26 January 2023



Throughout our lives we have been told to do the right thing especially when no one is watching. 

We should always do the RIGHT THING. While doing the right thing is always the right thing to do no matter if there is an audience or not. 

There are far too many people that will do something good only when others are watching. Those people that seek an audience before doing the right thing do so for any number of reason and I can understand some of them. 

Having an audience is proof that you did the right thing. I get that.

Having an audience can confirm that you did what you said you were going to do. I get that.

Having an audience watch you do the right thing for the applause, the accolades, that I do not get nor understand. While it is nice to be recognized for doing something nice, if that is the ONLY reason you do what you do then please check yourself.

By checking yourself, I mean check your SELF-RESPECT levels. I mean look deep inside yourself to see why you MUST have an audience. 

Some individuals will demand to outsiders that they do NOT need an audience when doing what is RIGHT. Yet, they will either go out of their way to ensure someone “accidentally” sees them do the right thing and when no one is around to “accidentally” see them they try again later (at a more convenient time for the audience). 

See, when the time comes to do the right there is no better time than present. However, being stuck in a mindset of “needing an audience” does nothing to improve the RESPECT you have for yourself. There are countless RIGHT THINGS BEING DONE on a daily basis that you will never hear about because those doing the RIGHT THING WHEN NO ONE IS WATCHING do so because to them (and only them) it is the RIGHT THING TO DO!

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

19 January 2023


This week’s CHART focuses on YOUR VALUE SYSTEM & SUCCESS

It continues to be a running theme (and it will be for a long time to come) when it comes to the VALUE SYSTEM you have, one thing is certain that VALUE SYSTEM will impact your current and future SUCCESS.

There is no way around that fact. As you are the driver of your SUCCESS and your SUCCESS is fueled by your VALUES then it is SOLELY up to you whether you SUCCEED or FAIL. It is that simple.

For instance, if you have cesspool level VALUES then your success will never be greater than that of a full & stinky OUTHOUSE. 

But if your VALUES are high and kept at the high level then your level of SUCCESS will increase. Remember, the moment you stop working on your system of VALUES is also the moment your success stops growing. There is no free ride. There is no ONE & DONE when it comes to success. Look at those news stories of LOTTERY WINNERS losing it all. 

They lost it all because while there is no such thing as INSTANT SUCCESS. They lost it all because their value system was so low that they could not deal with their rapid payout. They were still living with their VALUE system based on something they have always known. Now when confronted with something they never knew they retreated back to what they have always known only to put them right back where they started. 

Change yourself by changing your current mindset to elevate yourself based on improving your VALUE SYSTEM. Thus, placing YOU on a PATH to SUCCESS. 

For those that need a little more explanation: When I say SUCCESS, I mean SUCCESS in LIFE to include but not limited to RELATIONSHIPS, FINANCE, and EDUCATION.

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

12 January 2023



I have said it before and I will continue to say it, in any manner possible when it comes to holding yourself ACCOUNTABLE and RESPONSIBLE.

In this case, I am addressing YOUR level of SELF-RESPECT. Just like being transparent and forthcoming, the same applies when it comes to Accountability and Responsibility. The more you accept responsibility and hold yourself accountable for the actions you took, the actions you did not take, for the things you said, and for the things you did not say the more you will start to understand yourself.

When it comes to understanding yourself, your level of SELF-RESPECT increases. 
Increasing your level of SELF-RESPECT will work towards becoming a better person, a better human being. 

There are far too many individuals that maintain an average level of SELF-RESPECT in that at any moment, they could raise their level. Then again, they are more apt to lower that level for any number of reasons or for no reason at all, to include not knowing any better. 

Lowering that level of SELF-RESPECT is easy when people are constantly and consistently NOT held accountable for their actions (either in words or deeds or both). Yet, by raising your level of SELF-RESPECT as with anything else that makes you feel good about yourself you will work hard to stay ABOVE AVERAGE. 

But, saying to others that you are ABOVE AVERAGE is truthfully, below average speak. It is in your actions and doing that speak louder than words ever will. To make the process of being ABOVE AVERAGE easier and faster to achieve, certainly helps when you are actively and undeniably holding yourself ACCOUNTABLE & accepting RESPONSIBILITY for yourself, all the time and without fail.

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

05 January 2023



We have all had good relationships and bad relationship. Some people hit a homerun and finally have GREAT RELATIONSHIPS. While others are doomed to terrible relationships or so it seems.

Usually, those individuals that somehow have knack for finding themselves in a “bad romance” or two or three or twelve will always push the reason for the failure of the relationship unto the other individual.

All the while missing the KEY COMPONENT in the failed relationships, the COMMON DENOMINATOR: Them. 
For those that are not sure what I am talking about. Well, let’s define COMMON DENOMINAOR. The common denominator is defined as “a feature shared by all members of a group.”

