26 April 2006

FLIGHT 93: the movie

Even with some arguing that it may be too soon for any major motion picture about 9-11-2001. I feel the opposite.

The time was right on 9-12-2001. I mean that as citizens of the United States we should be reminded about the morning hell was unleashed on us over our first cup of coffee, everyday. If only to reinforce the fact that there are people in the world that will stop at nothing to see the end of the greatest democracy this planet has ever had.

So is the time right? You better damn well believe it the time is right. This motion picture will be ranked up there with the emotions stirred up by 'SAVING PRIVATE RYAN'! Although, SPR is in a league of its own, it stirred the emotions of everyone who saw it. Especially, those first 20 minutes. I never got a chance to truly thank my grandfather for his service to this country, but I am so proud of him for answering his nation's call. But I digress...

Flight 93, we know what happens, yet we will watch if for nothing else, but for the opportunity to get to know those Patriots who so willingly sacrificed themselves so that a couple of idiots would never see their delusional vision of heaven be realized.

It's time....Go See FLIGHT 93.

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