08 July 2014

DEVELOP YOUR LEADERSHIP SKILLS / A Tuesday Night with Lolly Daskal (07/01/14)

July 1, 2014:  #LeadFromWithin Tweetchat with Lolly Daskal (@lollydaskal)

Join us every Tuesday evening from 8PM EST to 9PM EST and use the hashtag #leadfromwithin to find us and interact with us.

Here are Lolly's Questions and my Answers:

Q1: How do you define leadership? #Leadfromwithin
A1: I define Leadership as the ability to motivate others to the point that they willingly do what must be done #leadfromwithin

Q2: What are some qualities and traits a leader requires? #Leadfromwithin
A2: Know themselves completely before attempting to lead. Know that others are depending on them for inspiration #leadfromwithin

A2: and direction and motivation and and the list goes on and on #leadfromwithin

Q3: How can we turn our innate instincts into Leadership skills? #Leadfromwithin
A3: By knowing our limits on those instincts then we can move past the limits and teach others #leadfromwithin

Q4: What are some privileges of leadership? #Leadfromwithin
A4: Leaders get to learn from and teach others. That is the greatest privilege. #leadfromwithin

Q5: If leading is ‘setting an example’, what example should we set? #Leadfromwithin
A5: The only example to set is that WE WALK OUR TALK. We do as we do and do as we say. 100% of the time, it’s non-negotiable #leadfromwithin

Q6: How does a leader strike the balance between control and freedom? #Leadfromwithin
A6: Striking balance is achieved through trial and error. You have to make your mistakes as well as achieve success for proper balance #leadfromwithin

Q7: How do we ensure we keep growing/ learning as Leaders? #Leadfromwithin
A7: We keep growing and learning as leaders by ACKNOWLEDGING that we still have so much to learn from each other and then we can grow, together #leadfromwithin

Q8: How do we measure our development as a Leader? #Leadfromwithin
A8: We can’t measure our own development because that’s constantly changing. We can measure the number of leaders we help create #leadfromwithin

Q9: What steps can we take to accelerate our development? #Leadfromwithin
A9: Eyes Open, Ears Open, Mouth Closed, Then ASK QUESTIONS.  Question everything. Question Everyone.  #leadfromwithin

Q10: How do we know we’re truly a Leader? #Leadfromwithin
A10: When we know deep down that we are not leaders but followers of those that follow us #leadfromwithin

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

I invite you to
follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra
visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of The Walking Leader:  Amazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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