So, there is you, Person A, in a failed relationship with Person B. Then there is you, Person A, in a failed relationship with Person C. Next, there is you, Person A, in a failed relationship with Person D. Sometime soon, there will be you, Person A, in a failed relationship with Person E. Of course, almost immediately is you, Person A, in a failed relationship with Person F and so on, ad nauseum.

Thus, out of the SIX examples of failed relationships, the common denominator is Person A, that’s right, YOU!

The sooner you realize you are the cause of the failed relationships the sooner you can move on to fix yourself and fix your future. Otherwise, please continue to keep picking the RIGHT people to have Bad Relationships with.

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

01 January 2023

Happy New Year! 2023 is Here! Are You Ready?

The new year just started and of course it comes loaded with good intentions, resolutions, and lots and lots of hope. That’s all fine and dandy until sometime around the 21st of January when all that goes out the window and reality sets in. Of course, most that just above average, they may hold out until Valentine’s Day or President’s Day. So, for the most part, those resolutions are gone. 

But why are those intentions, resolutions and self-promises gone so quickly? 

They go away because those that talk a good game are just that. They talk and talk but find themselves lacking in the foundation to actually deliver on that talk. It takes more to make something happen, to make anything happen than it does to just sitting there like a slug and letting the world pass you by.
So, KUDOS to those that know and do what it takes to achieve success. But for everyone else, if you want success, you have got to put in the work.

If people are not putting in the work, then they are not preparing to win, they are prepared to lose. Yes, it is that simple. 

Thus, I present to you the following in hopes that you will take what I am sharing and make something good happen. Yet, it is up to you. For those that proclaim they do not need help in preparing for success and yet continue to find themselves making those empty promises, resolutions and what not every new year, how has that been working out for you? 

I get you. I understand you. I also do not understand the following: while success is ALWAYS within reach, you refuse to do something about it and never actually grasp what is rightfully yours. Thus, I am sharing with you something that may help you get to where you want to be at the end of 2023. 
Here are the 5 things to do mentally and physically do to get yourself ready for the CHANGE that is the new year of 2023.

While many will be giving their two cents on what the new year will bring. I give to you for free one thing that is certain: 2023 will be a year of change yet again. 

Let me explain, 2020 became a year of change and adapting to change when the pandemic hit the world. 2021 another year of change when the pandemic refused to go away and so we learned to change and adapt for the long haul. Then 2022 was no different. 2022 reminded us that while we weathered the storm, change remained abundant and that it was here to stay, as it always has been present. Now in 2023 and well into the future, change continues and will continue to be with us for the rest of our lives.
So, let’s take the time, now, to get our mind and body right and ready for the new year.
- - -
Number 1: Stop with the Game of Words
Stop saying “I will do this” and “I will do that”. Instead, start doing. You are not fooling anyone when it comes saying what you want to do instead of actually doing it.

People say, I want to lose 20 pounds in the new year. So, there you are pounding back two Advil tablets and copious amounts of Diet Pepsi, before you know it you lose the 20 pounds but it comes right back. It comes right back because you don’t know any better. 

It comes right back because you are cheating your body and so it kicks into "starvation" mode and before you know it, your body has tricked your mind and soon you are back to downing your daily Cinnamon Dolce Lattes with stuffed pizza or fast-food hamburgers and fries. Then only to soon find yourself back on the steady diet of those two Advil tablets to kill the hunger pangs and the Diet Pepsi to fill your stomach, all in another vain attempt to lose those twenty pounds that you cannot seem to lose.
The point of the story is if you are not prepared to follow through then don’t bother starting especially if you are not being true to yourself. Especially, if that means you are not doing anything to benefit your body and mind. Find a better way. To find a better way most certainly begins with shutting up and putting in the work.

Number 2: First, Make Yourself the Priority
What good are you to your family, job, let alone what good are you to yourself if you refuse to make yourself the top priority in your life? Seriously, think about this if you have any doubt in what I am saying: What good are you to anyone if you are broken, incapable, unable or to simply cannot provide?
That’s right, you are not good to anyone. Why prioritize yourself before others? Sure, it sounds selfish but isn’t it even more selfish to allow something to happen to you that could have been prevented all because you failed to make yourself the top priority?

Take care of yourself. Do not pay lip service to those words but actually do something about it (remember #1). Plan now for those days to take off to do a little R & R (rest and recuperation), set them in stone NOW. Do so this week, do not kid yourself by saying “I’ll do it next week.” Next week will never come and soon you will find yourself mired in misery, that special kind of self-imposed misery. This misery comes because you failed to make the time, now, to create an escape plan.

What is the escape plan? It is the plan you create now that you will put in place when the time comes to taking a long weekend, a short vacation, or whatever you feel will be enough to release some of the steam that’s been building up in the pressure cooker of life.

Remember, you matter most to yourself, first. That is not selfish but a reality.

