03 February 2013

112. About Plans: Cross Your I's and Dot Your T's! (Part 9)

When it comes to crossing your I's and dotting your T's (yes, I know that's backwards but it's intentional)

There is a need to look at your plan from all angles, even reading it backwards.

The distraction behind putting your plan into action comes from looking at it from a linear standpoint. This means we will limit ourselves to look at a plan that goes from Point A to Point B to Point C to Point X and there is nothing wrong with that.

However, there is a need to view your plan a different way. As you are on your journey take a moment and see what plan looks like from the perspective of how it goes from Point L to Point E or Point A to Point H to Point D to Point R to Point A and so on.

Look at your plan from as many angles and ways as you can. The view may astound you.

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

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