Over the past weekend I participated in an event that rocketed an author up the Books Bestseller chart over at Amazon.com. It was interesting to see that through a little grassroots undertaking one man can make his move up the charts from a 1034 ranking to a 26th place rank in one day. Talk about a world of free advertising and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Joseph Jaffe is the author and his new book "Join the Conversation" was the book that was bum rushed up the charts. In the New Marketing community Jaffe has become a brand and he has crossed his brand over to other sectors of business. As an Information Technologist, I came across Jaffe sort of by accident, still there was something about him that had me hooked from the start.
This weekend I saw the CNBC show "The Billionaire Inside" with Donald Trump. In the show he was asked as how he became "The Donald" and he stated that he had the vision to look beyond what was in front of him. He told the story of how he purchased a high rise for $1 million and sold it for $60 million. He also added that people recognize the quality he has given his name because of transactions like that $60 million dollar deal. He said that because it was Trump people just associated a higher standard with it.
This afternoon I saw the new Duran Duran music video for their new song "Falling Down". While it is no RIO or HUNGRY LIKE THE WOLF, it is solidly Duran Duran. It is a song that fans have come to expect from DD. These guys have been around since 1978 and continue to reinvent themselves with every album they put out. Their name alone continues to evoke the spirit of 80's music but it also now stands as a brand name that was built with the quality music and videos that they were the first to deliver. Though there are others that continue today from their beginnings in the 80's, none however have delivered with such ferocity and audacity to persevere through their lineup changes and still deliver a product that is worthy of besting the previous product.
So what do Joseph Jaffe, The Donald, and Duran Duran have in common? Rhythm. They got a rhythm that is "uniform and a well-coordinated action", they keep things moving, they don't let anything get stale (they wouldn't allow it). After all, it is their name that has been recognized, it is their name that gets people to buy their books, gets people to pay outrageous prices for their buildings, gets people to keep wanting to hear their music for almost 30 years. Do you have the rhythm? Because in the end, RHYTHM IS THE POWER.
Tags: Joseph Jaffe, Duran Duran, Donald Trump, Red Carpet Massacre, Join the Conversation, Trump Towers, The Donald, bumrush the charts, Falling Down, Billionaire Inside, Rhythm is the Power, brand, branding
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