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

23 November 2023

Journal - Thursday - November 23, 2023 - THANKSGIVING

image by J Lloa from Pixabay





Thankful, for having the ability to make your own decisions and sticking to them.


David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

22 November 2023

Journal - Wednesday - November 22, 2023 - SACRIFICE

image by Urszula from Pixabay


The online Cambridge Dictionary defines SACRIFICE as "to give up something that is valuable to you in order to help another person."

SACRIFICES are done all the time. We make SACRIFICES all the time. Some we OVERTLY decide to make and then there are others we subconsciously make. 

However, there are individuals that claim they are making SACRIFICES while doing so ONLY make those "sacrifices" with the INTENTION of "EXPECTING" something in return.

If you believe this is why SACRIFICES are made then let me be the first to tell you: YOU ARE WRONG.

SACRIFICES are made WITHOUT any expectation of payback or in-kind gesture

Let me make this clear: If you are doing something (anything) under the cloak of deception or with an expectation of re-payment then that is NOT A REAL SACRIFICE. 

Plain and simple that is a BUSINESS TRANSACTION. There is no real SACRIFICE in a business transaction. You pay for something with the intention of getting something in return.

Think about this: What if your parent or parents raised you, fed you, sheltered you and clothed you for 18 years, then after that they started charging you for living at home and eating their food. THAT TO ME MAKES PERFECTLY GOOD SENSE. You're an adult now, so get on with it.

However, if on your 18th Birthday your parent(s) hand you a bill for all they did for you from the moment of your birth to your last day of being 17. THAT IS NONSENSICAL. That kind of parental behavior is B.S. They had the fun 18 years and 9 months ago and now they want payment for their actions from those 5 minutes up until now. 

They created you and what kind of imbeciles create people only to charge them? That's right the dumb, ignorant, and stupid people are those imbeciles. There is something seriously wrong with the way they are wired and sadly NOTHING will change that or them. 

Seriously, they can "claim" they sacrificed and now they want something in return. You can pay them back in silence. You did not ask them to create you and yet they want to bill you like an ungrateful tenant. 

So make your own SACRIFICE. Give up something to better yourself, to help yourself. Because it is obvious they (and other like them) gave up on you so long ago. 

As a reminder, here is the definition of SACRIFICE "to give up something that is valuable to you in order to help another person." That is it with absolutely no mention of expecting something in return. I know this may cut (and I truly hope it does) but as a hypocrite, you get what you deserve as you cannot have it both ways.

Yes, I wrote this...
-David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

21 November 2023

Journal - Tuesday - November 21, 2023 - PRAGMATISM

image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay


Leaders, demand that PRAGMATISM in all that you do, say, and in those you lead. 

Being PRAGMATIC or "dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations."

Sensibly and Realistically? Imagine that. Imagine a world where leaders want to actually lead based on an approach that is rooted in PRAGMATISM. 

Sounds far fetched? 

No. Organizations used to be run in that manner. Now, a departure of sorts has taken place and it can be difficult to run an organization Sensibly and Realistically. 

The shift away from Sensibly and Realistically running an operation has created an authentic leadership vacuum. 

There is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with being sensible and practical; PRAGMATIC.

Leaders, always remember and never forget that being PRAGMATIC is contagious.  

Being PRAGMATIC begins at home. It begins within you. 

Self-Leadership is about being yourself in a manner that fosters creating the leader you have always wanted to follow. Thus by being PRAGMATIC all along your journey of self-leadership you will pass that mindset on to those that follow you.

This then helps in returning PRAGMATISM back into the workplace, personal life, and making you a better leader and creating better future leaders. Build the foundation now, so that those in the future will be better because of what you start today.

-David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

20 November 2023

Journal - Monday - November 20, 2023 - IMPARTIALITY

image by Keith Johnston from Pixabay


This word...this word IMPARTIALITY is a JOKE!

It is a joke because far too many ignorant, immature, uneducated, or unwilling to learn individuals  blissfully misuse this word and what it means an its implications to active and future relationships.

Up and coming leaders either know what this word TRULY means and how to used or just stop trying any attempt at leading others. 

If you are not willing to learn then you are NOT willing to lead others. 

Also, do not kid yourself with that nonsense of that you hold a position in the family, you have a degree, or that you are a parent, if you are not willing to learn then you are NOT FIT to lead.

What does this have to do with IMPARTIALITY?

Leaders must always be impartial. To be honest and great leaders, the must be impartial at all time.

However, there are always favorites to be had. Managers have their favorites.

Managers (not leaders) are always wanting to be accepted and will pay homage and honor those who are recognized as being at the beck and call of the manager without hesitation or reservation. These individuals are the known as YES-MEN. In the tragedy of Julius Caesar, the Roman Emperor surrounded himself with YES-MEN. They called Caesar great and never a bad word was heard. 

While the YES-MEN knew of Caesar's impending demise they did nothing to help prevent the fatality. They stayed on Caesar's good side till the end. The emperor wanted this and those not in-line with the "leader" quickly found themselves on the wrong end of the whip.