Number 3: No One Cares About What You Do. People Only Care about Themselves.

This is a reality too many people refuse to believe. I was one of those non-believers. Through whatever trauma I encountered in my early life that led me to be a people pleaser. It did not matter who the person was I was trying to please; I was always trying to win the approval of others by doing things that I “perceived” they wanted. These others ranged from close family members to complete strangers. For any number of reason and yet when all was said and done, they were not please and only demanded more and more from me and there I was giving it.

Then one day, as it happens for most people, I found myself in a hole that I dug myself into because I was “people pleasing” again. This time I said “enough is enough.” I had nothing to prove to any but to myself. Of course, those that wanted to see me come begging for approval or validation did not like that I stopped looking their way, as my well of self-imposed misery had finally run dry. 

Of course, they made it known that they were not happy with me. While, at this point, it would have been quite easy to slip back to “people pleaser” mode, it was the realization that what others wanted was what they only wanted, that made me realize that they did not give a crap about me. They only cared about how and when I was feeding their ego, validating their existence and making them the center of attention. However, when it was my turn to share something with them or have my ego fed, I might as well have been pulling teeth, because it was not going to happen. See, acknowledging me would mean they were no longer the center of attention.

Since, realizing what I have allowed for far too long to continue, I now feel refreshed, I feel brand new, and most of all, I feel like what it feels likes when you dive in too deep, you run low on oxygen and just when you feel like you are about to run out of air, you finally swim to the top and take that deep breath. That’s what I feel like and when it becomes your turn, you too will know just what it feels like.

While I cannot say when your time will come to realize that people really do not care what you do and they are only in it for themselves. When you see that their only attachment to you is based on what kind of attention and validation you can give them then hopefully you are not in too deep. I can assure you that day will come and I wish that it comes to you sooner rather than later in life as it came to me. 

That realization will sting. It will hurt. You will question yourself for taking such harsh action but in the end, isn’t your own well-being (mentally and physically) what matters most? As I have said before, if they don’t like it, well that’s on them for playing that role in my life.

Number 4: Learn to Say NO
When it comes to protecting yourself and making yourself the top priority the sooner you know and understand that you will need to, have to, and must learn to say NO will get you to where you want to be without any real hesitation, procrastination, or reservation. 

Saying NO has always been a problem for me. Growing up I was conditioned to never say NO otherwise, what happened next was the kind of action that, in this day and age, would involve Child Protective Services making an unannounced house call, well, that was then. Sure, people do not like being told NO but life happens. Sadly, when tables turn and those that said NO to you (in the past) now are being told NO, well you would think the world has come to an end for them. You know the type of person I am talking about here. We ALL have them in our lives and they most certainly know who they are. 

However, saying NO should never be considered as a “tit-for-tat” situation. Remember, only children and individuals with a childish mentality play the “tit-for-tat” games. I remember one such “tit-for-tat” game that someone played with me. I was 17 and the other child was 34 (thirty-four). The other child told me in no uncertain terms and conditions, “Because you don’t like my boyfriend, I don’t like your girlfriend.” Seriously, what a completely childish game of “tit-for-tat”. There have been others before and after but for some reason this one stands out as the most childish of all.

So, when it comes to saying NO, of course you can pick and choose but why would you want to? 
Being consistent with everyone shows that not only are you serious but you are not playing favorites and that everyone is also on the same sheet of music when to comes to you. Remember, only those that have issues with you branching out on your own are the ones that are going to have the “hurt” feelings all because you exercise your right to say NO.

These are your standards and boundaries to make and if they don’t like it, well that’s on them.

Number 5: If they don’t like it, that’s on them. 

Nowhere is it written that people have to like you or like what you do. Nowhere is it written that you also have to like them or what they do. So, stop falling for that trap. It is not bad manners nor is it bad behavior to not like someone or something they did, said, failed to say or failed to do. It is self-respect when you decide what others like or do not like about you is no longer going to affect you. 
Then again, never forget: it is none of your business what they think of you or what you do. 
It becomes a great benefit to both mind and body when you turn off the unneeded & unnecessary stress, at the root, is that you are no longer waiting for the acceptance and validation of others, that may or may never come. 

Another thing to remember: You cannot change them, so don’t even think you can try. If you do, you will be right back to where you started and nothing good ever comes from trying to go backwards. 
They don’t like you or what you are doing or who you are doing it with, well again, that’s on them.

Hey! Look over here! 
Ready or not here is 2023 and by putting yourself in the right frame of mind and mindset you will be ready to accept the changes you want to make in 2023. Your ability to continually and consistently drive change in your life will be the force behind the success you achieve in the present and in the future. Of course, along the way you have to remember when it comes to achieving any kind of progress or success, it takes both mind and body to get your there. Act intentionally when it comes to putting yourself first and recognize that the word NO is also a complete sentence, whether they like it or not.

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble