20 July 2009

Who owns the problem?

This past week, I had an unfortunate run in with a vendor's field representative. There was a problem and it was not getting fixed as it was just getting swept under the rug. At one point, the field rep apologized on behalf of the company, left and the problem remained.

My question is: Who owns the problem?

Does apologizing for the failings of the company mean you take ownership of the problem? If you open your mouth long enough to apologize for the failings of your company does that mean you are taking ownership of the problem?

Don’t say you are just a cog in the corporate wheel, that makes you look weak and inauthentic. This is especially so when you have openly apologized on behalf of the company you claim to be a cog for/in. If you have the power to apologize on behalf of the company then you are not a cog and you are expected to own the problem.

It is like this:
You wear the company shirt, you are the company.
Your company has a problem, you have a problem.
You apologize on behalf of the company, then you OWN the problem.

Deal with it, stop apologizing and get the problem solved.

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