14 September 2021

DIFFERENCE & RESPECT: Your Differences Are Uniquely Yours - 091421

Embrace the fact that your differences among others is what makes you uniquely you. Being unique is what makes leaders stand apart from the crowd. Being unique gives the unique perspective of seeing life from your point of view and to make decisions based on you, your knowledge, wisdom and experience. Remember the outcomes are endless but the person who makes life happen is you, just you. Remember, Actions over Words all day, every day! Get to work, David Guerra, MBA author of THE WALKING LEADER ------ David Guerra is a US Army Veteran, author of the Walking Leader book series, Small Business Starter, Leadership Advocate and Action Taker. For more info please visit http://daveguerra.com ------ The Walking Leader is available on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1lACReo Great To Follow is available on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1CUfiqe ------ Subscribe to my WALKING LEADER PODCAST: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/w... ------ Let's Connect: ► TWITTER: @daveguerra ► INSTAGRAM: dave_guerra ► FACEBOOK: fb.com/TheDavidGuerra ► AMAZON.com: bit.ly/daveguerra ► send me an EMAIL: dave@daveguerra.com

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