18 June 2009

Today is June 18 & We Got Your Back

Today is not just Sir Paul’s Birthday but also my brother’s birthday. In this case, it is my youngest brother and today is his birthday. So if you read this and see my brother somewhere in New Mexico wish him a Very Happy Birthday. I know where in New Mexico he is, but to save him some potential embarrassment I will not say in which town he can be found.

Like I said he is my youngest brother and like most little brothers, big brothers take great care to look out and watch over them. However, unfortunate as it may be I was not around during his formative teenage years, as I was off trying to be all that I could be on the government plan and as for the other adult male role models, I won’t go there.

Moving on, while I was off in a foreign land doing what my country wanted me to do for those years that I was in the Army, he was at home trying to find himself and find his place in the world. Yet, he did the best that he could and has done so for over 20 years.

Along the way, he met a wonderful woman and several years after they married they had a wonderful son. My nephew is their only child and but he is not my only nephew. Some things happened along the way and they are no longer together. That’s life, for good or bad that is life and I am not going to go any deeper into it.

I will say that my youngest brother is again in a place that I wish I could be there to look out and watch over him; sorry it’s just what this big brother wants to do. Now that I am in a position to be there for him, we find ourselves separated, yet again by geography, with him in New Mexico and me in Texas. The only consolation is that I am proud of the man he grew up to be, especially with all the knocks he took along the way and I know that he will be at the top of his game, again. I also know that whatever path he finds himself on today, it is one that will take him to a better place. A place of happiness and a place that will make him a stronger man, both physically and emotionally. Above all, I know it will make him wiser.

Of course, he knows just like all of us know that we can’t do it by ourselves. We can only achieve great things when we recognize that we are not alone and others are there to help. Therefore, always remember and never forget you are never alone when family has your back. Brother, We Got Your Back.

Happy Birthday, J. We Love You!!!

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