26 August 2021

DO NOT GIVE UP: When Others Blame You For Their Problems - 26 August 2021

As I have mentioned there are people that will not like you. There will be nothing you can do about that. Accept that fact and life becomes better.

However, there is another deeper side to others NOT liking you. There are people out there that will blame you for their problems. There are people that for no reason than their own ignorance will find a way to blame you for their problems.

People will go out of their way to blame you for their problems. Whatever the problem they are refusing to accept responsibility for their actions and inactions. They refuse to hold themselves accountable but are quick to hold others accountable and swift to lay blame.

You cannot give up when it comes to dealing with that kind of behavior. As a leader, get used to this becoming a standard and not an exception. It is when you set the example of holding yourself accountable and holding those that need to be held accountable accountable that you begin to change yourself, how others see you, interact with you and ultimately, they will change themselves.

Remember, Actions over Words all day, every day!

Get to work,
David Guerra, MBA

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