20 May 2009

Own Your Attitude

In a May 15, 2009 blog post by someone whose opinion and knowledge I greatly respect and value, Tom Peters wrote: “Only You ‘Own’ Your Attitude! Does life suck sometimes? Absolutely.”

You better believe you OWN your attitude. You are the one that wakes up every morning and can either say to yourself "today will be a good day" or "today will suck" and you alone will make that decision.

Of course, we all know that there are people that are hell bent on making your day just as bad as they choose their day to be. They will certainly try to make that decision for you but why give them power over you?

That’s why you have to rise above them and rise above yourself. Most of all rise above your comfort zone. You know that comfort zone, that’s the zone you go to when you throw your arms up and say “I give up” or “it’s not what I expected” or “it hurts too much” or “that’s too difficult.”

It is really easy to fall into that zone, heck I have done it a few times in my life. Trust me there are some mornings that I would love nothing more than to pull the covers over my head and stay in bed. While that may sound like the best thing to do, it is not going to pay the bills or put food on the table or help change an attitude.

I leave you with these last few words: It's your decision to make and while it may be the only decision you make today, make your decision truly yours.

Here is the link to the Tom Peters blog post click here

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