Bad, bad manager. This is the path for far too many people that refuse to accept that with the good the bad must also come. Thus they play favorites and refuse to acknowledge that while having YES-MEN around is nice, it is also NOT good. We need YES and NO. We need good and bad. We need both to stay grounded. 

Impartiality helps us succeed because we can take the good and bad. We enjoy the time with the YES-MEN as well as learn something from those that say NO.

Practice IMPARTIALITY by keeping the YES and NO around you, always. 

Fail to do so might just find yourself one day saying, "ET TU, BRUTE."

 -David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

17 November 2023

Journal - Friday - November 17, 2023 - DARING

image by 12019 from Pixabay


Be Bold, Be Daring, Be Yourself is a mantra that every individual should not only repeat but believe and act on.

And you may ask yourself, "Why do I have to be bold and daring?"

Well, that's a great question. 

The answer is rather simple. Being Bold is a by-product of being DARING.

Daring is defined as "venturesome boldness

There is absolutely no excuse as to why you cannot step outside your comfort zone.

Remember, those that never dare, never change and never win!

Get Up and Get Out There. Be Bold! Be DARING!

-David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

16 November 2023

Journal - Thursday - November 16, 2023 - ASSERTIVENESS

image by meineresterampe from Pixabay


This is a funny word in that just by saying people (typically the weak minded) go on the defense.

This word is also bandied about by those that do not fully understand what it means and ignorantly believe this word is the extreme form of the word AGGRESSIVE.

No my friends,Assertiveness is defined as "the quality of being self-assured and confident without being aggressive to defend a right point of view or a relevant statement."

So, you see where the disconnect can occur. 

The weak minded get offended when actually they are being paid a compliment.
The weak minded believe it is an insult to tag someone as assertive.

Get familiar with this word and what it EXACTLY means and when and how to use it.

Hope you saw how I was assertive in this post, while at times I actually bordered on being aggressive.

Get to work!

-David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

15 November 2023

Journal - Wednesday - November 15, 2023 - VARIETY

image by gate74 from Pixabay



Don't like having a choice, don't like have variety in your life then what do you have?


Variety is what makes life livable. 

VARIETY is what drives people to extremes.

Seriously, you can only climb a hill just so many times before the need and want for something else kicks in.

With VARIETY, who knows what's next? Mt. Everest?

For those that oppose to this point of view; how you liking your black and white world?


David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

14 November 2023

Journal - Tuesday - November 14, 2023 - PRUDENCE

image by Thomas H. from Pixabay


Again, another word that can easily misconstrued. Thus let's define it: "the quality of being prudent; cautiousness" and PRUDENT is defined as "acting with or showing care and thought for the future."

Biting the hand that feeds you is NOT being PRUDENT or having with PRUDENCE.

PRUDENCE should be the one factor that helps drive you forward. 

This is not to say to be OVERLY CAUTIOUS with whatever you do but to do it when proceeding with caution.

Remember, while it is all about the journey, you most definitely want to reach your destination in one piece.

Keeping Moving Forward, Keep Your Head On A Swivel, and Practice Prudence Wherever You Can.

-David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

13 November 2023

Journal - Monday - November 13, 2023 - ENERGY

image by WikimediaImages from Pixabay


Folks, here is a word that is also very much misunderstood, misinterpreted, misaligned and so on.

ENERGY is the product of force and power. E=F•P, of course this is an off-shoot of E=MC2.

Yes, that E=MC2.

The misunderstanding, misinterpreted, misaligned comes from those individuals that are quick to assign good or bad to the energy they encounter.

Usually, those that assign it or claim something as good energy do so when that energy is applied in their favor.

On the flip side, they assign or claim it to be bad energy when it goes against them or not in their favor.


Folks, please do not for those veiled attempt when people try to pull the wool over your eyes by declaring there is good energy or bad energy. These are individuals that will demand you blindly follow them in the nonsensical belief system.


Good or Bad is purely SUBJECTIVE to the observer. 

Remember, when someone claims it to be BAD energy, it may very well be GOOD ENERGY for you.

Then when they claim GOOD energy, well that's on them as most times it is BAD ENERGY for you.

Manipulation, Hallucination it is all up to INTERPRETATION!

Go Out A Make Your Own ENERGY, whether they like it or not!

David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

11 November 2023

Journal - Saturday - November 11, 2023 - VETERANS DAY

Image by April Bryant from Pixabay



-David Guerra (US Army Infantry Veteran)

10 November 2023

Journal - Friday - November 10, 2023 - JUSTICE

image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay


In case you forgot, Justice is defined as "just behavior or treatment."

There can never be JUSTICE when one side continues to demean, degrade, or humiliates others.

There can never be GROWTH when there is NO just behavior or treatment.

Folks, especially those that like to put their head in the sand, you will never know peace, you will never succeed as a human being if you refuse to accept JUSTICE.

Those with an axe to grind or still hold a grudge because someone did or said something to you a long time ago, your only way to succeed is to get over it, grow up, and take the pro-active steps to move yourself up the line.

