08 December 2014

To Succeed Never Say "Yes" When You Really Mean "No"

I don't like to say NO. Most people that I know don't like to say NO. That's why, like most people, we say YES too many times especially when we should be saying NO. I know I have

There are times that I wished I had said NO. Don't get me wrong, I regret nothing but there have been times that if I had to do it all over again I would have said NO.

We all we wish could turn back time just to take a different path. To say NO instead of YES.

Lately, I have started saying NO because that's what I feel the answer should be and it has really changed my attitude and well-being.

It is almost liberating. It certainly is empowering. Of course, there are people that have no problem saying NO because they have been doing it all their adult life. That's OK.

Then there are just some people that say NO to just say NO. However, those are the same people that expect everyone to say YES to them every time. That's not a good thing.

Pick your YES's and NO's wisely. My advice is go with your gut feeling.

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

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