29 January 2010

You’re Welcome vs. No Problem

Not too long ago, I read a very nice reminder to say “You’re Welcome” when someone says “Thank you.” It seems that many of us have shifted away from saying, “You are welcome” to saying “No Problem.”

Think about it for a second, you do something for or say something to someone and you are given a very nice “Thank you.” In return you respond with “No Problem.” Does that mean that what you did or said was a problem or it became a problem? I am more than sure that was never your intent.

Therefore, do not convey the thought or idea that what you did was a problem or a potential problem to the person that is giving you the thanks. If you did or said what you said or did with the most honorable of intentions, then give them a good old fashion “You are welcome” or use the conjunction and say, “You’re welcome.”

If I ever remember or if I never do, to whoever you are that wrote that nice reminder, I want to say, “Thank you!”

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