31 December 2006

Dave's Notable Books 2006

Who said the notable had to be published exclusively in 2006? Not I...That's why I am putting down the most notable books I read in 2006. What books have changed your world view? your personal latitude? you?

Here are those books and with a list like this, I can only imagine what my list will look like in 365 days.

Freakanomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything

by Steven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner
This book put a whole world of misconeptions in order. This book challenged a great many myths, some that were taken for granted and others that I really didn't want to know but am glad that I do now.

Married to the Brand: Why Consumers Bond with Some Brands for Life
by William J. McEwen
Great book if you want a lot of hard core data. This book delivers the 411 on why some products have maintained their brand status and others will only wish they could.

Lovemarks: The Future Beyond Brands
by Kevin Roberts, A. G. Lafley (Foreword by)
Another great book about brands and why they did to become the brands they are today. This book not only covers great American brands but a few international brands, that are the greatest thing since sliced bread came to their country.

by Tom Peters
Re-Imagine, has changed my life. It has opened my eyes to what I have always known but was too dumb and naive to accept. Now I question everything and accept nothing at face value. I also learned that business is business and friends are friends. That's why you never have one equal the other.

A Woman in Berlin: Eight Weeks in the Conquered City
by Anonymous, Philip Boehm (Translator)skip to next title
Having lived in Berlin for two years of my life. I always yearn to learn more about the history of this close to 770 year old city. However, after reading this almost day to day account of what happen when the Soviets conquered this once international city, I was left with a deep scar. The story of the women in Berlin and what they endured when the victors from the East claimed their spoils of war. The scar comes from living and loving that city and its citizens. It also comes from being one of the victors. No I did not fight to conquer Berlin nor was I in World War II. However, when I was in Berlin I was considered a member of the victorious Allies (British, French, Soviet, and U.S.). While I can see the Soviets were only getting a little payback of what the Germans did to their country, I still do not condone what was actually done. This is a must read.

24 December 2006

What are you doing reading a blog on Christmas Eve?

What sort of idiot would write a blog posting on
Christmas Eve?

"Only you, Dave!"

"A week ago I'd have kicked your butt out of here. But you are
absolutely right.

I'm not crazy. It's Christmas Eve. It's the one night when we
all act a little
nicer. We...we smile a little easier. We...we...share
a little more. For a couple
of hours we are the people we always
hoped we would be. It's really a miracle
because it happens every
Christmas Eve. And if you waste that miracle, you're
gonna burn for
it. I know. You have to do something. You have to take a chance

and get involved. There are people that don't have enough to eat
and who are cold.
You can go and greet these people. Take an old
blanket out to them or make a
sandwich and say, "Here."

"l get it now."

And if you give, then it can happen, the miracle can happen to you.
Not just the poor and hungry, Everybody's gotta have this miracle!
It can happen tonight for you all!
If you believe in this pure thing,
the miracle will happen and you'll want it again tomorrow!
You won't say, "Christmas is once a year and it's a fraud." It's not!
It can happen every day! You've just got to want that feeling!
You'll want it every day! It can happen to you!
I believe in it now.
I believe it's gonna happen to me, now. I'm ready for it!
And it's great. It's a good feeling.
It's better than I've felt in a long time.
I'm ready."

Have a Merry Christmas. Everybody.

Sound familiar? These are the greatest lines about the true
meaning of Christmas since Linus spoke those famous words on
the stage of the Christmas show in Merry Christmas Charlie Brown.
These words come from one of my top three Christmas Movies of
All Time, SCROOGED starring Bill Murray as Frank Cross.

BTW, the other movie is It's A Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart
and Donna Reed.

22 October 2006

Fall 2006

Wow, where has the time flown? Where is the ending and where is the start? Since I last checked in to this blog, so many things have happened. While on the surface, you could say there were bad things. To me they were some of the best things that could have ever happened to me.

Over the past months, I have been on a journey. A truly once in a lifetime journey. The kind of journey that I wish no one ever had to take but if you do, this is the journey that will prove what you are made of. Whether you can walk the talk. Your moment of truth...The Journey that will set your course for the rest of your life.

