28 September 2014



If you have been following me on Twitter (@daveguerra), Facebook (facebook.com/thedavidguerra), Google+ (plus.google.com/+DaveGuerra) then you know for the past several weekends I have been posting links to websites and online articles that are all about Etiquette: Business and Personal.

Now, I am taking this one-step further. I will be posting every Sunday evening this weekend’s collection of Etiquette posts.

From the Make Europe Work website, a short straight to the point webpage on business etiquette in Germany. The point of this page is to remind everyone the “first impression” is a lasting impression.

2. Work Email Etiquette- Blunders to Check for before pressing send
The Allied Offices (Work Virtually Anywhere) blog has a great article that serves as a great big, yellow caution sign when it comes to sending email messages.

3. To break the ice, know your manners
The Boston Globe’s Etiquette at work article on the importance of knowing your manners.

4. How to behave at work: An Interview with business etiquette expert Diane Gottsman
Monster.com’s Interview with Diane Gottsman, founder of the Protocol School of Texas and Huffington Post etiquette writer. Five questions and fiver powerful answers. Answers that you can act on now!

5. Pinterest Etiquette: 8 Rules to Follow when Pinning
Pinterest is here to stay. Just like any of the modern social media site there are rules. These rules, when followed, will make you a rock star. However, fail to follow the rules of the community, well you do so at your own risk.

6. Business Etiquette Still Matters in a Casual New Business World
SmallBizTrends.com article reminds the reader that with the world that encourages disconnected conversations (Skype, Facetime, Chatting, etc.) “business etiquette still matters and can be a competitive advantage for you.”

7. What is Correct Small Business Etiquette in 2014?
Horizon Business Funding reminds us why business etiquette is not just for the heavy hitters.

8. Gentry Want to break up? Don't do it by email
The DelawareOnline website offers us great piece of advice on how to deal with others in a professional manner via email.

9. Dining Table Etiquette
One of those websites that has a collection of articles from other sites (hmmmm). This article takes a different approach to etiquette, table setting. I recommend saving this webpage and refer to it the next time you are planning a formal dinner or having someone special over for a nice meal.

10. Avoiding blunders when sharing a meal
Another article by the Boston Globe. This time dining etiquette is the topic. Another one to save and refer back from time to time.

Please visit the links and let me know what you think.

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

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