Everyone else on the side of JUSTICE. Keep doing what you do.

Those that are not on the side of justice, remember their legacy will reflect their ignorance and lack of respect of others. No one deserves that.

Personally, I respect everyone that I disagree with, those that have done me wrong, those that are NOT mature enough to take care of their business, and those that have never experienced justice. I respect them by not burdening them with my presence. I respect them enough to remove myself from the injustice they blindly believe they are entitled to.

It is all about just behavior and treatment.

-David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

09 November 2023

Journal - Thursday - November 9, 2023 - WALLS

image by Michael Kauer from Pixabay


Back on Thursday, November 9, 1989 the Berlin Wall Fell.

The greatest feat in the modern era.

Throughout the Summer of 1989, change was in the air.

People were challenging the established norms.

People were tired of listening (and following) those that "supposedly" knew better.

Back then, in East Germany, Warsaw Pact, & the Soviet Union, those that "supposedly" knew better were the only ones that could behave and act with impunity. 

They were the ruling citizenry. They had the backing of the police and military.

So of course, they controlled the people thus they knew better.

However, the people had enough. They had enough of the double-standards. 

They had enough of the favoritism, nepotism, and most any other kind of -ism that was designed to keep the general population down.

Just as quickly as the Berlin Wall went up 28 years earlier, it came down.

The WALL like many other walls before and after fell. They came crumbling down.

All because people were fed up and tired of the nonsense that was being fed to them.

WALLS and CHANGE go hand in hand.

Walls go up = Change

Walls coming down = Change

You can't escape it!

-David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

08 November 2023

Journal - Wednesday - November 8, 2023 - DEPENDABILITY

image by Evgeni Tcherkasski from Pixabay


Who can you depend on? Who can you ring up and with absolute certainty someone will answer?

In my life I have three people, that's right 3: My wife and my two Army buddies.

There are two others that most certainly have been there, and I most certainly Thank them.

As for everyone else, well their level of dependability is usually in one of two forms:

    1. They talk a good game but selectively deliver, meaning depending on the circumstances or the person.

    2. They will be dependable only up to the point you have been dependable in their perceived previous interactions or requests with you. Yes, TIT-FOR-TAT. 



If YOU are one of two types mentioned above: YOU ARE NOT A LEADER.

You are someone that cannot be counted on nor can you be trusted. You have a lot of growing up still left to do. Good Luck with that.

Remember, only a child plays that TIT-FOR-TAT game. Only one with an immature mindset plays games when it comes to being considered dependable. Either you are 100% dependable or you are NOT dependable, at all!

For those that are working on themselves, the time has come to pick a side. Play no games. You want to be taken seriously, then start behaving seriously. 

If you want people to be dependable then show them that they can depend on you. 

For those that want to abuse that, well, cast them adrift and lay their ships bare.

You can only be dependable to yourself and then you must decide who is genuine and who is a poser. 

DEPENDABILITY is a TWO-WAY street. Give it and Get it. Those that want to abuse it, well, they know where they can go straight to.

Yep, I said this...

-David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

07 November 2023

Journal - Tuesday - November 7, 2023 - VISION

image by Dorothe from Pixabay


You have dreams. You have goals. You have hopes. You have a VISION!

 It should go without saying, but I will say it anyway:

Your Dreams, Your Goals, Your Hopes, and Your VISION is ALIGNED with who you are and what you want to achieve. 

Your vision is what will drive you to achieve those goals, hopes, and dreams.

Sadly, there are people in your life that do NOT align with your dreams, goals and hopes.

Even more sad, are the people in your life that will go out of their way to ensure that you do not achieve your dreams, goals and hopes. They excel at working to squash your VISION because 

    1. They know better than you!
    2. Who do you think you are to try to be better than them?
    3. You caused them "pain" and now, like a child, it is their turn to cause you pain.

They are NOT looking out in your best interest because they DO NOT know better than you. They resent the person they helped create and would rather keep you under their thumb. If you were raised by those that "claim" you caused them pain then consider who the child truly is.  

Folks, these are the individuals that WILL screw around with YOUR VISION, YOUR DREAMS and GOALS and these are the people you need to recognize, sooner rather than later, and set the free. 

Cut them loose. Set them adrift from your life. Lay their ships bare (without sails, oars and rudders).

Remember, to them YOUR VISION, YOUR GOALS, YOUR HOPES & DREAMS do NOT matter. 

Their dreams, goals, and vision matters ONLY to them. As it should matter to them.

However, if they their vision is to see you fail by bad-mouthing you, sabotaging you, and working hard to see you lose, then they have the wrong priorities and are NOT the right person/people to have in your life.

Once you remove those individuals out of your life, know that now it falls on your to achieve your dreams, your goals, your VISION.

Along the way, you may need to re-evaluate your VISION, then do it.
Course corrections are acceptable. Course corrections are expected.

Clear the path as often as needed and get to work! 

You have a VISION make it a REALITY!

-David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble