14 November 2012

100 Days, 100 Ways: Day 75: Visualize What You Want As Already Yours

Visualize What You Want As Already Yours.

In the book, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, the author tells the readers one huge secret to success is to visualize on what you want and that is what you get.

So if you see yourself living a healthy lifestyle then making it happen is as easy as pie :)

Seriously, all it takes is daily visualization. Focus on what you want at least twice a day until you condition your subconscious and you develop a habit: a habit of wanting and doing what it takes to get what you want. Once that habit is formed it is there to stay. It is also reassuring to know that habits are so very hard to break.

Thus you keep on visualizing and working to make that visualization a reality gets easier and easier with each passing day. Before you know it, you have got what you wanted.

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

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