28 November 2012

100 Days, 100 Ways: Day 89: Keep Your Brain Sharp

ALWAYS Keep Your Brain Sharp.

The vast majority of us are stuck in ruts. We do the SAME thing over and over again. We see the SAME people day in, day out. Eat the SAME food, Go to the SAME Places.

We become MEDIOCRE.

That's not a good thing. When we settle in, we become LAZY. When we become LAZY our brain starts to shut down. It starts to go into minimal life support mode. Only the necessary functions to sustain life are running. Thus the mind starts to go numb.

Before you slip and slide your way into a vegetative state why not do something NEW? Something EXCITING!

Getting yourself into something new will keep your brain working on all cylinders and keep it sharp. Remember, to continually do new things otherwise what is new today will be old tomorrow and that leads to mediocrity and that leads to laziness. So Keep Trying New Things!!!

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

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