11 October 2012

100 Days, 100 Ways Day 41: Learn to Strum A Six-String

Exercising the right side of the brain is something that everyone should do. The right brain is the one that works the analytical, artistic, and creativity parts of the whole mind. Your Intuition & Creativity, Differentiating Shades of Color, Processing Emotional Responses, Facial Recognition, Process and interpreting Images, and Music are all found in the right brain.

One way to keep your mind moving, growing, and always active is to pick up a "beat up six-string from a second hand store" and start strumming. Go make some music. Now I am not saying that you have to go learn to be your a "jukebox hero" but I am saying learn to play a musical instrument. My musical instruments of choice are a guitar and an electric bass. I am not musical genius but I do love getting blisters on my fingers (just kidding) but I do like the noise that comes out of the amps. Heck, sometimes it even sounds like something.

If your instrument of choice is a harmonica or a recorder so be it. Just be sure to go make beautiful music. Make Your Music. Have Fun Now and Your Mind will thank you for it later.

Dave Guerra

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