21 July 2020

Leaders: You Call Yourself An Activist But Are You One?

In this point of modern world history there are plenty of individuals who claim themselves to be “activists” but haven’t a single clue on what an activist really, truly is or what it takes to become one. Right now, all over the world there are individuals who are stepping up their game but those are few and far between. I would be safe at putting it somewhere between 1 in every 100,000 are stepping up their Activist game. Those few step up to be a leader. Why do so few step up?

To put it quite simply: They would rather be an un-informed “Johnny-come-lately”, they would rather be detached third party followers led by the nose rings to the next trough. To go into even more simpler terms: Because it is EASIER to say they are an activist than to actually be an activist!

Being an activist involves just a little more than posting on Facebook or re-tweeting someone else’s original post on twitter, and anything else on social media. Being a true Activist means so much more than just being a social media warrior. It means being informed, contributing, recognized member of the community you support plus a whole lot more to include being a leader, a Genuine Leader to ALL PEOPLE.

Now, let’s break it down!

Definition of the word: Activist
The Merriam-Webster dictionary and website states an Activist is defined as, “one who advocates or practices activism: a person who uses or supports strong actions (such as public protests) in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue.”

“one who advocates”

Let’s break that word down as well.

There are three definitions as a noun, an advocate is “one who pleads the cause of another”, number two “one who defends or maintains a cause or proposal” and number three, “one who supports or promotes the interests of a cause or group”

I will not insult your intelligence but as I read these definitions I can see where things start to break down.

If we stop at the first part of both definitions, it all falls apart, because far too many people live by the TLDR effect they get stop at the first part of the definition.

Let me go one step further and this might be where I will lose some of you as what I will be presenting in this post might not be to the liking of most people. It stands to reason that I will lose some readers because I am about to share one word that many know and understand but absolutely refuse to do because of any number of reasons. That word? That word is WORK.

If I have not scared you off, then give me a minute or two.

I want to break down the word ACTIVIST one more time. The word is rooted in the word ACTIVE.

Active is defined as “characterized by action rather than by contemplation or speculation”, “producing or involving action or movement”, “quick in physical movement”, and “marked by present operation, transaction, movement, or use”. There are several other definitions and they all continue to focus on action.

Action! Action means you are doing.

Therefore, to truly make an impact you have to take Action and that means stop with the passive activism (talk about an oxymoron) because any keyboard warrior can be a passive activist. But where’s the fun in that? Seriously, the fun is in the doing. The fun and adventure is doing more that just hitting the like button or the subscribe and follow.

The fun, adventure, and the doing come from going just one step beyond being tagged as a keyboard warrior.

The fun, adventure, doing and accomplishment comes from actually putting in the work.


It is time to back away from the keyboard and get into the thick of it.

Being active means, you have to do the work, put in the work, get to work.

How do you put in the work, do the work, get to work?

You stop posting the passive-aggressive and start working with those you support.

By being passive aggressive you do more to hurt your cause than you do to support it.

By being passive aggressive your message might just be that, your message and not the message of what you are “supporting”

Thus, by working directly with those you are supporting you are getting the CORRECT and DIRECT access to their mission and vision.

By having direct access to the MISSION and VISION you are able to properly present your direct support and apply direct action to the “cause”. Now you are making more of an impact instead of being someone who is just “buzzing” around, making noise and not taking it to the next level.

Taking it to the next level is what you must do to get recognized as someone committed to the “cause” whatever it may be.
Taking it to the next level is how you get to be part of something that is bigger than you.
Being committed to the “cause” is what is going to earn you the respect of your peers, your followers, and most of all it is how you become a greater leader because you are leading by example.

What I am trying to say is it is high time to get involved to get active with your activism, be an Active Activist.


Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

28 June 2020

Name Calling and Such (a.k.a. what happened to civility?)

In this modern age, there is a disturbing trend that needs to be addressed or at least put down in writing somewhere.

Today, I saw a very disturbing and most illogical post on LinkedIn. You know LinkedIn, the "facebook for professions". The post was from one individual describing a previous co-worker who has been promoted within the organization.

However, the individual showed such disdain for the former co-worker as to post "so vile, so disgusting, so sexist, so racist, so homophobic that just imagining his stupid face, makes me full of rage."

How is any of this acceptable? The author of the post, whether the previous co-worker behaved in such a manner or not is moot. The author calls out a bully in true bullying fashion. The author of this post just became the exact same thing the author accuses the former co-worker of being. Yes, I said it. I said it because I mean it.

