16 November 2012

100 Days, 100 Ways: Day 77: About The BURNING METHOD

Have you heard of the‘Burning Method’?

If so, are you employing it on a consistent basis?

If you have not heard of it well the Burning Method is real simple.

The Burning Method works best when you have an issue that you have to deal with with and it causes you fear or worry or any form of anxiety.

What you do is next is up to you: You can do this in real life or in your mind.

Write the issue that is causing you fear, worry or anxiety on a piece of paper.

Next, set that piece of paper alight and watch it burn. As the paper burns so goes your fear.

*POOF* a little flame, a little smoke, and some ashes later and there goes your problem.

The next time that issue rears its ugly head in your mind remember that you got rid of it when you burned into non-existence.

IMPORTANT: Please have a Fire Extinguisher close by when using the Burning Method.

Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires,
Dave Guerra

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

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