While not getting into the particulars of the events, I will say that summer started off rather nice, then it all went down hill from then. In the events that transpired, I had to say goodbye to two family members and turned my back on my church, as it was on vacation when I needed it the most, broke professional ties with a few individuals who would rather make themselves the center of the universe while attempting to manipulate the lives of the people around them.

In our lives there come times when the trees must be shaken to see the what falls out. In my case, since late August until last Tuesday I kept shaking the trees until the bad apples fell from it and the dead branches have snapped off. While shaking things up are a good thing from time to time, in this case there was some shaking that was overdue and there was some shaking that caught me by surprise.

So what does this mean? It means that having lightening my load has made me even more agile, more able to move forward without having to worry about hurting feelings or having to tread lightly. Don't get me wrong, I did not go into this lightly. As I mentioned, there were a few situations that I was forced to do what I did. There was only one situation where the relationship had grown stale and was not ever going to get back on track. The logical thing to do was to cut the ties.

Will I do this again? You bet I will. I will do it in a heartbeat. I will do it when the following conditions occur:
1. You want me to be there for you, but when I want/need you, you are nowhere to be found
2. You want me to follow you blindly no questions asked.
3. You like to manipulate people because $$$ talks and people don't matter.
4. You abuse my trust.
5. You abuse my family's trust.
6. You use your position in my family or my life to make yourself immune from the responsibility of your actions.
7. You DEMAND that your actions/inactions be excused because you are self-important no matter what role you play in my life or in the lives of my family.

So should you commit any of the aforementioned offenses, trust me you WILL be held accountable. You will have more than just me to answer to.

This might sound harsh and extreme, while most of you will never reach this point with with me, but some people will surprise me, as some have in the past. It is then that you will have to pay the piper.

In the meantime, I am ready to move forward having shed some dead weight.

Let's get back to business,
Dave Guerra

10 June 2006

Summer Reading: 2006

Summer is here and with that its time to pack the old SUV and head out for that ever relaxing summer vacation. As you are packing for that precious and priceless time throw in some summer reading material.

Here is my summer reading recommendations:

LOVEMARKS: the future beyond brands by Kevins Roberts, CEO Worldwide, Saatchi & Saatchi

Field Guide to the Night Sky by National Audobon Society

We will start light this summer, the intent of vacation is to not get into anything too serious but to maybe learn a thing or two while having some fun along the way. By the way, there will be a test the first week of the fall.


29 May 2006

Memorial Day 2006

I would like to take this time to pause and reflect on what Memorial Day is and what it means to me.

Memorial Day, according to MemorialDay.org, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service.

Just one day to honor those that have paid the ultimate price, I don't think so.

We should remember them every single day we live in this nation. Just like we wake up every morning and give thanks to God for giving us this day, we should also Thank God for giving us those brave individuals who answered the call and paid the ultimate price.

As a veteran, I have nothing but the highest respect and honor for my fellow veterans and active duty military men and women. When it comes to those Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines that have died in the line of performing their duty something greater comes over me. A sense that I owe them an honor that I can never begin to offer properly. So I do what I can. I will raise the flag with Pride and Honor that I was part of a great organization that made men of such caliber and grateful to be born in a nation that has had such men living among us.

So when you are outside with your Barbecue Pit, grilling your dinner and enjoying the start of summer, take a moment and thank all the fallen warriors who made your dinner possible.

14 May 2006

The Real DaVinci Code

Folks, this just in...the latest revelation. The lastest addition to the newest testament. Of course, the DaVinci Code is at the heart of it. Would you have it any other way?

From shaking the foundations of the Catholic Church to the highest seats of world governments to the darkest corners of secret sects, this latest controversy will have to be accepted by every man, woman, and child, no matter what their religion, no one will be immune.

Are you ready for the secret? Can you handle it? Can you deal with it?

The REAL DA VINCI CODE is: At the heart of the renaissance, Leonardo Da Vinci, created a scheme so huge that today, men are making so much money on books, video, dvds, films, and theater tickets. Those that know the real secret to the Da Vinci Code are laughing their way to the bank.

They have every alleged "expert" doing their dirty work. For every piece of controversy that is aired those at the center of the Da Vinci Code phenom are on average earning $1,000,000. So the more they can stir the pot, the more money they make. Besides advertisers are all reaping the collateral reward for they are sponsoring the shows and the talking heads to give them more fuel for the fire.

