15 October 2014

How Your Idea Can Be Better Than My Idea?

Why is your idea better than my idea?

When I say “idea”, I mean any idea you or I may have.

Business Idea. Blog Idea. Pinterest Idea. Dating Idea. App Idea.

Now why is your idea better than my idea?


Why is my idea better than your idea?

Simple, it has to do with who can get the word out not just faster but better.

Sound familiar?

It should because every politician running for office or wanting to stay in office does it.

They might not have the best message but if they can be faster and better at getting that message out to the public, they stand a pretty good chance of getting elected or re-elected.

Yes, it is that simple.

Heck, you could stand on a platform of “Cow Chips for Everyone” and be elected Governor. People have been elected for a lot less than that. The message or platform can be completely against what people stand for but if you use the available media channels to your advantage the next thing you know you can be elected President.

OK, maybe you do not want to be President but what you really want to do is to launch your blog. Once launched, you are going to want people to read your words of wisdom. Therefore, you write and write. Put some great content out there. However, if you do not do something (and fast) you are not going to get readers to read the content you are providing on the great idea that you call your blog.

Here is where your idea has a great chance of being better than my idea.

Use Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Vine, and the next app that’s gonna be big to tell the world of your idea.

Now, I am NOT advocating that you spam people with a link to your blog but I do recommend you use those platforms to engage people.

Engage them?

Yes, you start a DIALOGUE and NOT a monologue.

You start following them and they will follow you. Then next thing you know you have millions of followers and the guy who was happy just writing on his blog has a tens and tens of followers.

So just by sheer number of followers, your idea is better. It might not be right but it is better.

Give it a shot.

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

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