21 January 2013

108. About Plans: Meeting Objectives (Part 5)

In the course of executing your plan you will come to a point when you have achieved minor victories. These minor victories are known as "meeting objectives."  These objectives are more like stepping-stones in getting from Point A to Point B in your plan.

When you meet your objectives what next?

You do two things; review what was just accomplished to ensure that all the T's were crossed and the I's dotted. Then you move on to the next objective.

Now if you did not cross your T's and dot all your I's then this is the time to go back and do it. If even after that there is still more to do before you can move on to your next objective then the time might be right to insert a little sub-tasking.

Remember, the thing here is to ensure that later (and I mean much later) you do not have to stop and double back and hunt for something that could have been prevented by systematically and periodically looking back as you move forward in the execution of your plan

So, take a minute or two and review as you go along. It might just save you a lot of heartache in the end.

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

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