The real Da Vinci Code is this: Make some real cool paintings, drop a hint of androgyny in them, add a religious theme, and create a secret sect or two, and wait several hundred years and *POOF*...you got a multimillion dollar blockbuster and runaway best seller.

Now you know the real Da Vinci Code. It's all about $$$$$$ yep the BENJAMINs, the D-Marks, the Euros, the Liras, the Rubles, and yes even the Yen.

If your little mind still does not get it here it is in plain ENGLISH: IT IS ALL ABOUT MAKING MONEY AND NOTHING ABOUT RELIGION....geez

SIDE NOTE: If everyone realizes that this is ONLY about money then they can enjoy a good entertainment motion picture based on a book marked as FICTION.

27 April 2006

Your Information In A Stranger's Hand (Pt. 2)

The last posting dealt with your information and how safe it is when you send it to someone for processing. Who are these someones?

They are your accountant, your office supply store, the UPS store, the print shop that makes your business cards, blueprint copy shop, the guy who you hired to do you website. That's a lot of people. True by the nature of their business you expect a reasonable level of security when it comes to your information: A doctor's office, the confessional at church, the psychiatrist chair, and of course, your lawyer's office. That's about it.

If you really think that you can expect any level of security anyplace else, then you are sadly mistaken. I am sorry to put it so bluntly but it had to be said. What assurances do you have from the people you so gladly hand your data over to that they won't spill your corporate beans in someone else's salad?

Do they have a plan in place that SPECIFICALLY addresses how they will handle your data? Do they download it off the net and then burn it on a CD, label it, then toss it on a desk, until they get around to it? Trust me that is no plan. That is inviting trouble. Imagine YOUR #1 COMPETITOR coming in and asking to see the inner workings of the print shop (as an example), as he is getting the grand tour he spots a CD with your company name on it, hmmmm. A quick reach of the hand and *POOF*, your data...the data you thought you were entrusting to your printer has now fallen into enemy hands.

Whatever, you do DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK. It is your information and if you do not like what they had to say or hesitate to say something (BIG INDICATOR THAT THEY HAVE NO PLAN), then find someone else to do your work. It may cost a little more, but it may end up saving you a whole lot more when it comes to losing data to a competitor.

If they start giving you the run around or asking you what business is their business practices of yours...TELL THEM THAT IT IS YOUR BUSINESS you are bringing them. If they can't respect you enough to protect your business then they certainly don't need your patronage and they certainly don't need YOUR MONEY.

  • You have a right to have your information protected
  • You have a right to known how your information is protected
  • You have a right to find someone else (especially if they pull that old 'I thought we were friends' routine), that's why it is called BUSINESS (and not friendship)
  • You have a right not to be fooled by the fish. Those who proudly wear the fish like a badge of honor are set to a higher standard because "they expect it" also they are expected to give that HIGHER STANDARD back to everyone they deal with (more about the fish later).
  • You have a right to spend your money wherever you want.

26 April 2006

FLIGHT 93: the movie

Even with some arguing that it may be too soon for any major motion picture about 9-11-2001. I feel the opposite.

The time was right on 9-12-2001. I mean that as citizens of the United States we should be reminded about the morning hell was unleashed on us over our first cup of coffee, everyday. If only to reinforce the fact that there are people in the world that will stop at nothing to see the end of the greatest democracy this planet has ever had.

So is the time right? You better damn well believe it the time is right. This motion picture will be ranked up there with the emotions stirred up by 'SAVING PRIVATE RYAN'! Although, SPR is in a league of its own, it stirred the emotions of everyone who saw it. Especially, those first 20 minutes. I never got a chance to truly thank my grandfather for his service to this country, but I am so proud of him for answering his nation's call. But I digress...

Flight 93, we know what happens, yet we will watch if for nothing else, but for the opportunity to get to know those Patriots who so willingly sacrificed themselves so that a couple of idiots would never see their delusional vision of heaven be realized.

It's time....Go See FLIGHT 93.

16 April 2006

How Secure Is Your Data? Are You Willing To Bet Your Life On It?

By now I am sure most of you have heard about the Hard Drives, Thumb Drives, and other data storage devices stolen from US bases in Afghanistan and sold at the local bazaars. There have been reports that there were maps of Fire Control Radar locations, images of troop movements and operations, names of Taliban double agents, cover agents and other sensitive data were on the drives.

