08 July 2013

What is Great Content? Is It In The Eye Of The Beholder?

Last week, I was watching a "noted" author on SPREECAST.com talk about his soon to be released book. If you have ever seen any video presentation on SPREECAST you know that to the right of the video feed is a real time chat stream.

During that session, there was one individual, who later was revealed to be actively associated with this "noted" author, that posted on that chat stream: "We don't need more content, we need more GREAT content."

I responded, "[Name] all content is great. Remember "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

Then who I will call the author's alleged "ringer" responded "Dave, couldn't disagree more. Not all content is great."

I opted not to respond because I was not going to dive into a flame war with this guy.

However, seeing as how this is my forum, my soapbox if you will, then I will continue the monologue here.

As the Spreecast ended I was still not satisfied that I decided not to go down that road with the "ringer" that was recognized by the author. However, I am not satisfied. I am not satisfied that I never asked the question: What is "great content"? 

Who sets the standard for "Great Content"? I guarantee it is NOT this "noted" author and MOST CERTAINLY not the alleged ringer, not you and DEFINITELY not me.

That's why I stand by my statement of beauty being in the eye of the beholder. I guess this individual could not see that "GREAT" is subjective and comes in many shapes and sizes.

So long as CONTENT gets out it will be great to someone! Then again someone will consider the content completely worthless.

It just hit me, the alleged "ringer" didn't also take into consideration that one day after the "noted" author's latest book is published there will be people that will consider the book a load of bunk and NOT chock full of "GREAT" Content.

So I say again: Beauty (and Great Content) is in the Eye of the Beholder.

Maybe he'll get it one day? I highly doubt it.

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

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