18 April 2015

The Leadership Minute #20: Train Your Soldiers As A Team

The Leadership Minute #20
Leadership Principle: Train Your Soldiers As A Team
As always in this and other leadership principles the term Soldiers does refer to the members of the United States Army as I am sharing with you the 11 Leadership Principles of the US Army. However, let’s change this up just a bit and refer to your Staff. Your Employees. Those individuals you are responsible for.

Train Your Staff As A Team.

Obviously, there are some things you cannot train your staff as a team. If you have a department full of CPAs and another department full of New Media Specialists you cannot train them on how to process I-9 forms.

However, you can train ALL members of your organization on how to properly answer the telephone. You can train them on how to properly greet customers and clients.

However, when it does come to something that can apply only to the ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT then by all means TRAIN THEM ALL. Get everyone in the department together and train then all at the same time. Don’t just train your section leaders but train them all.  This way it ensures the same message reaches everyone.

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Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

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