Even with over 200 replies, most of which were positive towards the Original Poster (OP). There was one individual that questioned why the OP took the stance. There was no response. Then when pressed the OP answered with a most defensive stance and I paraphrase "it is my post and choice whom to respond and not to"

Why is this behavior among "professionals" tolerated? I know I am setting myself up for the negative comments, replies and responses. However, I do truly want to know how publicly making assumptions and accusations about others is acceptable but when there is push back or retort it is as an abomination?

Folks, let's get serious here. There is never a proper time for losing control of yourself. Losing control to the point of lowering yourself down to the level of the individuals you dislike. As a leader, you have to maintain a level of tact, decorum, and most of all, professionalism in all that you do.

Of course, in these trying times, everyone needs a bit of reminder. You are a Leader, You are a Professional, You Are A Leader & A Professional 24/7, 365 and that's non-negotiable.

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

29 April 2020

Guide To Leadership During A Pandemic - Welcome To The New Norm by David G. Guerra, MBA

Guide To Leadership During A Pandemic

Welcome To The New Norm

The new normal, the new norm and other references to this new way of living and being. In case, you have not caught on because things continue to evolve then let me share this with you. All this talk of the new norm is a new way of saying CHANGE.

Yes, change. We have all been warned that change is coming and to be ready for change. I know I have shared that with you throughout the history of my podcasts, videos, blogs and articles. As a former Active Duty US Army Infantryman, change was what my active duty life was all about and thus difficult to shake the specter of change looming just one step behind. That is why I am such a proponent to be ready for change when it arrives.

As a Leader, it is up to you to be an engaged pupil in the art of managing change. Managing change? Yes, I believe when it comes to change all we can do is to manage it as we can NEVER master change. As change is always a dynamic, fluid situation which is susceptible to way too many external factors which influence just about all aspects of the evolving situation.

Having a firm grasp and understanding that while we would like to control change, it is not going to happen. While I am not advocating riding the wave of change, I am saying think of change as a white-water rafting. You are on the raft and you have some semblance of control with the paddle. Sure, you can guide your raft to the shore or down the river but where you actually end up will most certainly not be exactly where you wanted/planned to be. Sound familiar?

Sounds a lot like real, true blue leadership. While leaders have a plan and ready to put in place that plan and like all other plans before that plan things do not always go as planned. Just like most of the battle plans in the history of battle plans, they go into the trash can the moment the bullets start flying.

However, do not for one second believe that you should abandon hope when you develop, create and implement a plan. While it may be difficult kick off that plan during a time of crisis such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, it should not stop you from doing so. Any and every Leaders worth his or her weight in salt are on the lookout for staying the course of the plan once executed. Yet, when things do not go as planned, leaders are ready to adapt, improvise and overcome as leaders are expected to do so.

Folks, change will continue to surround us for the far foreseeable future. Change is the new norm. Change is what we as human have always been exposed to, but it was so low level that now with the Pandemic it has risen to the top, which means that as Leaders you have to rise above that. That is non-negotiable because that is the new norm.

Thank you,
David Guerra, MBA

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

Here are some Tags: #WalkingLeader • #GreatToFollow • #Leadership • #DaveGuerra • #Leading • #LeadershipDevelopment • #ProfessionalDevelopment • #LeadFollowGetOutOfTheWay • #ReadyFireAim • #BreakIt. • #HireCrazies • #AskDumbQuestions • #PursueFailure • #SpreadConfusion • #DitchYourOffice • #ReadOddStuff • #AvoidModeration • #Higher #Admire #Desire #Require #Satire #Inquire #OnFire #AllPossibleScenarios

08 February 2020

Your Weekend Challenge Has Arrived for Saturday & Sunday 02/08-09/2020

Weekend Challenge #03: HOW AM I DOING?

Remember, we are supposed to be learning from out past. The choice we made can never be undone but those choices also serve to shape our future. For every action we take there is an outcome we may or may not like.

However, when we make what we perceive to be rational and sound choices then no matter the outcome we feel we made the right choice. Whether the outcome was what we expected or not. It is when we make hasty and rash decisions that are not worth the risk that…well we get what we deserve: a hasty, rash and unsound outcome. To avoid the outcomes that are not in our favor or not exactly what we expected we have to focus on being intentional with our decision making and be prepared to deliver on a decision that may sometimes not give us what we expect or want.

One way to be intentional in our future decision making is to review our past decisions. Please read carefully: TO REVIEW OUR PAST DECISIONS and NOT TO DWELL ON THOSE DECISIONS AND THEIR OUTCOMES.