How did they obtain this information? Its real simple...According to an FBI/CSI Computer Security Survey for 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005, "Insiders are the greatest threat to computer security". Consultants, technicians, outside vendors and contractors are allowed access to the area where such equipment is stored. It doesn't take a genius to go in and copy a harddrive (especially with external USB drives) or palm a flash drive and *POOF* it is gone.

What are you doing to protect your data? Encrypting it? off-site storage? or hope that you can trust the people you allow behind the counter? We all live in a world where we would like to trust your fellow man. While it is not certain how much information has already fallen into enemy hands, what it is certain it will be used against us whether in the form of Propoganda (recovered images) or to plan counter-operations against Coalition forces.

While this might not happen in your business, people might not die if a blue print goes missing but should a client find out that their private business information has been compromised rest assured your business will suffer a direct economic hit because you are not doing anything to protect their interest.

So if you think you can live through a direct economic hit to your business, then you are one of two things: so rich that you don't need their business or you are the biggest IDIOT thatever was.

Do something now about protecting not just your data but that of your clients, and let them know you care enough about them that you are taking steps to protect their most important assets entrusted to you.

If you don't know how to get started, let me know I am willing to help you.

19 March 2006

Which crowd do you belong to?

It's Lent, for those of you who practice Christianity, you know the deal. For those that don't, well then as good citizens of the world you should at least know what Lent is all about. This blog isn't much about religion as it is about a crowd of people.

When Jesus was on Earth performing miracles...you know turning water to wine, making the blind see, curing the ill...all that stuff, word got out that this guy was making miracles happen people started to follow. They followed him everywhere. They called him "Rabbi" (Teacher), everyone that followed him loved him. This went on for quite a while.

Then the prophesized day came, there he stood before the big wigs of the Jewish religion. The crowds followed him to see how matters were going to be handled. The Chief Men and Elders took the matter to the Roman Government. This is where Pontius Pilate comes in. The crowds followed the Jewish Leaders and Jesus to the Roman magistrate's office to see how this was going to play out.

It was here that some in the crowd yell, "KILL HIM!!!" The crowd turned on Jesus of Nazareth. Ultimately, Jesus was put to death via crucifiction. The crowds of followers hid, turned against him, denied him, and even encourage his death. These were the people who followed him from Miracle to Miracle. They followed him to his great sermon. These were now the same people who no longer wanted to be associated with him.

This crowd was the worst kind...today we call them HOMERS....Johnny come latelys...

Something to think about...Would you have the guts to go against the crowd and stand up for what you believed no matter what, no matter how unpopular?

15 March 2006

How To Get A $17 Million Dollar Contract With The Dallas Cowboys

Long time Mentor and Uber-Disruptive Age Guru Tom Peters wrote in Re-Imagine that the average US employee has approximately 26 days a year of training. That's 208 hours a year. Sounds like a lot? It does but it isn't. There are 2080 working hours in a typical 5 day a week, 52 week business year and according to my friend Tom, only 1/10th of that time is spent on training.

Not bad you say? I say its real bad. I say Tom is on to something. In the book he continues to say that in order to be best in the world, the best train every day...365 days a year...if they train for at least one hour a day, well that's a minimum of 365 hours a year. What are you doing to be best in the world? or at least best in your organization?

Take for instance, the new Dallas Cowboy Linebacker Akin Ayodele. Talk about starting from the ground up. This kid was once their ball boy, now he is the highest paid ball boy in the NFL ($17 Million Five Year, $5 Million signing bonus). He saw his objective, worked and trained hard until he realized his dream of playing in the NFL for the Dallas Cowboys.

I can rest assured in saying that this kid did not practice when he felt like it and got this multi-million dollar contract handed to him. He earned it. The Dallas Cowboys did not get the name of "America's Team" for no reason...the EARNED IT, as well.

Akin Ayodele, just like every other Professional Athlete, CEO, accomplished Author, Doctor, PhD., M.Div, noted Scholar, acclaimed Guru of the Disruptive Age, and even your local Computer Tech achieved their place in the world by being the best in the world at what they do.
As with Mr. Ayodele it was not handed to them, they earned it. They trained, trained, trained ,and when they thought they couldn't go on they trained some more.

