12 October 2013

Blah, Blah, Blah + Static = Lack of Urgency

There comes a time in our lives when we see that not everything that others want us to see or wish for us to see is substantive but just a smoke screen.

It happens. 

In my opinion, this has been happening quite a bit lately. What I have seen is the continuing saga and drama of individuals that would rather deliver the same old song and dance instead of evolving to the next level, their next level of professionalism.

What I mean is they create the sense of urgency the same way they always have and fail to recognize that at some point there " urgency" becomes routine. It is that same sense of routine that others eventually stop giving any credibility to the individual. Think "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".

Then anything in the future becomes nothing but "blah, blah, blah" and that turns into STATIC.

It is that static that people eventually begin to ignore.  Then just like the boy, the person creating the "sense of urgency" no longer has any credibility nor is urgency applied when something real happens.

What then?

This is when those individuals that deliver that same "song and dance" must evolve and get away from that way of behaving.  Unfortunately, this will only happen when they have their back up against a wall and wolf is nipping at their heels. Is it too late?

Yes, when that time comes it is way too late! However, all is NOT lost.

Those individuals have to see the light before it becomes TOO LATE again.

If you are one of those individuals, please take this as a warning and not as static that you ignore now and later say to yourself, "If only I listened, then?"

Only you can save yourself.

Until Next Time,
David Guerra


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