26 September 2013

About Giving 110%

Obviously, the Internet has become the great equalizer in that not only can small businesses now compete against the big conglomerates but you are competing with the world for the same business.

This most certainly means you have to be on top of your game 100%.

Notice I didn't write 110% because there is NO 110%.

Kid yourself all you want there is just no giving it your all plus 10% more. If you have 10% more to give then originally you were only giving 90% and NOT 100%.

Aren't they cheating the people or the organizations that they say they are giving 110% to? Worst of all they are really just cheating themselves.

Don't Cheat Yourself and Others!

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.

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