Sadly, as I write this I know there are individuals that are going to only read the last seven words of the previous sentence and all that I am writing will go to waste (on them). Good thing, you are not one of those that dwells on past decisions only to repeat making the decisions that CONTINUE to deliver the outcomes and expectations that are NOT what you expected or anticipated. As leaders, the only common thread to decision making is ensuring that whatever the decision it is something you will learn from and become better as a leader but also as a human being.

The weekend, is the perfect time to pour yourself a cup of coffee or a cuppa tea or a snifter of warm brandy or whatever you choose to drink, and reflect on the past seven (7) days. Use this weekend to review the following and be HONEST with yourself:
- What decisions were made?
- What decisions did you not make?
- Which decisions could have been better with more info?
- Which decisions were made in haste?
- Which decisions were made as a form of revenge (for example, I’ll show them)?
- Which decisions changed your life for the better?
- Which decisions changed your life for the worse?
- How were your relationships made better by your decisions?
- How were your relationships strained by your decisions?
- Did the decisions you made have a negative impact on others?
- Did the decisions you made have a lasting and positive impact on others?
- NOW REALLY BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF: Did the decisions you made have a negative impact on YOU?

These questions are to be used solely to IMPROVE your future. The answers are yours and yours alone, you do not have to share them with anyone but you do have to think about them but not for too long. Thinking too long is where the dwelling begins and that is NOT a good thing.

In the answers, see what needs improvement, what needs to be removed, what needs to be modified and most importantly what needs to remain. However, this will only work if you are willing to be HONEST and TRUTHFUL with yourself. It can be difficult because there are far too many individuals that truly believe they do not need to improve but everyone around them does.

Thus, I challenge you to get rid of the bad, the nastiness, the bitterness, the sadness, the distrust, the anger, the destructive, scarcity mindset and yes WE all have them to some degree or another. In case you FAILED to read that right, I wrote WE which INCLUDES ME.

I challenge you to be better, do better, because as an adult and leader, you already KNOW better.

I challenge you to let the good, happiness, growth and the abundance mindset in, take root and grow inside you.

I challenge you to find the way to let the best in you coming shining through. To be the best version of you that you can be.

This Decision Review Challenge is one that you must repeat every week. Repeat it so that you are constantly improving. This challenge is actually quite simple on the complexity scale of 1 to 10. I give this a 5. Five in that, it may be a bitter pill to swallow, at first, but once you find yourself asking and honestly answering these questions it will get better. I promise it will get better and you will become better.

You become better because you are aware of your actions and behaviors.

You are better because YOU WANT TO BECOME BETTER. Well there it is, YOUR WEEKEND CHALLENGE, now get to work!

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

03 February 2020

Humans are Irrational and emotional. Focus On The Rational by David Guerra (06/100)

When we are young one thing is certain: WE HAVE HUGE EGOS! Our egos are so huge that it is a miracle that we survived. As Stinger (James Tolkan) told Maverick (Tom Cruise) in the motion picture, TOP GUN (1986), “Son, your ego is writing checks your body can’t cash!” Lucky for Maverick, he never cashed in or out (depends on how you look at it.)
It was a matter of time before our ego caught up with us or we out grew the false bravado and façades to be come the rational and in-control individuals we have become.

There is one thing to remember: we never grow up. There is always something or someone that will trigger your ego and there we go with irrational, emotional behavior. Sad but true. For some, it may be quicker and for others it may take a little more prodding but it will happen.

That’s OK, we are only human after all. We are not perfect. Sure, many want to believe they are perfect. Yet, perfection is subjective and thus; no one is perfect. I am not perfect; you are not perfect. Did I mention I am not perfect?

By recognizing we are not perfect and there will be times when we become irrational & emotional, we can then to work on improving ourselves. We can begin work on the rational. By being aware and cognizant that by being rational focusing on that, we can accomplish more, we can be more.

By learning the valuable lessons that come with falling into the trap of being/becoming irrational then we can focus on the rational. The focus we have, built on the mistakes and actions of the past, will only work if we can admit to ourselves that we messed up, that we fell victim to our ego, that we cannot blame anyone else for our own failures and shortcomings.

It is not easy for some people to confront themselves over the fact that the ego can be manipulated, easily triggered. Once we can overcome that hurdle then can we make some serious change to our life process. That is if you want to make a conscious effort to improve and leave the lack of focus, the irrational and emotion in the past, then be ready to work.

