31 August 2021

UNDERSTANDING - People Will Only Understand What They Want To Understand...

People only want to understand only what they want to understand and do not for one second believe otherwise. Sure some people will understand but what about those that refuse to understand?

They will only see what their narrow-minded vision of what you offer will allow. No need to worry. Know that is an acceptable hurdle. Sometimes that hurdle you might want to avoid. Have you ever notice in life people will put into their mission, vision, challenge an obstacle they know many will not be able to overcome. They do that to thin out the herd, to only get those that know they can overcome the obstacle on board. 

Whether it is consciously or unconsciously done on both sides it is part of human nature. Some people will gravitate towards you message, vision, mission, or challenge while others might not know how to tactfully and graciously bow out. Instead they take the low road and burn bridges. 

Accept that not everyone will like or are fully capable of fully understanding what you are sharing. That's on them.

Remember, Actions over Words all day, every day!

Thank you, 
David G. Guerra, MBA

30 August 2021

UNDERSTANDING - Make Certain You Know & Understand Your Message - 30 Aug...

When it comes time to share your message, no matter what it is, there is one thing to remember. Before you go out among those that you want to lead, you have to make absolutely certain that you know your message. it is imperative that you not only fully know and understand your message but that you clearly and comprehensibly articulate your message to others.

By clearly and comprehensibly articulating your message to others means that you do know & understand your message. Nothing makes a leader a leader than one who can deliver their vision with enough knowledge, understanding, and passion so as to inspire others to act. 

Now, do not for one second think you got this because you DON'T got this. I know for a fact I do not have this and that is why I have to constantly work on it and you do too. Knowing and Understanding your message is a full time job. Time to get busy.

Remember, Actions over Words all day, every day!

Thanks for your time,
David G. Guerra, MBA

27 August 2021

DO NOT GIVE UP: When You Do Not Live Up To Expectation of Others - 27 Au...

Aside from blaming you for their inadequacies people will also be quick to let you know when you are not living up their expectations of you. Do not give up when others bring that nonsense to you. As you are progressing on your own journey and blazing your own trail on the way to developing your self-leadership and growing as a leader, you will start to shift in your view of the world and others. It is at this point that you will become a target for those that you are leaving behind. Well, technically they are leaving themselves behind when they refuse to grow both personally and professionally. Most of the time they would rather deflect than to admit to themselves they cannot even meet their own expectations. Remember, Actions over Words all day, every day! Get to work,
David Guerra, MBA author of THE WALKING LEADER

26 August 2021

DO NOT GIVE UP: When Others Blame You For Their Problems - 26 August 2021

As I have mentioned there are people that will not like you. There will be nothing you can do about that. Accept that fact and life becomes better.

However, there is another deeper side to others NOT liking you. There are people out there that will blame you for their problems. There are people that for no reason than their own ignorance will find a way to blame you for their problems.

People will go out of their way to blame you for their problems. Whatever the problem they are refusing to accept responsibility for their actions and inactions. They refuse to hold themselves accountable but are quick to hold others accountable and swift to lay blame.

You cannot give up when it comes to dealing with that kind of behavior. As a leader, get used to this becoming a standard and not an exception. It is when you set the example of holding yourself accountable and holding those that need to be held accountable accountable that you begin to change yourself, how others see you, interact with you and ultimately, they will change themselves.

Remember, Actions over Words all day, every day!

Get to work,
David Guerra, MBA

25 August 2021

DO NOT GIVE UP: When Others Drink The Poison & Expect You To Die - 25 Au...

DO NOT GIVE UP: When Others Drink The Poison & Expect You To Die

There are all kinds of human beings out there. Some will like you, some will despise you and others do not give a damn about you. Then there are some that might not even know and already they do not like you. That's fine, leaders you know you are not here to please everyone all the time.

Thus, it is only a matter of time when you will encounter someone, for a reason known only to them that they will not want you to be a part of their lives and will do what it takes (short of committing a felony) to keep you out. Let them be. Don't go stirring the hornet's nest in a vain attempt to find out why they want you gone so bad. 

Sometimes people do not need a reason to do the things they do. 

Remember, Actions over Words all day, every day!

Get to work,
David Guerra, MBA

24 August 2021

DO NOT GIVE UP: When Others Only Care About Themselves - 24 August 2021

When it comes to people caring about themselves there are four kinds of people in the world:
#1 Those that care only about themselves and screw everyone else. That is pretty self explanatory.
#2 Those that do not care about themselves and expect no one to do the same. 
#3 Those that will never care about themselves but go out of their way to care about others.
#4 Those that care about themselves to ensure that they can continue to care about others.

Personally, I like the fourth type of person. That individual recognizes that in order for them to be a successful leader they have to take care of themselves in order to continue to be in a position to take care of others. This leader is one that almost always leads by example. They show their followers that they must take care of themselves first in order to be good enough to take care of and lead others.

Remember, Actions over Words all day, every day!

Get to work,
David Guerra, MBA

23 August 2021

DO NOT GIVE UP: When People Live In The Past - 23 August 2021

DO NOT GIVE UP: When People Live In The Past

Getting back to the concept of you become just like the people you hang out with. If those people like to live in the past, abhor the future and want things to remain the same. Then you have found yourself living in the past. We know it is not that easy and yet it happens. 

It happens a lot especially, we find ourselves around individuals that would rather keep things they way they are no matter how much progress has been made. You have every right to remove yourself people that are going nowhere. The longer you stick around such people the harder it will be for you to grow (personally and professionally).

Remember, Actions over Words all day, every day!

Get to work,
David Guerra, MBA

20 August 2021

DO NOT GIVE UP: When Others Do Not Believe In Themselves - 20 August 2021

DO NOT GIVE UP: When Others Do Not Believe In Themselves

As you grow to become better than you were yesterday, you will encounter individual(s) that will not believe in you.

Usually, they do not believe in you because they do not believe in themselves. They have developed such a level of defeat within themselves that they refuse to see that others can succeed. They refuse that they too can succeed but they have not the mindset, aptitude or wherewithal to attempt to grow into something greater than mediocrity.

Sucks that far too many people would prefer mediocrity over doing what it takes to grow above and beyond what they have known for far too long in their lives. For whatever reason, those individuals that do not admit that they do not believe in themselves would rather deflect towards others and make up some nonsensical reason not to believe in someone else's success.

So, if you find yourself surrounded by people that appear to not believe in you, your success, and willingness to grow do not fret, as it usually something they lack in themselves. Their lack of belief in themselves is what they use to blind themselves from their own truth and shortcomings rather than to be happy and support those that are trying to be better than they were yesterday. 

Remember, Actions over Words all day, every day!

Get to work,
David Guerra, MBA

19 August 2021

DO NOT GIVE UP: When Others Have Zero Discipline - 19 AUGUST 2021

DO NOT GIVE UP: When Others Have Zero Discipline 

There will be times that you will encounter individuals that talk a good game but fail to deliver. 

Those individuals are ALL SHOW AND NO GO!

They are all show and no go because they have absolutely ZERO DISCIPLINE. They lack what it takes to make things happen. 

Should you find yourself among individuals that are lacking the DISCIPLINE to deliver on what they say, go running. Run to the hills. Run Fast and Run Far. Put distance between you and those that refuse to put in the work (in the form of discipline) to get what they say they want are not the kind of people you want to be near. 

Put putting geography between you and those with ZERO discipline ensure that their dullness does not rubs off on you.

Remember, Actions over Words all day, every day!

Get to work,
David Guerra, MBA

18 August 2021

DO NOT GIVE UP: What Other People Think - 18 August 2021

People will always have something to say. People will always have an opinion about this and that. They will think about you and what you do, what you say, what you failed to do or say. That's just how people are. Heck, you probably do it too. No matter what, you have to know that what others think about when it comes to you does not matter. Most people will think they know you or what is best for you when in all actuality, they do not know what is best for themselves let alone think they know anything about anyone. With that being said, You do not let them get to you and keep doing you. Keeping Moving Forward. Keep Learning and Growing. Remember, Actions over Words all day, every day! Get to work, David Guerra, MBA author of THE WALKING LEADER ------ David Guerra is a US Army Veteran, author of the Walking Leader book series, Small Business Starter, Leadership Advocate and Action Taker. For more info please visit http://daveguerra.com ------ The Walking Leader is available on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1lACReo Great To Follow is available on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1CUfiqe ------ Subscribe to my WALKING LEADER PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-walking-leader-podcast/id886737443
------ Let's Connect: ► TWITTER: @daveguerra ► INSTAGRAM: dave_guerra ► FACEBOOK: fb.com/TheDavidGuerra ► AMAZON.com: bit.ly/daveguerra ► send me an EMAIL: dave@daveguerra.com

17 August 2021

DO NOT GIVE UP: Lack of Quick Outcome - 17 August 2021

In a time in history where instant gratification is the norm, there will be times that we may get discouraged that things are not moving as fast as we believe they should be moving. Everything and everyone moves at their own pace. Remember, you move at your own pace. While you may believe you are moving as fast as you can others may see you moving at a snail's pace. Your perception and their perception is subjective, don't give up, you will get there. Get to work, David Guerra, MBA author of THE WALKING LEADER

