11 February 2013

113. About 1,440

What does the number 1440 mean to you?

To me, it means the number of minutes in a day. To you it should also mean the number of minutes in a day.

Seriously, you and I have the same 1440 minutes every day.

Ideally, give or take 420 minutes should be spent sleeping. That leaves us with +/- 1020 minutes to do with what we will.

What do you do with that time? Do you use those remaining 1020 wisely or do you just waste them away doing stuff you know you should not be doing yet do anyway?

I am guilty of BOTH! I try to use my time efficiently and effectively. I even schedule things out to the minute and duration. However, if truth be told and GIVEN the opportunity I would most certainly be found wasting away the hours behind my PS3 controller shooting at the bad guys on Battlefield 3.

It's not that wasting time is a bad thing. Wasting time is the reason "down time" was invented. Everyone needs a down time every once in a while. The bad thing is when we waste time when we are supposed to be taking care of our bread and butter. You mess with that and before you know it you will have every one of those 1440 minutes to waste away.

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

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