While, you will never be completely emotionless. Remember, in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Spock could not complete the Kolinahr, the Vulcan ritual to purge all emotions. He was half-human after all. So, what did he do? The only logical thing. This was to admit that he was also human and proceeded to live his life with his emotions. The learned that emotions were part of who he is and what he will be.

However, because he worked at controlling his emotions, the character of Spock, went on to be better and do better. The same can work for you and you do not have to be half-Vulcan. As a matter of fact, you can be 100% human and work on being clear and level headed.

You can do this by committing to being better, doing better, and working on focusing on the rational. It will serve you well when it comes dealing with people and situations that will tax you. Avoid them while you start the process of focusing on the rational. Of course, you cannot avoid people all the time. However, you can avoid those individuals that would be considered bumps in the road to your success.

Do what it takes with what you have but do not give up hope, deny patience, and most of all stick to your commitment to being successful.

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

Here are some Tags: Tags: • The Walking Leader • Great To Follow • Leadership • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it ain't broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero

04 January 2020

Happy New Year! Walking Leader Podcast #160 with your host David Guerra is now online

Happy New Year Everyone!
Just want to take a moment to let blog readers know the latest episode of my podcast, The Walking Leader, is now online: Episode #160 entitled "Credibility Is The Foundation"

In this episode, Credibility is a one of many words that are synonymous with LEADERSHIP. Credibility is one of those fragile life skills that can take a lifetime to learn and master but only takes one second to destroy. As a leader it is not just your duty but your responsibility to learn, understand the fragility and vulnerability of credibility as the foundation of your time as a leader and as a teacher of the ups and downs of those growing into their role as future leaders.

• DaveGuerra.com website (https://daveguerra.com/wlpodcast/walking-leader-podcast-150-159/walking-leader-podcast-160/)
• Apple Podcasts (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/walking-leader-official-blog/id886737443)
• Stitcher (https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/dave-guerra/the-walking-leader-podcast?refid=stpr)
• iHeartRadio (https://www.iheart.com/podcast/53-the-walking-leader-28373233/)

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

Here are some Tags: Tags: • The Walking Leader • Great To Follow • Leadership • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it ain't broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero

01 January 2020

Happy New Year 2020: Focus On What You Can Change

Focus On What You Can Change  -  So you won’t waste your time with something you can’t.

2020 has arrived. All the excitement, angst, anticipation, planning, goal setting and what not the time has come and there is no going back. No matter how much we want, there is no going back. However, far too many of us bring along (into the new year) things that keep dragging us back to the past. Thus, we never can move forward. However, by recognizing what you can and cannot change in your life can you begin to eliminate that which will cause you to spin your wheels and begin to grow those things in your life that you can change.


As I mentioned at the top of this post, the year 2020 has arrived. Time has us moving forward and for all of us moving forward is critical to our future success. Yet, we cannot go forward with things we cannot change be securely and firmly attached to our backs. No one can go successfully into the future where the things you cannot change continue to hinder us. It is critical to moving forward that we move forward into 2020 and beyond, unencumbered (or lightly encumbered). The driving force that leads people towards success is knowing that any unnecessary item, belief, mindset that is not able to be changed will slow down the attempt at success. That is why reducing the load will allow you to move faster toward achieving your success.


When it comes to lightening the load the first thing to address is knowing what to cut loose. Lightening the load is done by successfully identifying what cannot be changed. The ability to successfully identify what cannot be changed is by far one of the easiest things you can do. Find that that is providing you resistance, friction, what you feel is holding you back. What makes that easy, is that you know what is holding you back, who is providing the friction, and what is offering the resistance. Sadly, most people stop short of doing something about the resistance, the friction, and what is holding you back. Once identified, there is something you can do. It might be something that will cause you consternation but it is truly the only thing that can be done: STOP DEALING WITH THE PEOPLE AND THINGS YOU CANNOT CHANGE.


Recognizing what you can change is even easier to do. Start at the center. Start with yourself. That’s right, it is that simple. You are your most valuable asset.

 Think about this: If you cannot take charge of yourself, then what good will you be to those you lead.
This means if you cannot work on change for yourself then how can you expect to inspire and motivate others? Thus, first and foremost you will work on determine what you have to work on, then make a list of your findings. Once your list is set, prioritize those items. Get To Work!!!

Remember, going forward you must actively focus on those things you can actively change. Focus that which you can control and never forget the mindset and beliefs of others are some of the things you are not going to change. So do not try. Just focus on yourself then working to change other aspects of your life will fall into place.

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

Here are some Tags: Tags: • The Walking Leader • Great To Follow • Leadership • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it ain't broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero