25 January 2013

110. About Plans: What about Temporary Failure? (Part 7)

What about Temporary Failure?

It's real simple: IT WILL HAPPEN!

Now matter how big or how small failure is ONLY temporary!!! Failure is never permanent.

So don't go BONKERS over something that failed to materialize, come through, stopped working, or quit.

If you must go BONKERS, then go a little BONKERS. You have to permission to give yourself ONLY five minutes to wallow in self pity, then you pick yourself up off the playground dirt, wipe yourself off, straighten your tie, and GET YOUR ASS BACK TO WORK!!!

Your peers, your staff, your company NEEDS you to be present in the moment to figure out what you are going to do to get past this TEMPORARY FAILURE.

There is absolutely no time to back down you have to step up and take the lead to turn the temporary failure around as quickly as possible.

As a reference, remember in the motion picture, Apollo 13, which is based on the true story, there is a scene where the three astronauts are stressed that their spacecraft is broken, the landing on the moon is scrubbed, there CO2 levels are rising, and they are not sure that they will ever get back home. Two of the astronauts are starting to get agitated with not just the situation but with each other.

The Mission Commander, Jim Lovell, sees the unfolding nonsense, steps in, and LEADS, "...We're not gonna go bouncing off the walls for ten minutes. 'Cause we're just gonna end up right back here with the same problems. Trying to figure out how to stay alive!"

As we know, they made it home. THEY NEVER GAVE UP. 

You should never give up, as well.

Even though, there will continue to be failures in our personal and professional lives. However, remember they are ALL TEMPORARY FAILURES.

Now, Get Back To Work!!!

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

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