16 August 2021

PRIORITIZING and the Eisenhower Matrix - 16 AUGUST 2021

As I have been talking about doing what it takes to minimize distractions, tracking your time, ultimately it involves creating and setting priorities. Learning to prioritize, means you are on track to creating order where there is no order. Prioritizing is a necessary part of learning to lead yourself. If you are not sure on how to proceed with creating and setting priorities, I recommend using the Eisenhower Matrix. The four quadrant Eisenhower Matrix is to be used to help you determine what is: - URGENT & IMPORTANT - IMPORTANT BUT NOT URGENT - URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT - NOR URGENT & NOT IMPORTANT It is a simple yet effective prioritizing tool and it can easily be mastered and helps move to more complex prioritizing tools. REMEMBER: ACTION is ALWAYS greater than WORDS Get to work, David Guerra, MBA author of THE WALKING LEADER

13 August 2021

TRACK YOUR TIME - 13 August 2021

As our lives become more and more busy and time consuming that along with other distractions we can lose track of time. In order to understand where has the time gone and how to reel in back in we find out what and where that ime is going. By tracking how you spend your time, you will find yourself identifying how you spend your time as well as when and where the distractions are coming from. Those distractions will most certainly eat away at our day. We must identify the cause of the distraction or lack of focus. As we start to track our time, we begin to see trends and identify patterns of behavior, your behavior, that are leading towards losing track of time and ultimately losing focus when in turn leads to not getting things done. As you move on your journey of self-leadership you will discover that the sooner you spot the cause of the distraction, the sooner you can deal with the distractions and ultimately, come out on top. REMEMBER: ACTION is ALWAYS greater than WORDS Get to work, David Guerra, MBA author of THE WALKING LEADE

11 August 2021


Distractions are all around us. Distractions are part of the background. Distractions are here to stay. Distractions are here to shift our focus from what is important, what is relevant to the irrelevant. HEY! Look at that shiny object. Self-Leaders must learn to deal with those distractions either by cutting through them, going over, under or around them. No matter what you do, working with the distractions cannot be done. That is worse that multi-tasking. You must do what you can to keep those distractions at bay. REMEMBER: ACTION is ALWAYS greater than WORDS Get to work, David Guerra, MBA author of THE WALKING LEADER

10 August 2021

PLAN TO WIN - 10 August 2021

Whenever lines are drawn, sides are chosen, and stands are final, know that you have entered into combat. Whether it is for country, property, love, or whatever trivial matter that puts you on that battlefield. Know that both sides approach that battlefield with the intention of achieving only ONE outcome and that is to WIN.
When you find yourself on the battlefield know that those that stand opposite you are SOLELY there to BEAT YOU, to DEFEAT YOU, to MAKE YOU LOSE. They are there to show you that you are not worthy.
When you step on the field of battle YOU had better be prepared to stand up, defend yourself, take the fight to them or find yourself lacking. If you find yourself incapable of defeating your opponent, why bother? Know the time has come for you to throw yourself on the ground, curl up in the fetal position and beg for mercy.
Mercy you know they will not give you, mercy you do NOT deserve. They want to win and they will do what it takes, including showing you NO mercy.
Please know there is NO SUCH THING AS A FAIR FIGHT, because in any fight there can only be ONE WINNER!

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

PLAN FOR SUCCESS - 4 August 2021

When it comes working on our focus or our success or whatever we must work on to succeed, there is one thing that must be done: PLAN. Planning is a CRITICAL component to SUCCESS. As the ever popular and TRUTHFUL old adage goes, “When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Thus, when you plan to succeed, you succeed. However, when creating that plan there is one thing to remember: Adjust for all things including DISTRACTIONS. While all plans cannot be all encompassing, there is no reason to exclude distractions and how you plan to deal with them, when they arrive. When it comes to distractions it is NOT a matter of if you will be distracted but when! Get to work. REMEMBER: ACTION is ALWAYS greater than WORDS Get to work, David Guerra, MBA author of THE WALKING LEADER

02 August 2021

FOCUS - 02 August 2021

August 2 - FOCUS As recent athletic competition has shown, when a team or its “leaders” lose FOCUS or tries to shift focus away from what is important, at that moment. In this case, what was important is winning a game. The team that was shifting focus or multitasking comes up short because at most that anyone that is multitasking or shifting focus can give to any particular item or task is 80% of the attention. While the other team or competition is solely focusing on the task at hand and paying no attention to the non-game related content until after the event is CHOOSING to give 100% 100% versus 80% tell me who wins? That’s right the team or group giving 100%. Pay attention, Give 100%, Stay Focused! REMEMBER: ACTION is ALWAYS greater than WORDS Get to work, David Guerra, MBA author of THE WALKING LEADER