So what is this post all about? Simple, if you aren't training then you ain't learning. If you ain't learning then you ain't living. If you ain't living then what's the point?

18 February 2006

¿Donde Estas?

¿Donde Estas? Wo Bist Du? uh Where are you?

Do you where you are? Do you know where your customers are? Do you know?

There seems to be a popular misconception as to where people are? The truth dear reader is rather simple. As you read this blog, I am no more than a few feet from you. This happy medium known as the Internet has made the miles disappear. Think about it, I sit here in Deep South Texas and with a few clicks of the mouse, I know what the temperature is in Tahlequah, Oklahoma is. A couple of other clicks and I can see out my friend's apartment in Berlin, Germany through his web-cam.

The transfer of information has quickly become such an "old-hand" that I can read the weekly bulletin of the Church my In-Laws attend in Memphis, Tennessee. With blogs, emotions are now shared worldwide, in an instant. I can feel your pain, I can share in your happiness.

So what does this have to do with business matters? Issues in your neighborhood affect me as do the issues in my neighborhood affect you. This means that for as much as we have to think globally we also have to start thinking locally, think about the customer's location in terms of "that you have to know what is going on in that community."

As an example, few months ago I received a call from a non-profit organization in Connecticut. It seems that they were looking for a custom database designer. It got me thinking "why are they calling Texas for a database designer?" Simple, either they were burned by someone locally or no one advertised on the Internet that they offered those services. Needless to say I did the work. To this day, I continue to read their local paper, online of course. I also subscribe to the organization's newsletter. I am now part of their community...Passively Observing but sharing thoughts and ideas with the customer whenever we talk, "Hey, how is that Highway expansion going?" or "Did that School Bond pass at the last vote?" and so on.

As the Internet continues to evolve, it is up to you to spread your wings across the Internet and get in touch with not only your customer and their individual needs but establish a solid foundation and know what is going on in their neck of the woods.

05 February 2006

Super Bowl Commercials for Super Bowl XL

Let's Have Some Fun...It's Super Bowl Sunday for Pete's Sake

So Let's Blog The Commercials:
Budweiser Beer Hunt: Good Idea but not quite finished with this Story

Burger King: whopperettes...looks like the King should start playing football with a helmet, all those hits to the head over the season have really taken their toll....What the heck was that???

Sierra Mist: Whoever came up with this idea, well they need a cavity search...for a clue!

Bud Lite: Magic Fridge...ROCKS!!!!

FedEx: Just goes to prove either be distinct or be extinct. In this case, FedEx is distinct.

Bud Lite: Bear...Beer...huh?

Diet Pepsi: P.Diddy, while funny it is just difficult to think that P.Diddy needs the money. Come on P. make some more great music. You are too good to partner up with a can of Diet Pepsi.

Aleve: Live Long and Prosper Mr. Spock. Thanks for keeping the faith. Aleve, what can you do about upset stomachs?


Bud Lite: Rooftop Repairs...Well, we have a WINNER!!!

Diet Pepsi: Jackie Chan...They can only get better. Diet Pepsi Can, you can move up and work with Jet Li. Jackie Chan..while you are a living legend you better watch out cuz Diet Pepsi Can is gonna take you down like Bruce took down Kareem.

Budweiser: Streaker...did we really need another brokeback mountain reminder? Did we really need to see that?

Mobile ESPN: Cool, but can you blog from it?

Careerbuilder.com: We all have monkeys in the workplace...Tell us something new.


Toyota: Kermit...you still kick it after all these years

Bud Amber beer: The beer better be as good as those hits were.

GoDaddy: Wardrobe malfunctions are so last year...Then again I was waiting Aretha to do it during the Star Spangled Banner.

Gillette: QUICK!!! SOMEONE call QUIZNO's someone stole their logo.

Overstock.com: OMG, I am in love with that German Beauty...She is German look it up.

Disney: Seen it...no comment

Sprint: Crime Deterrent ROCKS!!!! We have another WINNER!!!

Ameriquest: Airplane...gawd I am never that lucky


Sharpie: u mean a Pirate can write? or wants to?

Budweiser: Lil' Clydesdale: Why are kids so eager to grow up?

Nationwide: Fabio finally women get to see what we men have seen for so many years.

