06 June 2010

Classic Wisdom for the Professional Life (another book review)

Everyone needs a place they can turn to for inspiration and a resource for inspiring others Classic Wisdom for the Professional Life is that resource. This little black (very dark blue) book pulls no punches and offers no fluff just plenty of nuggets of wisdom and wit from many notable individuals from all walks of life, past and present.

From the first page to the last the quotes contained are applicable at almost any time and any point in one’s life. Most books that host a collection of quotes tend to be a gathering of the same quotes from the same people that were in all the other books that make a book of quotes look like all the other books of quotes.

Editor Bryan Curtis took the time to ensure that Classic Wisdom for the Professional Life was not like all the other books that contain a gathering of quotations. From the first page the people that the quotes are attributed to are, in some cases, the last person anyone would expect to say what they said. Those are the kind of quotations that keep the reader turning the page to see who said what. Above all, having a copy of Classic Wisdom for the Professional Life within reach is essential in these rough and turbulent times.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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01 June 2010

Flip The Funnel (a review)

Back in October of 2007 on my blog I compared Joseph Jaffe to Donald Trump to the 80s band Duran Duran. The comparison was how the three have a rhythm that is "uniform and a well-coordinated action." The Donald, Joseph, and Duran Duran continue to be relevant and not allow any part of their brand to get stale, as they wouldn't allow it. After all, it is their name (their brand) that gets people to buy into what they are selling. In 2007, that comparison dealt with Joseph Jaffe’s book Join The Conversation.

Now, Joseph Jaffe’s done it again with his latest book, Flip The Funnel. This time he takes the reader on a journey and makes it an experience that is filled with tools and tips that will take anyone (from business owner to client/customer) to the next level in customer satisfaction or, better still, Relationship Building.

In Flip The Funnel, Jaffe provides real world examples of people and organizations that get it right and those that can’t seem to get it right no matter how hard they try or fail to try. For both, though, he offers answers to creating and sustaining a lifelong relationship with stakeholders (internal and external).

Right now, in an economy where up is down and down is sideways we all certainly need people to be spot on 100% of the time. What Jaffe delivers in Flip The Funnel is something that can only be described as SPOT ON!

You can get your copy of Flip The Funnel at Amazon.com | Barnes and Noble

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