NFL Mobile: Air? We had no air and we liked it.

H3 (Hummer): If all cars were born this way, we would all live in a very happy world.

PS Cleaner: Ewww kissing plastic...

Careerbuilder.com: we all got Jackasses at work too.

Taco Bell: Even Geek Chicks don't like Geek Guys

Toyota Tacoma: Now that's a cool video

Sprint: Downloads...I MISS BENNY HILL...please someone give him a Knighthood

Degree: We all need to be like Jackie Chan and do our own stunts.

Emerald Nuts: uh ok..whatever you say DRUID LOVERS

Budweiser: Now that's some good beer..cool commercial. Best one Bud commercial of the night.

MasterCard: dang its Shamus McGyver...where has he been hiding.

Congratulations to the Pittsburgh Steelers

04 February 2006


If you had read the 13 days of posting over the holidays you know that I had a condition that would have gotten worse if I did not get off my duff and do something about it. Well, today was a beginning for a new chapter in my life.

This morning I ran in the All-America City 10K and 2 Mile Run/Walk. I did the 2 Mile Run in a little under 19 minutes. Not bad for a guy who is a lot older and a lot heavier the last time he ran a timed 2 miler. It was was when I ran my last PT in the Army. Back then the minimum time for age group was around 14 minutes. I did that no problem. Almost 20 years later and I added 5 minutes to my time, not bad for a not too fat, not too old geezer.

What is the moral of this shameless self-promotion? All it takes is one step. One step even if someone has to put a boot up your backside, GET UP & TAKE THAT FIRST STEP.

JUNE 4, 2005 was the day my doctor put that boot up my ass. Don't let your Doc be the one to do it, because it might just be too late. I am so lucky it was not too late for me.

Consider this your wake-up call. Consider your ass kicked by my boot. While I do not expect you to go out and run two miler, next week but if in 8 months you can beat my time today (18minutes 44seconds) I will give you a Steak OR Lobster Dinner delivered to your door. This offer has to be verified by race officials as well as a doctor's certification that a condition existed that would be prevented through diet and exercise. How is that for an incentive to get off your ass and start living BIG!!

29 January 2006


Now that The Big Moo is over, I am heading over to my next book: Tom Peters Essentials: TALENT (develop it, sell it, be it) by Tom Peters.

It is one in series of four books that are a direct derivative of the 2003 book RE-IMAGINE! by Management/Leadership Guru Tom Peters.

Though I am not done, it isn't a hard read, however so far it is extremely informative and extremely thought provoking. There is one section that I am thoroughly enthralled with that I had to write about it.

I am going to post it here. This comes directly from the TALENT book by Tom Peters pages 46-47.

A "Brand You" Start
In the Brand You training offered by Tom Peters Company, we provide concrete ways for clients to renew their Brand You portfolio. They have found one exercise in particular to be of value. We call it the Personal Brand Equity Evaluation. Each participant is asked to complete the following statements:

I am known for...

Next year at this time I will also be known for...

My current project is challenging me in these ways...

New things I've learned in the last 90 days include...

My public "recognition program" consists of...

Additions to my Rolodex in the last 90 days include...

My resume today is Discernibly Different from my resume last year at this time in these ways...

There's no magic here. But applying the "brand equity" idea to your career is a clear winner, or so clients keep telling us.

So I challenge my dear readers to fill out this questionaire and see what you learn about yourself.

A reminder in 90 days will be posted so that you can redo this and hopefully it will be "discenibly different"

27 January 2006

The Big Moo: A Review (Finally)

Today, I finished reading The Big Moo:Stop Trying to Be Perfect and Start Being Remarkable edited by Marketing Guru Seth Godin and written by 33 of the top business and leadership minds on the planet.

This book has been thoroughly reviewed so I will not make this a rehash of what they already said. Well maybe a little.

The 33 individual one or two page vignettes were short enough to keep me wanting to read the next one but not too short that made the vignettes lacking information. I was really impressed that one of the authors mentioned the grocery store that I shop at by name. I was completely blown away about what made H.E.B. part of this awesome book. It also re-affirmed my resolve as a customer of H.E.B. Sorry folks you are going to have to get the book for yourself to find out what the heck I am talking about.

Overall this book will definitely change your attitude as well as your latitude.